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File: 76 KB, 1025x1000, political-compass-books-and-tv-stonetoss-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18821200 [Reply] [Original]

It's true.

>> No.18821208
File: 610 KB, 956x619, spooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>political compass

>> No.18821214

Where’s centrist?

>> No.18821242

Detuned televisions make people ancoms?

>> No.18821368

Living life, not consuming media

>> No.18821380

Read McLuhan

>> No.18821395
File: 317 KB, 1025x1000, 1628609555263.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true

>> No.18821398

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.18821417

>a foundational thinker

the state of chuds in 2021

>> No.18821428

>Watching what TV/film I want instead of blindly reading what I think my chosen ideology would approve off

>> No.18821436

Outside, grilling

>> No.18821943

Nice but why is Das Kapital in its original language but not Evola or Hayek. Really reveals the cultural bankruptcy of the Anglosphere

>> No.18822207

I don't think I've ever heard anyone call it "Capital." It's kind of like how almost no-one calls Hitler's book "My Struggle" even when they're reading it translated.

>> No.18822246

what would a non-Euclidean political compass look like?

>> No.18822272

Not disagreeing, but what do you think is a true foundational text of the modern "auth-right" (insofar as that's a thing)

>> No.18822283


>> No.18822333

No it isn't, retard, the TV goes right in the fucking center. The bottom left would have The Conquest of Bread.
Centrists are the biggest consoomers of mainstream media.

>> No.18822347

>>18821200 (OP)
No it isn't, retard, the TV goes right in the fucking center. The bottom left would have The Conquest of Bread.
Centrists are the biggest consoomers of mainstream media. That's why they're in the center; they don't know shit about politics.

>> No.18822369
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>> No.18822421
File: 81 KB, 407x612, 356F38AD-C05A-4A9E-B96A-A1425425A48B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s actually a lot of iconic books to place there. This one is high profile

>> No.18822510
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>> No.18822597

>That's why they're in the center; they don't know shit about politics.
That would imply the mainstream media is centrist, which is fucking retarded.
It's radical neoliberal disinformation.

>> No.18823046

>The Conquest of Bread.

IWW preamble.

>> No.18823584

Tradbros….we won….n8

>> No.18823593

it's literally just a watered-down sentimental Das Kapital.

>> No.18823730

A transcript of your Fox News parents rants + a transcript of being bullied at school.

>> No.18823867

out of curiosity, are you proud of not knowing the first thing about your enemy?

>> No.18823980

>Everyone who disagrees with me is dumb!
Why are you on /lit/ when you've clearly never read a book?

>> No.18824040
File: 51 KB, 415x640, 4D67B456-E7A8-43C1-BD31-AB6B1F746F6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, there’s a lot of great introductory pieces. Kapital is really just a peek at capitalism, and in the end, it’s a system best dispensed with asap

Besides this there’s a shorter piece from Graeber called Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology. But we should also have Against His-Story, Against Leviathan, Bolo’bolo and Herod’s Getting Free.
Water that down.

>> No.18824047

>It's true.
It is not. Lib-left is just more Das Kapital, and none of the corners in actually reads those books, except lib-right, and that is only because he is autistic.

>> No.18824061
File: 57 KB, 287x428, E6064311-37AB-4CB0-8E8F-CFE367C65AB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anarcho-communism isn’t statist at all. IWW is against the wage system (or they were supposed to be) but they’re essentially just syndicalists. Which tactically falls short

>> No.18824106

Imagine seething this hard

>> No.18824147

TVrace should be exterminated.

>> No.18824153

>Which tactically falls short
what do you mean? not challenging, just curious

>> No.18824177
File: 196 KB, 886x398, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18824313


It was working fine and dandy for quite a while in Catalonia, but it wasn’t enough to just have the workers seizing the means of their production. The whole country had to get brought on board with the program. They were trying to do just that by helping families in the countryside, farmers and such, but by then Stalinists and Franco where already setting in motion their doom.

>> No.18824450


>> No.18824484

Maybe if you've never read Evola lmao, he's a bit beyond 'authoritarian right'

>> No.18825198


>> No.18825206


>> No.18825341


>> No.18825352

It's just "what does each politically active person read" and not their "foundational" texts. Are you retarded?
You are. You people are so boring.

>> No.18825367

Road to Serfdom was first published in English though. I don't know if he wrote it in English or German originally but I would presume the former.

>> No.18825460

>only one quadrant has a non-meme book

Yep, it checks out.

>> No.18825510

Nobody knows which one you mean

>> No.18825585

Bottom left is Kropotkin, not TV.

>> No.18825744


>> No.18825770

i love how this shows he respects tankies

>> No.18825780


>> No.18825815

More seriously the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement, Platformism, the KAPD, Operaismo or Autonomia fit well as excellent green text producers. So you may as well have _Q_.

>> No.18825823


>> No.18825827
File: 159 KB, 640x626, 1627468778422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spookboi is part of political compass. Sorry.

>> No.18825850

Actual marxists call it capital all the time ffs.

Have you ever worked and organised at work and had to deal with trots?

Do you have any fucking experience of working class marxism? Have you ever led a reading group on VPP or Contribution and had to take the Tankie out the back and have "words" with him about positive and negative solidarity building in the context of the long struggle?

No. No you haven't. You've seen bourgeois college shites shitpost on social media.

Fuck me cunt eat a bullet sandwich.

>> No.18826172

>Do you have any fucking experience of working class marxism?
No such thing.

>> No.18826253

Aren't boomers the only ones who watch TV

>> No.18826262


>> No.18826279
File: 8 KB, 225x225, !!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uohhhhhhhh! !! !!

>> No.18827240


>> No.18827264

>they don't know shit about politics.
what do you know

>> No.18827275

t. Statist who hasn’t read Kropotkin

>> No.18827338

Knowing the first thing about the auth-right is knowing that they’re paper tigers.
I’ve almost certainly read more than you, which is why I can detect the pretense of being educated versus people who are actually educated.

>> No.18827607

I’m sorry I don’t understand your post.

>> No.18827619

it's quintessential spooky core to think you can exist outside of a compass (framework)

>> No.18827895

Weird choices

>> No.18827927

Why chud thinks all anime fans are anarchists?
Why does chud stay here and not go back to eight chin?

>> No.18827956

the libertarian ones are pretty straight forward
green is gay
yellow devides society into the succesful that fuck and the unseccuesfuul that get fucked
red kinda works if you see the state as a maternal gf, and maybe the exhibitionism as a stasi/ kgb equivalent
no idea about blue though cause i never read it

>> No.18828004

>yellow devides society into the succesful that fuck and the unseccuesfuul that get fucked
The poor benefit from the economic growth.
"Nobility" and the richest guys have never given a fuck: they had serfs, cooks, gardeners, chauffeurs, a choice of women and I don't even know what else.

>> No.18828005

>green (strong community, substantive farming, ecological living, mutual aid, end of oppression privation and destruction) is gay


>> No.18828015

>it’ll trickle down this time bro. Trust me.
>you don’t want gulags now, do you?

>> No.18828025

The fact that it trickles down can be seen in the fact that you are already among 8 billion of other morons.

>> No.18828051

lmao, reading political theory is even gayer and more useless than voting

>> No.18828070

Hmmm, no?

>> No.18828099
