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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 1003x922, degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1882672 No.1882672 [Reply] [Original]

What do you study/what is your degree ?

>> No.1882673

Bachelors in English, already have an Associates in Computer Science.

>> No.1882674

English Literature

>> No.1882677

B.S. in Adventure Therapy

>> No.1882683

Deutsch og Norsk

>> No.1882690

Performance and Communication Arts with a focus on rhetoric

English with focus on literary studiesw

>> No.1882696


Wish I could study lit too.

>> No.1882698
File: 9 KB, 259x194, imagesCAFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bsc Brewing and Distilling .

here's to your unemployment guys!

>> No.1882701

[Theoretical] astrophysics in Oslo.

>> No.1882702


Why do you have to be a jerk? Is it to reassure yourself that selling out is the right thing to do?

>> No.1882704

BA English, BFA Creative Writing. Pursuing an MFA in Nonfiction at the moment.

>> No.1882706

selling out?? lol wut.

which of my principles did I compromise?

are you 12?

>> No.1882707

MPhys in Physics

>> No.1882711
File: 54 KB, 350x511, philosophiaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know why we are here, but i'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.

>> No.1882714


I don't expect you to know what words mean, being in such a vocational field, but you really should go figure out what 'selling out' means.

>> No.1882715


There is no reason we're here.

>> No.1882719

'selling out' = to compromise ones principles for some sort of gain...usually material gain

what principles did I fall back on?

>> No.1882722


That's not what selling out means. And Jesus Christ, learn to type properly. You make me feel like I'm talking to an adolescent.

>> No.1882723

but the fact that i can think in that way, is it not a different and distinct way to be?

precisely because there is no reason we are here, i can ask "who said i can't think this way? "

the world will take care of itself, and my body will take care of my actions

>> No.1882726

Just because that's what your parents told you doesn't mean you have to believe it

>> No.1882727

what does 'selling out' mean and how did i sell out?

>> No.1882729


Just because D&E said it doesn't mean I have to believe it.

Sage for none-/lit/

>> No.1882730

You didn't sell out. That's exactly what it means.

Psychology here.
I might as well get a nice general degree that I can apply to any job I want.

"Hurr I read peoples minds".

>> No.1882733
File: 113 KB, 583x756, tara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how people have for themselves models on how to live, gods as well as beasts, and they choose the latter.

>> No.1882734

English-Writing and Culture BA anticipated May 2012
I'm going to be jobless, fuck university....

>> No.1882735


Do you believe in a god?

>> No.1882737

>I might as well get a nice general degree that I can apply to any job I want.

How exactly?

>> No.1882738
File: 341 KB, 500x375, 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mathematics here


>caring about typing properly

>> No.1882740
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Visual arts.

>> No.1882741

Psychology is studying human behaviour. If you understand human behaviour then you can get a job anywhere.

How advertisers know what sticks and what people are attracted to in products
How stock brokers can predict where the market or a share price will go
How retail assistants understand how and when to force/team sell and when to step back and give room for thought


>> No.1882742

what a NONSENSICAL question

>> No.1882747

I highly suggest you search for work in health and criminal justice. That other stuff sounds like bull that no one would pay you for tbh

>> No.1882750

the skills you aquire in regards to dealing with research and statistics will probably be more advantageous in the job market

>> No.1882755

>Psychology is studying human behaviour. If you understand human behaviour then you can get a job anywhere.
Wow if that's what psychology does I guess I must be qualified for any job ever conceived of in all possible worlds. So glad the market works according to job description and not the other way around.

Possibly the most foolish thing I've read here all week.

>> No.1882760

how many hours a week do you actually spend here?
how many years have you been here?

>> No.1882762

Yes, and I am sure that you have a degree from an esteemed college/university proving that.

Although you are arrogant and condescending, so I don't really know who would want to hire you.

>> No.1882767


"If you go to a science cocktail party and someone talks about Shakespeare, no one's going to say, "Oh, I was never good at Shakespeare. I was terrible at nouns and verbs." No. You'll never hear that. But you can go to a liberal arts or artists parties, and someone starts talking about math and says, "Oh, I was never good at math. I hated math," and they will all chuckle, and they all agree, and they'll all sip the next sip of Champagne and go on talking about the art. And that's somehow okay. No, that's not okay." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

>> No.1882772

science degrees master race

>> No.1882775

+1 I'm genuinely curious about this.

