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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18819467 [Reply] [Original]

>excuse me, is that a copy of Phenomenology of Spirit?
>that's my favorite book!
>do you want to grab some coffee with me and discuss the history of consciousness in the lived world?

>> No.18819473

One day, I will have a girlfriend who will sit on my face and read passages from the Phenomenology of Spirit in between giggles, moans, and "I love yous".

>> No.18819474

What's up with this recent Hegel shilling? Did guenonfag convert to german idealism?

>> No.18819485

I met a woman that looked like that, except smaller and with slightly longer black hair, at a bookstore the other week. She saw I was buying a copy of Aristotle's Ethics and asked if I saw Plato's Republic was there as well, I hadn't, so she helped me find it. We smiled at each other and laughed, I don't know why. It was a pleasant interaction, upon returning home I dreamt of marrying her. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.18819499

You didn't ask for number?

>> No.18819511

Has this ever happened to any /lit/ bros?
I always thought that ill have to be the one to walk up and start a conversation not the other way round. Not sure if im really ready to do that yet.

>> No.18819516

I also met a woman who looked like that. Her name was Tanya. She was one of the stupidest bitches I ever met. Her thesis was on misogynistic symbolism in Game of Thrones and at one point she even said Cersei was made to stand in front of pillars because pillars were shaped like fallopian tubes.

>> No.18819523

>reminder that even if such a girl existed she'd be already taken by a man who fucks her rough without an ounce of real respect because it feels better and you couldn't be more, to her, than the nice guy to whom she complains because that's additional sexual pleasure to think of you while she sucks his balls

Am I jaded, bros?

>> No.18819550

No, all women are whores

>> No.18819561

Sounds bout right

>> No.18819567


>> No.18819588

dey a dick in them pants aint they

>> No.18819591

Nailed it

>> No.18819592

Nope just right. It's a sad fact to accept but we must.

>> No.18819598

nah, that's fine anon. you're right and we're all jaded.

>> No.18819765

You are correct

>> No.18819801

fucking kill yourself. pathetic

>> No.18819807
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Bro you watched too much pornography. Cute smart single girls exist. I haven't spoken to any woman outside work and shops for years but I'm sure they exist.
If a cute smart girl has a boyfriend, logically, at one point, she was single, because we are all single before we find a relationship. And there is a huge probability that before finding a boyfriend she was still cute and smart -- she was like that before finding a boyfriend, a boyfriend didn't turn her into someone cute and smart.
So you're saying
1. If a girl is cute and smart, it is almost certain she has a boyfriend.
2. If she has a boyfriend, at one point she was single.
3. There are cute and smart single girls.

>> No.18819811

go to the women's shelter

>> No.18819823

>digusting pig nosering
No, you are right. All women need to be put in concentration camps where they are starved, beaten and repeatedly raped
Kys simp

>> No.18819829

meant for >>18819807

>> No.18819858

I hooe so see her again and react appropriately. Godspeed anon. wagmi

>> No.18819866

Are you retarded? It's logical, if a girl has a bf she was single in the past. If you're a grandpa you were 30 at one point too.

>> No.18819900

Yes, at 12. Any girl in her 20s has already been fucked by multiple men

>> No.18819903

said a virgin who has never talked to a woman more than 1 minute

>> No.18819918

Cope, I am posting this from a toilet in girls house

>> No.18819926

if you say any girl was fucked by multiple men, then your girl was fucked by multiple girl
you are a cuck anon

>> No.18819934

by multiple men

>> No.18819967
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>No thanks, I don't like women who read

>> No.18819997

I dont want to have sex with my cousin you sick fuck

>> No.18820009

so you're visiting a girl who was fucked by multiple men but you won't fuck her too?
absolute cuck

>> No.18820047

I kneel
Letting women read was a mistake

>> No.18820053

Straight people are pathetic.

>> No.18820092

I can smell your va-gi-nuh as you stand there.

