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[ERROR] No.18823779 [Reply] [Original]

what is behind this phenomenon

>> No.18823782

sovlless burgers looking for direction

>> No.18823786
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Why is there no equivalent in any other language?

>> No.18823789

looks like something from idiocracy

>> No.18823795

I remember when I was 19-21 years old I bought “ The 4 hour work week “ after being on a long lit binge. I think I made it 50 pages in and I was so angry that I had spent money and time on this I didn’t read for a couple months.

>> No.18823811

Lost but dumb people looking for a way. They just want to be loved, to have home, something they can own, but this world disappoints and turns them to this faggotry. Consequnces of making a world in which humans think their life has no purpose nor destination, that they are not meant to do anything, or not to do anything.

>> No.18823820

they just translate those books in op because since they're about rootless and soulless 21st century philosophies they can fit any market
>pic related is the Brazilian version

>> No.18823826
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forgot to attach

>> No.18823829

not true, I know people who own this kind of books

>> No.18823860

I think my older brother has this version kek

>> No.18823868

what is behind the phenomenon of this thread being posted once a month

>> No.18823872

The target audience would rather read about leading a meaningful life than figure out what meaningful things they can do in their lives and actually toil at them. It comes from consumerist society; although born in the United States, it has spread to the entire West. Profanity and vulgarity to incentivize viscerally, appealing to a self-loathing emasculated common sense, with the promise of plans and programs which, if applied, will fix you (they won't).

>> No.18823877

These are the worst bookshelves I have ever seen. Assuming one can even call these things "shelves" or "books".

>> No.18823878

the notorious "Pavlov's Blog" scenario

>> No.18823883

Grew up listening to limp bizkit

>> No.18823917
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it may be that a large portion of the western population have reached a level of comfort that leads them to inane doubts on the happiness of life. for this reason, they search for external sources of pleasure such as media (dopamine hits from social media, binging fanciful scenarios provided by netflix and films, finding a sense of accomplishment from vidya), drugs (prescription pills, anti-depressants, alcohol, nicotine, weeeeeed broooo, coke etc), physical rearrangement (online shopping, getting sweet 40% OFF TODAY ONLY deals, cosmetic surgery etc), and SEXOSEXOSEXO that has been facilitated to the utmost degree given the innovation of contraceptives and apps.
even if they do become rich, there are countless cases of new money drinking themselves to death or ODing because there is a still a void that not even financial comfort may dissipate.
meanwhile in the third world, despite the poverty, they party to bunda music and start a family at 16, thereby giving them a purpose outside of themselves to strive.

>> No.18823923


This is one of the more profound observations I've seen on the website ytd. It's an obvious observation, but somehow I never made this very particular connection.

>> No.18823931

>meanwhile in the third world, despite the poverty, they party to bunda music and start a family at 16, thereby giving them a purpose outside of themselves to strive.

>> No.18823933


>> No.18823944

based and brazilpilled.
but that's true tho. humans have been wired for certain life paths designs. such high abundance has shaken the structures of our "outdated" minds that dont fit modern reality.

>> No.18823955

The death of artisanry has killed humanity. I think that was the biggest factor in this decline. The change in work, and consequently the value of work and money and how money relates to work was probably the most massive hit on the human mind in history. It put work on a level of abstraction that is just unnatural

>> No.18823960

its not only the west, these books are spreading here in SEA too. This can all be blamed at colonization

>> No.18823961

fuck shit cock piss ass shit fuck poop cunt bitch ass fuck shit piss ass poop ass cunt faggot cunt bitch whore bitch poop pee fuck shit bitch cunt fuck dick ass poop

>> No.18823977

any books on this subject?

>> No.18823989

>jen sincero
kek what kind of name is this

>> No.18824026
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Not him but pic related goes way into it

>> No.18824028
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Pseuds here will frantically type out essays about the infantilization of modern man in an age of decadence, or the false rebellion of quasi-irreverence in the cultural zeitgeist of late capitalism, or some other over-determined drivel. But the truth is, one book in the preexisting self-help genre (the subtle art of not giving a fuck) was popular and spawned a bunch of imitators trying to cash in on the trend. That's it.

>> No.18824032

no shit sherlock

>> No.18824065

Thanks, will check it out

>> No.18824082
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My boss has The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck on display in his office, the most successful guy from my highschool posted pic related on his IG. It's like the dumber someone's taste in books is the more likely they are to be winning at life

>> No.18824105

>about the infantilization of modern man
says the guy with a waifu pillow filled with cum

>> No.18824125

1844 manuscripts by Karl Marx

>> No.18824207

those were just shitposting

>> No.18824221
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Jews. Unironcially jews.