>> No.1882779

BA English & Music
MA Medieval Lit & Culture
Phd. something even more ridiculous and obscure. happy days :)

>> No.1882780

Geology with Chemistry and German minors

>> No.1882785

Degrees in philosophy and law
I study everything that's interesting

>> No.1882786

Visualartsfag here.

I loved math in highschool though I was not particulary good at it. I hated chemistry though, which doesn't mean I giggle at this fact or don't respect the work of a chemist. In fact, I admire it.

I find it hard to understand how can people bash other areas like that. One thing is interest and what we do with our times. I don't have time to study math, I don't even remember much of what I learned in highschool, so I chose an area, a slice of life that pleased me most. But another thing is to dismiss other fields like there was something wrong in doing what you are not doing.

Whatever happened to the inconditional love for science and art? Same goes for sports and all other activities. Even if it's not part of my life I can easily see the beauty of all it.

>> No.1882787

Idk what that has to do with anything, but I think miss red needed a reality check. In a field where a bachelor's degree is WORTHLESS and graduate study is becoming a requirement for any consideration of work, I think she has been misinformed on the versatility of jobs that her degree can get. Versatility is not as important as availability though...

>> No.1882788
File: 20 KB, 360x261, mcfucking kill your.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever know when to shut the fuck up?

>> No.1882795

computer science

i might do physics too

>> No.1882802


>> No.1882805

Well no, that's not what I feel, it's just what a lot of employers in small-time jobs are like. I personally favour experience over a degree, but it's very easily to bullshit an employer into thinking you are worth a lot and have proof for it.

I'm not for a second naive enough to think I can get a high-earning job straight away.
I agree with degrees being a requirement these days.

Also, I'm a dude, man.

>> No.1882806

guy spends fucking 100+ hrs on a literature board on a weeabo image posting site and thinks he can look down on other people

>> No.1882807

Evolutionary Biology.

Going for a PhD.

>> No.1882811

Well I used to major in Biology. Got A/B's in all of my science math classes, so he can kiss my ass. I just couldn't take the 'memorize information, regurgitate it on exam' method of learning anymore.

>> No.1882815


>> No.1882817

And the first realist enters the thread.

>> No.1882828

>guy spends fucking 100+ hrs
Where'd you get that?

>> No.1882831

Just tell us how much time you waste here and we'll be content with you for the time being.

>> No.1882832

White male? Well, you already get an upper hand there, if everything else you have doesn't work out for you.

>> No.1882834

You prove your one first, friend.

>you are arrogant and condescending, so I don't really know who would want to hire you.
I'm only arrogant and condescending to stupid people who I don't stand to gain anything from

>> No.1882839


things i hear from really smart people in other majors:
1. computers will steal your job
2. math is hard
3. why would anyone ever choose to do that, it sounds painful etc etc

>> No.1882843

Proof of my degree? I'm still studying for it.

Really, any phrase you regard as stupid does not encompass an individual.
If--for the sake of argument--what I said was by any means 'stupid', it could be a moment of ignorance, lack of experience, whatever. Doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

Also, even if I was 'stupid', there's always something to gain. Life does not only revolve around intelligence.

>> No.1882844

my penis revolves around intelligence.

>> No.1882845


>> No.1882847

>I'm only arrogant and condescending to stupid people who I don't stand to gain anything from

congratulations! thats exactly the type of attitude that will get you places in this world........... if you weren't pissing away so much time on a shitty image posting site for antagonistic 16 yo virgins.
Fuxache! you're on here all the damn time...... for fucking years.

>> No.1882850

i'm am antagonistic 16 yo virigin.

>> No.1882858

Computer science major.
Obviously minoring in math. We're pretty much better than "math majors" in every way.

>> No.1882860


>> No.1882864

No you're arrogant and condescending to stupid posts. For all you know the people you talk down to could be smart as hell, they just happen to be talking on a subject they're not very well versed on, which makes for uninformed and often ignorant posts.

And just because some posts are ignorant or uniformed doesn't mean you have to talk down to them. Many of the things you say are correct and well informed, it's just the way you go about making your points, and the manner in which you respond to other posts that makes you a douchebag.

For all I know you could be trolling and this is exactly what you want to be doing.

>> No.1882865

i´m a lawyer

>> No.1882866

Nam Mo Bon Su Thich Ca Mau Ni Phat

I'm currently fulfilling general education requirements as well as calculus and physics for engineers. I don't really know what to do with my life, but giving everything up to become a scholarly monk isn't out of the question.

>> No.1882867

Business is boring, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.1882870

i've been interested in this career. sounds like the things you cover are interesting, but how is the pay considering your workload?

how much do you work?