(whispered in her ear)

>> No.18820100
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>taken by a man who fucks her rough without an ounce of real respect

>> No.18820116
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This but without the the whole "I'm not good enough" part. They jump from boyfriend to boyfriend and there are always backups. You'd just be interviewing for a position.

>> No.18820117

But it should be:
>who can read

>> No.18820148
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>"It's called 'Phänomenologie des Geistes', you fucking uneducated burger-mutt!"

>> No.18820178



>> No.18820189
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>You will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: I've been found out.

>> No.18820284

One can sure dream OP. My gf listens to Harry Potter audiobooks and out of her 20 books about 15 are YA and the rest are books I've tried giving her that she doesn't care for.

>> No.18820554

wtf is wrong with nu-chan. i can't believe this is the type of person i discuss literature with on a daily basis. stop watching so much cuckold porn you retarded losers

>> No.18820579

No, you are correct. Only extremely rare women are to be respected. Fewer than one in a thousand isn't a whore, and fewer than one in 100 million isn't a retard.

>> No.18820587
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>> No.18820602

I hate that bitch so much. She has been posted here several times over the past 5+ years and always with that similar stupid greentext.
I wish I could just punch her into the ground, rip off her skirt and rape her right there and then while she sobs and begs me to stop. I would slap her and tell her to shut up while I fill her womb with my seed. The goal would be to traumatize her in such a way that she would never dare to step outside never again and do that stupid smile because she would turn into an empty shell devoid of any emotion.

>> No.18820608

Do people even speak like that to strangers, or speak to strangers at all?
I guess I would agree to the coffee date but I would be extremely suspicious, it's probably some zoomer tiktok thing or epic youtube prank, I do wish I had people to talk about literature with.
Also women don't read Hegel.

>> No.18820614

>over the past 5+ years
Something much worse has happened to her than your violence already. She has hit the wall.

Always remember that any picture of a pretty girl you've seen for a good amount of time means she's already in her mid to late 20s if not older and her glory years are over. It's rough being a photographably cute woman.

>> No.18820619
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>> No.18820712

One of my exes was into that shit, but I could never wrap my head around it. I have a huge dong tho so I don't think she minded.

>> No.18820735

True. I forgot that time is on my favour sometimes

>> No.18820738

>not fingering her in the arts & crafts section

>> No.18820873


>> No.18820926

I don't know bros the only good women are damaged women,
Give me a depressed or suicidal woman any day
Maybe they can tell chads insincerity and recognise the abuse or avoid it.
Rather then the multitude who truly believe that chads love them.

>> No.18820978

Not jaded, just retarded. You've probably had one terrible experience with a girl and decided it's not worth it. You are the male equivalent of those women that shit on men because they got played by a douchebag.

>> No.18821002

All women are terrible though.

>> No.18821007

Oh okay.

>> No.18821057

The sad reality is that her chad bf is probably a better representation of a worthy philosophy by living it than what the avg /lit pussyboi sophist is proclaiming one ought to do.

>> No.18821323

Do that and I will kidnap you and insert my rifle into your asshole and fill your rectum with lead. I also will film it and then post it to /gif/ for everyone to masturbate to it. :)

>> No.18821335

>and at one point she even said Cersei was made to stand in front of pillars because pillars were shaped like fallopian tubes.

This sort of sophomoric free-association is standard in the liberal arts.

Don't worry. One day soon we will exterminate all the homosexuals, kikes, and the extant crop of literature professors. But then I repeat myself.

>> No.18821341
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I feel ya, OP. I’ve dated both men and women—the smartest guys were usually the techspergs and the smartest women were the lesbians.

Straight women and neurotypical men were the most boring IMO.

>> No.18821351
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>> No.18821354

Love is a retarded concept, just enjoy women as they are without invoking any ideals, and maintain a "I could take it or leave it" mentality.

>> No.18821359

>Cute smart single girls exist.
>I haven't spoken to any woman outside work and shops for years but I'm sure they exist.

It's time to stop coping.

