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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 134 KB, 1200x1800, The-Silmarillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18820703 [Reply] [Original]

Before the bit of preamble, the main question is in the subject.

I like the Lord of the Rings (books) and the movies of them. I also loved The Hobbit (Book) and thought the movies sucked, but I still read The Hobbit each couple years or so since it's a fun shot, fun, fantasy road-trip story.
Is the Silmarillion worth a read, or is it a bunch of lore-dumping to add mostly-unimportant details with no storyline of its own to be engaged in?

Unrelated, fuck these new caphtchas? What happened to picking images with cars in them? Maybe they want people to be members to avoid it, which is a solid tactic.

>> No.18820733

Silmarillion is edited by an actually competent writer, so it is very much worth reading.

>> No.18820748
File: 92 KB, 494x754, 4F2B5FE0-A3D1-433B-97B6-3B8FF253CE01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.18820761

I couldn't complete it, it reads like a history book and not a story like LOTR, some parts are cool so give it a go maybe you will like it.

>> No.18820766

nice bjork pic, she should be an elf in the new LOTR show

>> No.18820793
File: 34 KB, 400x301, Absolute cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the best fantasy works ever written and definitely worth reading. You should know, though, that it requires a lot of attention and reads more like mythology than it does like a novel.

By the way, if you hated the new Hobbit films you might want to check out the 1977 Rankin and Bass cartoon. The best interpretation of Tolkien's work in my opinion.

>> No.18820801
File: 117 KB, 1280x525, E84F26DF-1DC4-4860-9961-E0B54235546D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted to commission her to do Gollum’s song, but she turned them down.
When they went with Emilíana Torrini she asked her fans what they thought about them getting a soundalike

>> No.18820965

>it reads like a history book
meh, more like the bible

>> No.18820988

>order the LotR+Hobbit Harpercollins mixed media pack and a paperback Silmarillion
>I've had the latter for close to a month and the others, along with about 5 other packages, are stuck in customs
>it's been a month now