>> No.1882871

Cognitive science.

>> No.1882875


>> No.1882877


>> No.1882881

His argument to that is to base your responses on the content of his posts instead of getting butthurt. Capsguy is probably the greatest tripfag ever without even using a tripcode.

>> No.1882882

Fucking crook.

>> No.1882886


>> No.1882893


>> No.1882902

>shitty image posting site for antagonistic 16 yo virgins.
But this is just an image board that people of all sorts, good and bad, visit, stop shitting on an entire community just because you have a negative view of it.

>> No.1882912

>stop shitting on an entire community
>coming from D&E


>> No.1882913

>For all you know the people you talk down to could be smart as hell,
I judge people by what I'm given, which is anonymous posts.

>just because some posts are ignorant or uniformed doesn't mean you have to talk down to them
It doesn't, but most of them deserve it - they'll either learn a lesson for themselves or the rest of us get to laugh at the stupid shit they'll come out with next.

>> No.1882915

>reducing tax on multinationals

>> No.1882918

ITT I challenge D&E to make a worthwhile post instead of typical greentext reactionary trolling.

>> No.1882919

i might work for the irs and find ways to increase tax collection on absentee ownership

that interests me

>> No.1882922

I'm not here to post stuff that's worthwhile to stupid people, sorry.

>> No.1882924
File: 4 KB, 181x154, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep and edgy knows anything about the world

>> No.1882925

Sure is damage control in here.

>> No.1882927

What do you mean by damage control?

I only know what's worth knowing for a superior individuals concerned with the conditions for their maximal flourishing like me

>> No.1882933

>stop shitting on an entire community just because you have a negative view of it.


>I'm only arrogant and condescending to stupid people who I don't stand to gain anything from.

I basically applied your logic here. /lit/ is a congealed mass of stupidity from which I don't stand to gain anything from.

>> No.1882936

You're avoiding the challenge by essentially resorting to a childish "I could if I wanted to" sort of argument. Your posts have no content.

I challenge you to articulate a single intelligent idea.

>maximal flourishing
If posting on /lit/ constitutes maximal flourishing for you, it's no wonder you're such an idiot.

>> No.1882941

This Deep and Edgy faggot is still posting?

Jesus Christ, /lit/, you have to do something about this.

>> No.1882946

>/lit/ is a congealed mass of stupidity from which I don't stand to gain anything from.
No it's not, there are plenty of great, intelligent posters on this board. Of course, all of them have identities in the form of tripcodes, names or other distinguishing features, because by its nature anonymity can't be intelligent.

>You're avoiding the challenge by essentially resorting to a childish "I could if I wanted to" sort of argument. Your posts have no content.
Since when is you asking me to do something you want a challenge? I don't want to do anything you ask me, and telling you I could if I wanted to isn't an argument, it's an assertion you're free to take however want. Again, I'm not here to fulfill your requests or cater to your needs, deal with it.

>> No.1882948

Have: A.A. in General Studies

Studying for: B.A. in International Affairs

>> No.1882954

Confirmed for not know what words mean.

I challenged you to do something. Therefore it is a challenge.

Making a claim about your own intellectual capabilities and positing an objection is most definitely an argument.

Oh god you're about to go Autistic mode and start calling everything a narrative again, aren't you?

>> No.1882955

>replying to Herp&Derpy

about as worthwhile as arguing with Abatap on /tv/

>> No.1882958

Polysci Master race reporting in

>> No.1882960

Tripfags go away once you ignore them.

>> No.1882961


>> No.1882971

>I challenged you to do something. Therefore it is a challenge.
You think you did because you used the word challenge, but it's not a challenge, not for me at least, maybe it is for you. I don't see it as a challenge because I don't have any reason to take it as challenging or serious in any way, it's just a request for me.

>Making a claim about your own intellectual capabilities and positing an objection is most definitely an argument.
Where did I do that?

>> No.1882976
File: 11 KB, 225x225, imagesCA2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are plenty of great, intelligent posters on this board. Of course, all of them have identities in the form of tripcodes, names or other distinguishing features,

>> No.1882977

>responding with a reaction image
Case in point.

>> No.1882984

>You think you did because you used the word challenge, but it's not a challenge, not for me at least, maybe it is for you. I don't see it as a challenge because I don't have any reason to take it as challenging or serious in any way, it's just a request for me.

Do you seriously not know what the word "challenge" means?

>Where did I do that?
>I'm not here to post stuff that's worthwhile to stupid people, sorry.