>> No.18821378
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That's the reality. Only a virgin or absolutely deluded simp would claim otherwise. Once you have enough social and sexual experience you inevitably begin to understand how rotten and whorish women are.

Unless you're a natural Chad (tall, muscular, big-dicked, dominating sociapathic attitude) then you're just a cuckold in woman's eyes.

>> No.18821439

My friends have a joke they always tell when one of the group starts simping for his latest gf, "this one's different guys!" Maybe some are different, but the average man has to admit that 99.999999999% of the time when a man says "this one's different!" he's just simping. So how do you know if you're the one guy who's right? You don't.

Men want individual women to be good so badly, because they like the idea of abstract Woman and want this particular woman to be their Woman, they'll let any individual woman off the hook for anything. Men are so blind and so easily distracted from their desire for Woman that they can't be taught this simple truth, only learn it through experiences, wasted efforts and humiliations with difficulty, and even then most forget it as soon as the next one comes along. The only real remedy is a group of guys to remind you that you're devolving back into a simp because you haven't gotten laid in a while.

There just isn't any known way to get men to reflexively evaluate women as people, with the same standards they would apply platonically to another man. If you apply those standards, almost every woman appears as a dumb emotionally fragile and entitled stunted development child and a selfish irresponsible slut. Women are C and D grade men but there is no reliable way to get men to see this. All you can do is punch your friend in the arm when he starts forgetting it again, and ask him to do the same for you tomorrow.

>> No.18821459


>> No.18821472

Literally "all men are trash", Male Edition

>> No.18821479

Quality post

>> No.18821486
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>Literally "all men are trash", Male Edition

>> No.18821506

You could easily swap man for woman and the post still makes sense from the perspective of a socially retarded person.

>> No.18821513

That's really not true

>> No.18821523

>didn’t ask for her number

Prob for the best, women can’t understand philosophy and it’s annoying when you have to talk to one who tries

>> No.18821543
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Reminder that this girl is now entering menopause.

>> No.18821550

The vast majority of women have had sex but mostly do not like having sex. The idea that they have sex all the time for pleasure is proof positive how pathetic you are at understanding the opposite sex in anyway

>> No.18821611

This. They do like chads but it's much more about status than anything.

>> No.18821654

Also, when a woman actually enjoys getting fucked by you, it is the cringiest thing ever. They make retarded noises and it's clear it's all due to basic physics. Women either have a really abstract, relational approach to sex or a really fleshy 'give me big tingles' approach. They don't have the sort of 'live the experience' view like I have, and I assume other men have.

>> No.18821662

you sound like a faggot

>> No.18821666

What does this mean anon?

>> No.18821675

>mmmmm oh yes dear please give me a crumb of your pussy I love pussies they're so important and the only purpose of life is to make them feel good and get covered in their fluids which totally aren't disgusting!

>> No.18821682

a fellow cock connoisseur i see

>> No.18821684

You're going to have to be more specific

>> No.18821687

eating pussy and sucking dick are both retarded and degrading, I honestly wish modern women didn't like either.

>> No.18821699

Women don't have sex because they enjoy sex, they have sex because they need validation. All other things like attention are just vehicles to validation. They are validated when impressive men desired by other women pursue them. They even do the female equivalent of edging, when an impressive man keeps them at arm's length through mixed signals or drama. A woman will spend months or years orbiting a guy like that and obsessing over the drama. It gives their life meaning and excitement, like a levelling treadmill in a video game.

Most women spend their entire 20s doing this female equivalent of alttabbing between porn and an MMO. Then they hit 27 and panic, when the one sister or cousin in the family who didn't do this has her first kids and they realize they are missing their own chance to lock down a good husband.

If women aren't currently treadmill-orbiting a single Chad they will fill the void with substitutes, like getting pumped and dumped by the most impressive men they can find on Tinder. Younger women truly have no shame about this and will set up date after date. I've seen them joke about fucking 3 or 4 guys in 2 days.

