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[ERROR] No.18828163 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for books that successfully refute nihilism

Plus don't mention Camoo

>> No.18828196

The bibble

>> No.18828217
File: 88 KB, 1300x1300, drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally nothing to refute. Nihilism is just a manufactured and fake idea, any refutal is simply another manufactured and fake idea. You're existing within lies built upon lies by thinking like you are. Within language, it never ends. Just leave, no really. Leave.

>> No.18828395

Where can I read more about this?

>> No.18828401

Sein und Zeit

>> No.18828405

Why does he look so broken. Is this what years of desire to be a goy does to a mfer?

>> No.18828415

it refutes itself, if nothing matters kys. oh you wont? okay tell me more faggot

>> No.18828428

Nihil Unbound

>> No.18828736

Nihilism: the root of the revolution by Seraphim Rose

>> No.18828751

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.18828804
File: 414 KB, 900x750, martin-heidegger-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das Sein ist, aber das Nichts nichtet.

>> No.18828853
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>> No.18828878

I like how social media platforms are just pictures of people already famous for arbitrary things, not pictures of them doing the thing, just pictures of them. Disgusting bug proles browsing through pictures of some random person doing random shit because he was also in Space Jam. Then at the top of the pile of groveling faceless anonymous prole bugs, any other famous for being famous for being famous people who reply or "like" the photo are highlighted, over and above the herd. So we can click their name and look at what they did today and learn that they are famous too prior to any knowledge of what they actually did. Celebrities are the most unique form of psychic cancer any human civilization has created.

>> No.18828918

nice try, but nihilism is just shallow thinking, or deep and narrow thinking.

>> No.18828935

jordan peterson


>> No.18828976

Ornella broke that man. She should be jailed.

>> No.18828987

>Why does he look so broken.
This is the official /tv/ reason:

>> No.18829070

people are fucking creepy

>> No.18829332

shes based. unfunny fat jew "comedian" cant take jokes

>> No.18829343

try research papers on copium synthesizing

>> No.18829357

and a DIET coke

>> No.18829363

A Secular Age by Charles Taylor

>> No.18829418

Frogs truly are the lowest of subhumans. Why are they so fucked up? No, really, historically speaking, the frogs have always been disgusting creatures, what's up with that?

>> No.18830103
File: 1.27 MB, 2330x3138, NowThatTheGodsAreDead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilism is literally impossible.

>> No.18830115

He came to my BJJ gym once in Austin during an open mat. He was a total poser who didn't roll with people and only put up a facade of training with private classes.

>> No.18830149

>Tao Te Ching
Thank me later.

>> No.18830213
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The Bible, then pic related

>> No.18830277

Severino was fucking weird, his political ideology was lukewarm as fuck compared to his philosophy.

>> No.18830283
File: 49 KB, 720x482, kamu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al-Beer Kamu

>> No.18830356


That shit so fucking cash money

>> No.18830384


>> No.18830423

Nihilism was just a bad name they used for commies and socialists in the 19th century. Nobody ever took it seriously, as life having no purpose was an idea already addressed in Plato.

>> No.18830515