>> No.1882986

Ok. You can hardly make an accurate judgement though if that's all you're given. One post is not indicative of a person's intellect or lack thereof.

And fair enough. I suppose we have different methods for dealing with posts we find wrong, stupid, ignorant, or uninformed.

>> No.1882989

ITT we watch D&E do what he does best: dodge actual discussion by nitpicking semantics (incorrectly, I might add).

>> No.1882991
File: 10 KB, 230x219, imagesCA7U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an image posted on an image posting site?!?!?11! the horror

>> No.1882998

Honors B.A. in English here, decided to go back for secondary teaching certification.

The last year of my life has sucked ass, but hopefully I'll be employed soon.

>> No.1883006

>criticize anon
>posts as anon

>> No.1883009
File: 1.82 MB, 800x4278, completeretardsguidetoarguingagainstdne1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me name a few: Behemoth, capsguy, tybrax, brownbear, onionring, trumancapote, tom harper and fab uh i guess, SLAF, stradlater (even if he tries much too hard, bless his soul), and so on. You might be a little jaded from having to read the posts of poseurs and dimwits (jamesbond, scout, caracalla, wildweasal, etc) but I assure you that on the whole we have some great personalities with very interesting backgrounds and opinions on literature and philosophy. Granted, none of them are on my level of expertise, but that would be much too demanding, and it's healthy to have a solid, varied hierachy in any community to promote a fruitful difference of opinion.

>Do you seriously not know what the word "challenge" means?
I do know what it means, but I know that it doesn't mean much coming from some people rather than others. Sorry dude, maybe you think I care about your opinion, but I don't in the least.

>I'm not here to post stuff that's worthwhile to stupid people, sorry.
how is that "making a claim about (my) own intellectual capabilities and positing an objection"?

>nitpicking semantics
see pic

>> No.1883011

why didn't you apply to do a masters?

>> No.1883012

Deal with it.

>> No.1883026

It doesn't matter what you think, a challenge is still a challenge. I am asking you to prove yourself. Whether or not you choose to is another issue.

You're claiming authority, and objecting to my request by somehow maintaining you're better than it despite the fact that you never actually post anything of merit. You show up, catastrophically misread something, latch on to a single term whose definition you have greatly mangled through some weird, solipsistic, sophomoric filter of your own creation, and completely derail whatever discussion you forcibly insert yourself into, invariably pigeonholing it into a circular finger-pointing, greentext exercise in semiotics.

You know nothing and say nothing of worth.

>> No.1883031
File: 10 KB, 255x198, imagesCAC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought you were a committed troll. I had no idea you had some sort of reverence for this palce. (really? fab, tybrax, brownbear????)

thats sad ;_;

>> No.1883033

Tybrax is an idiot

>> No.1883044

>a challenge is still a challenge
Not to me coming from you, sorry dude.

>I am asking you to prove yourself.
No, you're asking me to fulfill some set of conditions you decide upon. Why would I do anything you ask me when, aside from everything else, you've been rude and indignant to me? You seriously think you've got any privilege or right to ask some complete stranger you've never even met to jump through hoops for your pleasure? Are you this ignorant and impolite outside of 4chan as well?

>You're claiming authority, and objecting to my request by somehow maintaining you're better than it
Where did I do that?

>You show up, catastrophically misread something
Where did I do that?

>latch on to a single term whose definition you have greatly mangled through some weird, solipsistic, sophomoric filter of your own creation,
No, I've already told you that we both have no qualms with the definition, it just means little to me coming from you.

>completely derail whatever discussion you forcibly insert yourself into
I didn't derail anything. People are free to post whatever they want, just like you are.

>exercise in semiotics
stating the obvious

>You know nothing and say nothing of worth.
Again, I know nothing and say nothing that's of any worth to stupid people.

>> No.1883046

>Where do I do that?
>Doing it in current post.

>> No.1883047

How was I doing it in that post, or any other post I've made?

>> No.1883054

>a challenge is still a challenge
>Not to me coming from you, sorry dude.

Claiming authority, maintaining you're better than the challenge. Not realizing that the word "challenge" doesn't mean "something that is hard for Deep&Edgy to do."

You're such an undergrad it's painful to see.

>> No.1883059

>Again, I know nothing and say nothing that's of any worth to stupid people.

Anything you say only has value to a minority of people on slow moving 'literature' board on a shitty weeabo image posting site. Considering the ammount of time you spend here one can only assume that you have little standing in the real world and, thus, anything you say is not considered of value by real-life people.