>> No.18824235

>The target audience would rather read about leading a meaningful life than figure out what meaningful things they can do in their lives and actually toil at them.

If they knew the rewards of growing a meaningful life - most especially the ability to savor and appreciate life to ultimately motivating magnitudes - the consumerist masses would toil themselves to the bone to create beautiful lives of themselves. It isn't laziness that is the problem, it is a lack of appreciation of the better things in life (which there are so many kinds of!) from a lack of access to them. By "access" I don't just mean merely physical access, but mental as well, which means "education" in the broadest sense of the word. It is the degenerate rich who are responsible for choosing to keep the masses in an easily manipulable state of ignorance and incuriosity rather than seeking to cultivate their desire to know, discover, love, create, and explore.

We've found out what the consequences are for keeping a society just barely intelligent enough to not destroy itself: it ends up destroying itself because systematic poverty of mind and life is unsustainable in a global civilization with globally extended problems. It's the biggest "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" in history. Who the fuck knew that keeping a society stupid is the best way to destroy it?

>> No.18824273

I get the feeling that self-help books are generally just long-winded ways of giving people the motivation to do shit they already knew they needed to do rather than actually "tell" them what they needed while still feeling like you're "caring for yourself" in the process. They're just long-form procrastination.

>> No.18824716

Literally this. Marx was just an ironybro who
attacked his contemporaries to make himself seem superior.

>> No.18824814



>> No.18824863

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.18824921

The part where he brags about having some literal slave running his errands for pennies as a way to efficiently save time made my heart sink a bit. All of those books are just celebrations of sociopathy.

>> No.18824986

Lol this book is great and i rather see everyone reading this than any greek old shit you guys force yourselves to read to look superior

>> No.18824994


>> No.18825067

The jews purposely have been reducing the IQ of the white population with their absolute control over public education. Soon there won't even be white people to read books like these. We'll all be a shade of brown and listening to reggaeton 24/7

>> No.18825434


>> No.18825705

Actually, I would say not all self-help is bad and maybe 4chan needs some of this instead of obsessing about much IQ and actually do something.

Having said that, Mark Manson is the most worthless pseudo-profound author I've ever read.

>> No.18825708

English is the most pozzed language by far

>> No.18825712

>I get the feeling that self-help books
Self help books sell or affirm delusions to people who never actually think too much into anything and engage in keeping the truth out of their mind.

These books are all shit and the people who read them are shit for brains who lack critical thinking.

>> No.18825733

Free market and tricking women into working and getting money.

>> No.18825746

femoids got told that work would set them free it didn't so they use their wagie bux to buy this trash so they put off drinking themselves to death another day

>> No.18825763

Macacos really are dumb. In REAL portuguese it would be: "A arte subtil de não dar uma f*da".

>> No.18825771

Nice post

>> No.18825787

We unironically live in a society

>> No.18825789

Was Marx correct when he wrote about the worker being alienated from his work in industrial society?

>> No.18825852
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Revolt Against the Modern World, the chapter on culture and craft, I can't remember the exact name of it (it's also spread through the book a little bit, it's worth reading it all). There's also some specific books dedicated to examining the Medieval European guilds, as well as Roman guilds, all of which were very similar in their core essentials. The same thing also applied to the Vaishyas of India and so on. Pic related is a decent starting point for research that is focused specifically on this topic without seething too much about capitalism and labor alienation (which gets old very quickly).

>> No.18825860


>> No.18825876

>vulgarity as method

>> No.18825939
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>> No.18826178

Normies are chickenheads and they live their entire lives on thoughtless inertia. They literally have their brains turned off, even if they are studying some complicated matter they just turn off the lobes of their brain to study that. They're not stupid, they are just capable of turning their brains off, to me this is incredible as if one could stop one's heartbeat but they can do it. If you question their lifestyles they' re like "eh but what you gotta do", "everyone else does it" and so on. They watch TV and say TV is shit but then they love talking about TV because other people like talking about TV too. They are literally like chicken. I honestly fucking hate them more and more as they become more chicken-like, I expect human behavior from them instead I get chicken behavior, yet I know they are not stupid, they are perfectly capable of actually using their brains, they just don't.

>> No.18826600

>muh colonization

Yeah whatever. Change the fucking record victim-nigger.

>> No.18826679

Amerimutts seeking lowest IQ cope possible

>> No.18826720

Succinct good posts

>> No.18826725


>> No.18826913

yes, the problem is the industrial society is now gone, and is replaced by virtual commodity fetishism instead of the physical commodity fetishism marx described, zoomers spend their money on 10 different streaming service due to their extreme alienation from peers, its interesting how marx and kaczynsky analized society correctly despite not living in this utter schizo 21st century hellscape themselves