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[ERROR] No.18823501 [Reply] [Original]

I literally have no idea how economy works, how stock market works, how crypto currency works, or how money works in general. Is there a single book that can make me understand everything?

>> No.18823507

no, now read course textbooks. if you want theory, go read theory by economists you are interested in.

>> No.18823508



>> No.18823509

Start with the greeks. Then read the literary classic "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

>> No.18823510

it's basically betting on the world

>> No.18823526

The thing is, course books might be too difficult for me. I tried watching a few videos and I still don't get the whole picture. I need something that makes everything lucid like water

>> No.18823535


>> No.18823539

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Babylonian Talmud

>> No.18823542

The Bitcoin Standard

Seriously one of the best books I have ever read and I have a Bachelors in Biz Admin and read Austrian NatSoc econ

>> No.18823544

It is like any other religion, it works because enough people believe it does and enough people will actively play the game.

>> No.18823547

It's literally all smoke and mirrors to make the rich richer. Economies are real, but not ones based on credit or fiat currency.

>> No.18823550

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
The audiobook zone in and out its okay but you will like it like a podcast. Just being exposed to it like a foreign language not like a measured dosage of an expensive medicine will make your brain merchanty.

>> No.18823553

This but only for Keynes and the advent of Paper currency post industrial revolution

>> No.18823558

The economy is a system for the production and distribution of goods and products. Read adam smith's book about it. There are 4 different schools of thought for economics: Classical economics, Austrian economics, Marxist economics, and Keynesian economics. They each have their own ways of interpreting and explaining economics and its principles, but generally speaking you should study classical economics first and study the history of business before the industrial evolution to get an idea of how it all worked before adam smith. Then, study austrian economics because its the most based. Then study marxist economics just so you can shit on its theories. Then study keynesian economics because that is what's actually done in the real world nowadays

>> No.18823565


>> No.18823567
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what do you think of this?

>> No.18823568

Best to learn by doing:
Play Eve online and try and make money through the markets. Alternatively there’s crypto or gambling. Interactive Brokers for stocks, forex, etc

>> No.18823573

It either goes up or goes down. You make money betting on where it goes. That's it.

>> No.18823576


>> No.18823586

I have a question. Who decides what economic thought are we going to follow?

>> No.18823595
File: 194 KB, 912x1024, 0bf64003549582180637fab27d6801e8cb1bbed4561bbb1aa65f86871e2da04d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Author is tongue and cheek hinting about the Jews being the wolves in the hen house: ruining modern art, rigging law and order, rigging the market, debasing currencies, being a shadowy rapist sex and drug trafficking behind Clinton dynasty. Normies like the reviewer need to be clubbed in the head for not seeing it. Every conspiracy worth knowing about is vindicated, connected, and tied exactly to its fiat currency central banking diagnosis. That's basically a post on /pol/. But why I recommend it is because it goes into detail about the limitations to mined monetary devices like Gold/Silver bricks and coins then paper then Visa then NYSE. He explains the Yop Island rock primitive system so you can envision an intuitive detection that there is a coherent mathematical shared judgement going on between users of primitive transaction processing devices and thus political institutions to hold such agreements we call money.

>> No.18823598
File: 32 KB, 650x366, 2644A200-BD22-4FB0-B85E-24BCAD21F31B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He who has the good makes the rules.

>> No.18823603

Gold* thanks iphone, very cool.

>> No.18823606


>> No.18823651
File: 64 KB, 551x310, xjglEQNtWdWFGxw-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Federal Reserve is in its last days of being the titanic leash on all banking. Banks and big business have been weening off fake paper money to crypto: bitcoin, the Holy King of Cyber Gold, and the shitcoin press release pump and dumps. Tech Giants will be the new Federal Reserve who can do fractional reserve banking with a Bitcoin based lending aparatus.
Central banks have Ameriblubbers so fenced into the remains of their once great concentric castle style downtown historic districts are now meter paying highway detours closed off to COVID pranks. You used to be able to walk around town and shake hands with people you know and can expect to know long. People you trust. What this suburban trap of ala carte scheduled exchange means it is checkmate on physically exchanging: period. Shipping and freight were the biggest expense worth worrying about before delivery in the USA became a totalitarian monopoly. Worse is the remains of the inner city are inhabited by dependent welfare goblin and traitor populations who live next to the wealthy usurpers. The USPS has meticulous laws preventing Americans send mail to each other. I can be fined for walking up to your mailbox and putting anything in your mailbox.

>> No.18823660

Forgot to mention that Gold is worth more dollars than ever but you cannot get that transaction in the USA because those cash for gold businesses will cheap you out like a Gamestop game sale and the rest of America is too dumb to know Gold is worth anything. If you hold gold be ready to take a boat out of the country or fly a plane that wont fuck you over.

>> No.18823701
File: 28 KB, 353x353, 75C10A08-8444-4E40-85B5-A1EB388F1659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then study keynesian economics because that is what's actually done in the real world nowadays
anon thinks it’s still 1975

>> No.18823831


>> No.18823852
File: 1.38 MB, 2374x2823, 9781409376415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How money works, and the Economics book(pic related) both by dk publishing, in the end everything is made up nonsense by the white man

>> No.18823895

Economics and markets are totally different animals. Just read the news every day and do dollar cost averaging until you get a feel.

>> No.18824002

theres course books for every level. if you can't understand a college level textbook, read one for a lower academic level.