You have to understand it's not about the sex, it's the thrill of seeing how an impressive guy (usually out of their league, since they can easily get guys like that if they are not demanding commitment from him, just offering sex) reacts to them. This is the real source of dopamine and expectation/payoff for them, the addiction center of their whore behavior. They can always go for another "hit" of seeing how a Chad reacts to them, their body, of melting with happiness (in a way men do not have and can't understand) when Chad desires them or chases after them, especially if he initially played hard to get or sent mixed signals.

That is what women are addicted to, it is the structure in women analogous to male coomers chasing the dragon and watching porn for 6 hours a day. With the key difference that in women this validation addiction has no culture of self-loathing or criticism surrounding it like male sex addiction does, so most women are trapped in it.

Even ten years ago women still knew from thousands of years of continuous culture not to be sluts, that being a slut was shameful. But now all the breaks are completely gone. The average slutty young woman isn't rebelling willfully against slut shaming, she isn't even aware of it anymore. They really think they're men, if you watch carefully you can see it, they say and do things that indicate they naively believe "sex is just sex," same for both men and women. Young women now believe that everybody, men and women, can get laid with relative ease. They have no instinctive sense of sexual selection hierarchies. They are that naive. And they only become more naive as they give in more to the slut instincts, the unconscious side of femininity.

Meanwhile excluded men become radicalized and angry, neurotic and violent. Terrible things are on the way.

>> No.18821706

You sound very insecure.
>Me, the great anon down on my knees?!
Little fag, eat some dick or pussy.

>> No.18821715


>> No.18821749

This. I always feel a distance between myself and a woman when I sleep with her at the moment when she really loses herself in the pleasure and I don't. I can tell that pleasure and being wanted really are sufficient for her, she is really complete in that moment. And no matter how much I am enjoying myself too, it's not the same for me, because it doesn't encompass and dissolve me completely the way it does for her.

>> No.18821843

Have sex incel.

>> No.18821874

Post hand.

>> No.18821884

This is a very accurate generalization, but I've known girls who actually do enjoy getting fucked and seek out Chads with big dicks to fuck them rough. They're a minority no doubt, and the average college slut with 20+ bodycount simply wants attention and validation.

>> No.18821912

Obviously she's trying to scam me in some way or she's going to lead me to a back alley where I'll get robbed. No way fag!

>> No.18821924

Rape is theft. This is what it has always been. The most valuable part of a woman is and always has been her vagina.

A long time ago rapists were forced to marry their victims because a woman that was not a virgin any longer was less likely to be married and would be a burden on her father.
Women were chattel to be traded for millennia, and only relatively recently has the world "equalised" their roll in society, ironically to their detriment when all things are considered.

Rape is usually an inconvenience these days, and not nearly as traumatic as women want you to believe.

The fact is sex=currency for women.
If they do not vehemently protect their control over that currency by overblowing the impact of those that raid their piggybank.. the last vestige of control women have over men could be taken from them.

That's why prostitution is loathed by most women.. Not because it degrades women, buy because it deflates the value of the vaginal currency.
No longer does a man have to placate a woman for access to sex if he can bypass the pomp for a cash paid romp.
Despite all their slutwalks, and womens lib 3rd wave feminist bullshit.. The vast majority of women would sooner spit on a hooker than help her for this reason.

Rape is quite simply theft of their intrinsic value.. not a biological offense.
This is proven out by the high rate of female orgasm from rape as well as it being the number one fantasy of women (ie; 50 shades of grey.)

Of all the cases of rape that exist you can see a clear delineating factor between victimhood mentality and independence.
Those that view it as a crime deride "rape culture" and cry about the great injustice they've experienced.
Those with a truly independent spirit are often willing to take some of the responsibility for what happened, and move on with their lives (ie; too drunk, or walked down a dark alley alone.)

>> No.18821945


>> No.18821947

The most incel belief is that the man who fucks her rough can't actually be good for her. Women are attracted to strength, but incels have convinced themselves that their weakness is a virtue. Slave morality par excellence.

Master morality.