>> No.1883063

>Claiming authority
Where did I do that?

>maintaining you're better than the challenge
Where did I do that? Where did I even say that I consider anything you've said a challenge?

>Not realizing that the word "challenge" doesn't mean "something that is hard for Deep&Edgy to do."
But that has nothing to do with what we've been talking about - you said you're challenging me but it's just not a challenge to me dude, get over it.

>> No.1883067

>the ammount of time you spend here
what amount of time?

>one can only assume that you have little standing in the real world
Why would you assume that, when you'd just be assuming something you haven't proven?

>thus, anything you say is not considered of value by real-life people
non sequitur

>> No.1883068

jesus! cant you just lose like a man and stop squirming? some times you take a kick in the teeth and get over it.

its pathetic to watch.. like degrading.

>> No.1883073

>cant you just lose like a man and stop squirming?
Who said anything about winning or losing in this thread?

>> No.1883074

What has he lost?

>> No.1883075


>jesus! cant you just lose like a man and stop squirming?

seems to me like he's winning this argument tbh

>> No.1883076

Haters gonna hate.

4chan 4 laif!

>> No.1883086

they're both losing, just to different degrees

>> No.1883087

>what amount of time?

you're always here. I cant quantify the ammount of time because I'm morally against e-stalking. You may have a problem tho. its not healthy to spend so much time on the tubes.

>Why would you assume that, when you'd just be assuming something you haven't proven?

Its a fair to assume that someone who spends so much time and energy maintianing their position on a site like /lit/ is unable to form satisfactory relationships in the real world. relationships where people value you as a person and the ideas you spout.

>non sequitur
Don't play dumb

>> No.1883090

tripfriends sticking up for tripfriends.... your opinion is meaningless

>> No.1883095

I wouldn't say it's not healthy. What's better?

>> No.1883096

>you're always here. I cant quantify the ammount of time
If I was always here then you wouldn't need to quantify the amount of time, would you?

>Its a fair to assume that someone who spends so much time and energy maintianing their position on a site like /lit/ is unable to form satisfactory relationships in the real world.
I don't know what's fair for stupid people to assume so whatever I guess

>> No.1883098

because of Deep & Edgy's comment I begin to think that I should use a name, what do you think?

>> No.1883107

All I'm saying is that no balanced person would spend as much time posturing on sites like /lit/ as you do. You can take it as offensive if you wish..I don't care. Obviously you're not here 24/7 but you are here far more than can be considered healthy. The only possible explanation for this is that you're either bed-ridden due to some sort of unfortunate accident/disability or you find interacting with real-life people deeply unsatisfactory.
I don't see how thats an unfair or inaccurate observation.

the fact that you've maintined this online persona for so long and with such intensity, and the fact that you're older than the average /lit/ 'contributer' (and thus havent been able to grow out of it, so to speak) is a little bit worrying

>> No.1883112

some people are leaders some people are followers, i guess.

>> No.1883115

songwriting bachelors

nigga, I am gonna be poor when I get out of this place

>> No.1883127

>no balanced person would spend as much time posturing on sites like /lit/ as you do.
Where did I do any of that?

>The only possible explanation for this is that you're either bed-ridden due to some sort of unfortunate accident/disability or you find interacting with real-life people deeply unsatisfactory.
False dichotomy

>the fact that you've maintined this online persona for so long and with such intensity
what intensity?

>> No.1883134

I bet you're the kind of person who thinks Bob Dylan was poor when he was living in shitty apartments on Tin Pan Alley.

>> No.1883145

>Where did I do any of that?
you cant be in that much denial

>False dichotomy
ok. maybe i was being too specific. either you're physically unable to interact with people in a satisfactory way or have some sort of psychological issue that prevents you from forming meaningful relationships

what intensity?
7 on the richter scale.. again how am I supposed to quantify that. So much of life doesn't break down into numbers

>> No.1883151
File: 17 KB, 332x341, 1309215854038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liberal Arts

>Pick One

>> No.1883163

bob dylan is a genius

I dont think im a genius

Go fucking figure

plus what jobs are there for a songwriter in todays economy? There's no work for musicians even when the goings good

>> No.1883164

>you cant be in that much denial
I'm not denying anything, because there's nothing to deny, unless you'd care to point out otherwise

>either you're physically unable to interact with people in a satisfactory way or have some sort of psychological issue that prevents you from forming meaningful relationships
False dichotomy

>7 on the richter scale.. again how am I supposed to quantify that. So much of life doesn't break down into numbers
I'm not asking you quantify it, I'm asking you to point out what you perceive as intensity

>> No.1883180

>greentext arguments


>> No.1883184

look. you're probably the type of person who wouldn't benefit counselling/therapy anyway. you'll just argue with the therapist and pretend everything is allright.

