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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18820317 [Reply] [Original]

Post about Christopher Marlowe and his play, “Dr. Faustus,” which draws from the Faust legend. This Renaissance work precedes Goethe’s invention of the modern epic in a similar adaptation of the myth in his “Faust”. Discuss, argue, critique, enquire.

>> No.18820914

Going to watch a production of it next week.

>> No.18821232
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The lack of responses to this but 250+ replies on the same daily cut n' paste Guenon/Evola/Devi/Marx/TFWNoGF/Waldun/Nietzsche/Gnostics thread is /lit/'s biggest problem.
Ofc I still enjoy those threads/topics but FFS can we move on?

>> No.18821281

Okay, I'll enquire.
What's this all about?

>> No.18821286

It's a shit OP, and I'm not effort posting on it because it shows 0% comprehension of the text. You could sub in any lost play from any period and it would actually be a better troll, despite the text no longer existing for anyone to read.

>> No.18821296

Op's just a faggot. He won't even answer the posts on his own thread >>18821281

>> No.18821317

Can we talk about Phillip Marlowe instead

>> No.18821381

I don't understand the question here.

Marlowe's genius in this play is the staging (the play itself is incomete) and the occasional burst of lyricism; it definitely of the most unequal Jacobian pieces.

One good story I love is how Marlowe used his stage depiction of magic to play off Protestants anxieties around witchcraft. Post Reformation, the English prods had confidently decided that magic wasn't real, and that occult insignias had no arcane powers what so ever, they were, in effect, acts of theatre that signalled to the devil you were spiritually vulnerable.

What does Marlow do with this? He turns the confidence on his head by having Faustus preform a real incantation on the stage and draw it out. A whole crowd of smug Protestants suddenly begin sweating bullets and questioning if the big bad magic is so easily explained away. Hamlet does a similar thing with the Catholic ghost but it seems Marlowe's stagework was even more effective because after one performance, the crowd 'noticed' an extra actor among the cast, panicked that it was the devil, and began a riot.

One of the most intelligent way to test a cultures rejection of superstition that I've seen in a play. Too bad that most of the text doesn't really delve into it and just degenerates into comic Catholic bashing.

Marlowe, Kid and Spencer deserve a lot more love for how much they risked in their plays.

>> No.18821401

Why read Kit when William exists?

it's like reading Vonnegut when McCarthy exists

>> No.18822117


I'm so jelly of people who live in first world countries and in cities where there is a large theatrical scene

>> No.18822305
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>The Tragicall Hiftory of the Life and Death of Doξtor FauЛus
>Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be fold at his fhop without Newgate
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.18823470

he had a lisp

>> No.18824226

I was asleep. You seem really bitter and bored. Are you a NEET by chance?

>> No.18824238

Thanks for telling us about the back story. I found it interesting. What do you think Dr Faustus’ desire to work with the devil signifies about man, the professions, or learning?

>> No.18824250

>because it shows 0% comprehension of the text.
What would you suggest me do to start a discussion then?

>> No.18824359

The 'f' is an older style of writing lowercase 's'. The other issues seem to be either font you're trying to emulate or maybe you have some kind of OCR'd/misprinted copy.

>> No.18824372
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Envy is half of this board