>> No.18821964

Not a single post even implies the strawman you've come up with, retard. Most incels are fully aware that they're too soft and sensitive while women want a high testosterone gorilla to toss them around.

>> No.18821971


>> No.18821987

>Not a single post even implies the strawman you've come up with, retard.

Everyone I replied to agreed with this original post:

> she'd be already taken by a man who fucks her rough without an ounce of real respect

The fantasy that the man who's fucking her can't "have an ounce of real respect" is pure ressentiment. What if he's fucking her rough, and she likes it, and he respects her exactly as she wants? This the nightmare for the incel, because it would be a world in which chad and stacy are not merely happy, they are right to be happy.

>> No.18822016

You won't find many people who agree with you here. but you are absolutely right.

>> No.18822021

I agree with him, it's relatively obvious.

>> No.18822025

>and he respects her exactly as she wants
Then he's already on a downward spiral, soon to be reduced to a basic simp. Chad's main psychological trait is his dominating attitude and that's incompatible with respecting women (other than putting on the usual social pretense outside of bed).

>> No.18822060

You have it exactly backwards. It's the incel that is psychologically incapable of respecting a woman, precisely because he's terrified he can't satisfy her desires. It's also the incel who is most likely to become a "simp", for exactly the same reason--to compensate for the fear that he can't actually satisfy her (not just sexually, but socially and emotionally).

Chad is able to respect a woman's desires and feelings precisely because he is confident that he can fulfill them.

>> No.18822072

If men modeled themselves on what gets the most pussy we would all be chimps and gorillas beating our chests while the hags had grapes fed to them by eunuchs defeated. In fact we tried that for 500,000+ years, it's called pre-history. History started when men stopped giving a shit what women think whatsoever and discovered the real standards for nobility. From that search, all culture flowed.

Things are so broken down now that you think there are only two options: be the eunuch or be the gorilla. Instead of returning to homo erectus, proud that he is the chief slave of the women and has the keys to the harem until next week's top caveman supplants him, return to your mesolithic ancestors who first said "why the fuck are we trying to impress WOMEN?"

>> No.18822075
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This thread is suffering from a distinct lack of art hoes.

>> No.18822078

> eunuchs defeated in intertribal warfare

>> No.18822088

I didn't realize incels had an entire creation mythology. Fascinating culture.

>> No.18822101

You're a retard. He's saying chad's natural based way of acting happens to be exactly what the woman wants, which is the perfect formula for a relationship

>> No.18822110

>the incel who is most likely to become a "simp"
Correct, and that's what usually happens in real life, but I believe that the average /lit/ incel has already seen too much shit to let that happen to him.
>Chad is able to respect a woman
That's just nonsense, I've never seen a Chad respect a woman in any way other than handling her exactly the way it suited him. Alpha male manipulates and uses people around him, but doesn't submit to their desires.

>> No.18822119

He's blabbering about respect, that's not a word in Chad's vocabulary when it comes to women. The poster might actually be a female.

>> No.18822134

Many Chads are good-natured people either from simplicity and naivete, or from being so busy succeeding that they simply never have to step down to pleb level and deal with the neuroses of habitual failures and losers (women, simps). Not all of them are manipulative machiavels. Most currently are but that's just because Jewish society promotes antisocial behavior like dishonest business practices and other forms of "got mine" behavior. Nevertheless the innate goodness and optimism of white men still shines through in many Chads.

However even the most gracious Chad still treats women like children because they give you no other option. Every woman is just a big child fundamentally.

>> No.18822143

>Alpha male manipulates and uses people around him, but doesn't submit to their desires.
It has nothing to do with submission. When you're a slave, other people's desires are oppressive. When you're a master, other people's desires are offers and opportunities.