>> No.1883186

You're so funny

>> No.1883187

I'm just responding to what the other person said

you're probably the type of person who wouldn't benefit counselling/therapy anyway.
Of course not, but not for the reasons you seem to think.

>> No.1883200

Professor Lidenbrock?!

>> No.1883204

nursing at community college. enjoy your debt you faggots im guaranteed a job when i graduate and financial aid covers it all because i am poor.

>> No.1883211

Major: History (specifically Early American/The Revolution)
Minor: Classics

>> No.1883217

oh man, this thread is full of butthurt.

Undergrad: dual major poli sci / econ
Currently in law school

>> No.1883223
File: 12 KB, 325x325, sad-baby-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Listen to pop radio for 1 hour
> here 15 songs about "putting your hands up" and "partying all night"
> mfw

What kind of topics does a song-writing class discuss?

>> No.1883230

le brazilian literature

>> No.1883231

not OP, but I'm going to guess stuff like 'how to scrounge around in dumpsters for food' and 'couch-surfing 201'.

>> No.1883232

Anthropology and History.

>> No.1883236

lol this thread

linguistics and international relations. maybe a french minor

>> No.1883238
File: 6 KB, 184x184, 1308518099708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT baristas.

>> No.1883243

BA in English and Philosophy before I go on to law school or
BS in Biological Anthropology or
BS in Astrophysics
BS in Economics
in any case, i will be getting a masters in whatever field i choose to follow. my only problem is how many interests i have.

no matter what degree path i choose, i will be working at a think tank in the future (Brookings Institute, hopefully)

>> No.1883302


Eu lol'd do teu nome

>> No.1883327

What's the easiest degree to put to use right now?

>> No.1883329

undecided but I'm pretty sure I want to do a double BA in Journalism & Communications or Communications & English

>> No.1883333


>> No.1883336 [DELETED] 

accounting major here.
i'll vouch for this. at the worst, there are bookkeeping jobs that require no experience. at the most, with good internships/gpa you can work for the big 4.
the world will always need number crunchers, and if you're willing to work 60-70 hour weeks on salary, a job is waiting.

>> No.1883357

I'm looking to double major in philosophy and political science, or maybe philosophy and literature. I want to attend law school and then perhaps go into politics.

>> No.1883702

Where does one go with Anthropology and History?

>> No.1883880

Nothing, which is why I've only ever had minimum wage jobs.

>> No.1883887

I'm an English Literature major and I agree with that quote. I would look at someone and go "you know maths is how they make statistics, and you believe statistics. You dunce."

>> No.1883888

English Literature. I'm sick of hearing how "useless" my degree is. Every single degree is worth the same unless it's something COMPLETELY retarded. A generic science degree is as useful as a generic arts degree.

Besides, I'd be happy living out my days as the grounds keeper at a tropical resort and sleeping on the beach all day.

>> No.1883892


>> No.1883897

That's a stupid quote. I hear the science people scoffing about how boring English was at school, how they wish they didn't have to do it and everything. Heck, every single day some science/math major tells me my degree is useless and stupid.

I know I didn't keep doing maths mainly because any time I asked a question I'd get scoffed at by the other people or a roundabout answer from the teacher because I wasn't part of the super secret we understand maths club.

>> No.1883898

What? Are you telling me a math major will have 300k starting and any job they want? Most science majors I know go on to work as teachers, which is probably what I'll be doing or working at food processing factories.

Or are you saying I wouldn't like to work at the resort?

>> No.1883900

Political science, sociology & economics

>> No.1883902


>> No.1883905

Bro, I'm just saying that it's untenable to not know how basic probability and statistics math work if you've got the IQ to get a bachelors degree from a decent university. It's just time and effort. Go look up Kahn academy. You shouldn't be making decisions if you can't properly understand the evidence.

>> No.1883912

Yeah but they have to be accountants. Sucks for them.

>> No.1883915

I wasn't saying I think maths itself is stupid, I think it's important to learn as much about everything as you can. I just thought the quote was inaccurate.

>> No.1883918


anonymous finds out that DeepandEdgy is really

a troll bot

>> No.1883926



>> No.1884375


>> No.1884829

Administrative Criminal Justice.