>> No.18822162

>Chad still treats women like children
>other people's desires are offers and opportunities
We've come to the same conclusion, just from different angles

>> No.18822181

This guy is correct. I've known a few and regreted not asking them out or in one case, removing her from her boyfriend (who was the same as me and many other autists here (average looking, awkard introvert), the difference is he had the courage to ACT and was rewarded for it). You assholes dont even go out in public let alone talk to women, and you watch porn all the time. You are not viewing reality accurately. I'm not blaming you, you're victims of the global depopulation agenda. Now stop being cucks.

>> No.18822184

No, I don't read the Charlatan and I also don't engage in small talk with pretentious ladies. You must be seeing things, consider visiting a doctor.
* pushes her into a book shelf *
t. Herr Schoppy

>> No.18822185
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The Council does not agree on much, but everyone can agree that women are dumb.

>> No.18822193

>We've come to the same conclusion, just from different angles
No, we haven't. Master morality is about loving what you deem to be good, slave morality is about hating what the master loves. The master literally loves women, and the slave despises them.

>> No.18822199
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>Nevertheless the innate goodness and optimism of white men still shines through in many Chads.
Very true. Some of my best friends have been, and still are Chads. Even if you're a dorky werido, a can-do attitude and sense of humor is more than enough to earn the agape of the regular Chad.

>> No.18822203

No, you're not jaded. Being jaded comes with age and experience, and has nothing to do with having the attitude of every 18 year old who didn't get a handjob at prom.

>> No.18822208

Based and redpilled.

These idiots going
dont understand. You need to stop being a needy, emotional fag in regards to women. You must be a pole for them to act like that around you.

>> No.18822213

Cringiest thing I've read today, holy fucking shit.

>> No.18822236

>Every woman is just a big child fundamentally.
This should be and used to be common knowledge. Egalitarian delusions have ruined our society and are still fooling many even on this board.

>> No.18822237

The master/slave dichotomy you keep refering to has gone through significant development since 19th century, you'd have to be very naive and inexperienced to believe that a current alpha male "respects", "loves", or is even "good" in true sense of the word. Contemporary social climate rewards nothing sociopathy and opportunism.

>> No.18822241

No you're just a retard who can't understand complete sentences

>> No.18822245

I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bob cut bangs. Every time i hear a thick, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker wearing slutty wiccan minx say "Yikes, Y'all, Big Mood, Cancelled or This is a bop". I get an incontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her D cups, and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto their contoured cheeks, and neotenous faces and rhinoplastized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuzes and VICE news and union pool in Williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderall to pass exams. I'm so fucking, Horny.

>> No.18822254

And you need to stop watching so much anime.

>> No.18822256
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Now that's the kind of post I'm talkin' about!

>> No.18822258

Cringe. RESPECT women, like chad does (apparently)

>> No.18822277

Wow, this logic is too hard to follow.

>> No.18822280

Threads like this are the most demoralizing thing on the internet.

>> No.18822291

Try long-term relationship with a woman, you know nothing about demoralization until then

>> No.18822294

Nietzsche's master/slave distinction is about the psychological constitution of the people who create and embody the morality. It didn't have anything to do with who was "in charge" even in his own time--in fact he regarded even 19th century Europe to be overrun with slave morality.

Sociopathy is another thing altogether, but if you think there was ever a time when "opportunism" was not rewarded, you are dreaming.

>> No.18822297

I tried to try, but she didn't want me

>> No.18822304

How about kind-hearted morality itself then? Does it seem like a rewarding approach in real life?

>> No.18822309

Dodged a bullet desu

>> No.18822312

>post after post after post about how much they despise women, view them as inferior, want to rape and enslave them
>"It's Chad who doesn't respect them! That's why they go for him!"
Your whole ideology is a cope for your self hatred

>> No.18822324

I can't follow your logic.

>> No.18822331

Those are just intentionally over the top fantasy outlets, most people here actively avoid women based on previous terrible experience. Incel doesn't even talk to women, let alone hurt them in any way. It's Chads who pump and dump roasties, but that's the respectful thing to do, right?

>> No.18822332

You stated in a way that invited bad interpretations but I get what you mean and I agree. A master is free to enjoy his property and not be concerned by it because he isn't in danger of it asserting power over him and ruining his life, he can take what he wants from it and freelt dispose of it when he wants to. He has no need to appease it or battle with it, he is secure enough that he can appreciate all of its funny traits without fear.

A slave/simp/cuck may have a burning passion for a woman but he knows that the woman may assert power over him at any time so he is constant fear of having his pussy taken away and his ego crushed, making him act unnaturally and ultimately fail to fulfill his duty to himself or his woman, who values strength.

>> No.18822356

incel thread made by incels to cope with their inceliaility

>> No.18822363

It looks convincing but I won't buy the "good chad" theory. They are self-centered, and loved for it. It's not even good for the woman beyond her immediate pleasure. It's not good for society either, because it promotes wickedness. You want us to bless such a bond, and I will have none of it. Chad is wrong. Women are wrong. We are right.

>> No.18822367

Pure literary gold right here.

>> No.18822370

Chad isn't real, it is a product of your imagination, it can't hurt you or anyone else.

>> No.18822376


>> No.18822381

You are being a triggered retard and it's pathetic. Walk away from this and honestly reassess the subjects we have discussed here instead of posting this raging bullshit, you aren't doing yourself any favors here.

>> No.18822384

Pathetic gaslighting attempt roastie, I'm done giving you attention.

>> No.18822385

Being in a relationship is something good. Wow, bravo. Take the monkepill and get out of here. You don't need any books for that. Or thebibleandnothingelsepill, that is what most people do.

>> No.18822395

>>18822385 take thebibleandnothingelsepill, and find happiness in God. You worship false idols, this Chad is a demon tricking you into inceldom.

>> No.18822403

You're wrong, self-assured people who openly follow their own desires are much better for society than beta weasels who come with a bunch of baggage everywhere they go and justify their weakness and cowardice by claiming to follow "morals". There is a lot of very good writing on this topic from all of human history, whereas your view is all wishful thinking.

>> No.18822405

The good-hearted, respectful, empathetic Chad theory is simply delusional and incompatible with any substantial life experience. If that kind of larp gets you through the day so be it, but don't come crying here when you inevitably get cucked.

>> No.18822417

>straight "people"
baka my head

>> No.18822420

>it's a christcuck
Of course. Enjoy your pure tradwife (totally virginal)

>> No.18822436

I've met plenty of chads and plenty of beta weasels, and have fucked enough girls to know better than you. Obviously chads can be inclined to be mean or kind, same as anyone else, but the difference is they aren't influenced by the external factors that cause anyone to become more mean if they're exposed to them. I know I've recieved emotional damage from various experiences and that is something I bring with me to every relationship, if chad hasn't then he's already one step ahead of me. (I'm still better than you though)

>> No.18822448

>Incel doesn't even talk to women, let alone hurt them in any way. It's Chads who pump and dump roasties, but that's the respectful thing to do, right?

This is a nice illustration of what I meant when I said, "incels have convinced themselves that their weakness is a virtue." Incels express constant rage and ressentiment towards women, but they're ultimately harmless because of their weakness. It's true that they don't "hurt them in any way", but not out of disposition, but rather inability.

"Good" in master morality is not the same as "good" in slave morality. There's no "good chad" for you because the literal definition of slave morality is that what the master deems good is actually "evil".

>> No.18822461

incel thread made by incels to discuss with incels their inceliality

>> No.18822470

>Women are attracted to strength, but incels have convinced themselves that their weakness is a virtue
Literally everyone agrees with you though, you are arguing with imaginary persona in your head

>> No.18822486

>The good-hearted, respectful, empathetic Chad theory is simply delusional and incompatible with any substantial life experience.
"Respect" doesn't mean "kind-heartedness". The master can respect his enemies, but he certainly isn't kind to them. If you respect your friends you won't constantly baby them. Respecting women doesn't mean fawning over them, or treating them unconditionally kindly (e.g., the way incels talk about treating women like children.) You can be quite harsh to people you respect.

>> No.18822491

Obviously not true, read some of these posts like >>18822405

>> No.18822505

I meant to link >>18822363 but it's basically the same

>> No.18822512


>> No.18822513

Trust me, I've had my fair share of relationships (plenty casual and one long term) but the difference is that I refuse to participate in this rigged charade anymore, seeing what kind of men just glide past, successful and unscathed. You admit you've been "emotionally damaged" yet expose yourself to more humiliation and suffering willingly. Schopenhauer said that life is a business that doesn't cover its costs - debatable in my opinion, but it sure as fuck does apply to relationships with modern women.

>> No.18822519

Not even that post says anything about virtuous incels, you might be retarded desu

>> No.18822534

No, I don't expose myself to more humiliation and suffering, at least not with women. Almost all of the issues I'm talking about came from men, my last gf screamed at me a lot and that did fuck me up but I was never cheated on or any gay shit like that. I'm a grown man and I don't let women get under my skin, I'm actually much more vulnerable to male friends since I'm inclined to trust them. Rejecting all relationships out of fear of being cucked is being a cuck, just grow up and develop a view that doesn't make your whole emotional state reliant on women doing exactly what you want.

>> No.18822537

>Not even that post says anything about virtuous incels

>Chad is wrong. Women are wrong. We are right.
>Incel doesn't even talk to women, let alone hurt them in any way. It's Chads who pump and dump roasties

>> No.18822540

he isnt arguing women arent attracted to strength, or that so called incels dont recognize this. He is disagreeing with you on definition of "good", because you are using different moral frameworks.
I dont want to put words in either of your mouths but it seems to me that for you good=strong, and for him good=beneficial to society

>> No.18822541

You're retarded. Saying that strength is wicked obviously implies that weakness is virtue.

>> No.18822549

Morality is gay in general but chads are 100% more beneficial society, claiming otherwise is solid cope.

>> No.18822560

Better than worshiping this Chad internet demon.

>> No.18822571

Women are incapable of loving men the way they expect to be loved!

>> No.18822577


>> No.18822591

>my last gf screamed at me a lot and that did fuck me
>but I was never cheated on
>Rejecting all relationships out of fear of being cucked is being a cuck
It's not fear, but rational estimation based on first-hand experience and data available. 50% of young women already admitted to cheating back in 2008, and you can imagine how these numbers soared in the Tinder decade. Despite all your admiration for Chads you certainly don't seem to be one, and it's about time for you to realize that men like you or me are only getting tricked and used in contemporary dating market - one way or other.

>> No.18822594

I have to agree with this anon.

>> No.18822629

Women can't love in the way that men can. Women can only love what they get from you, whereas men are capable of loving a woman for what she actually is, regardless of what she does for them. Women just don't get the kind of artistic obsession with men that we can get for them.

>> No.18822643

Nah I do pretty well and you're a cowardly cuck. I'm not a chad but I stand strong on my own two feet and get some pretty good sex and attention from time to time, I have a pretty solid gf right now. Thinking that a few bad relationships with literal minors (she was 17) is a justification for giving up on sex is completely retarded.

I'm 22 and I've fucked 7 girls, two of which were virgins. How do you stack up?

>> No.18822660

>I've met plenty of chads and plenty of beta weasels
Not that anon but I always think it's weird when people say this, people I've met in my life were rarely "chads" or "betas". Maybe it's because I'm older. I can count both legit "alpha males" and loser chinlets I've directly met on one hand, and they have all rounded down (or up) toward the ordinary later in life.

>> No.18822665


Surprisingly, this conversation has gotten even more juvenile

>> No.18822672

I'm fully vaccinated (3 shots of Astrazeneca), wear a mask all day long even in my own home to protect my little ones which are shot up with Pfizer (3 total) and although I don't make them wear a mask all day, I do force them to wear one outside which they are only allowed within the confines of our backyard. My wife doesn't let me have sex with her unfortunately, but she does seem to enjoy my neighbors company...If she is up to something with that guy I don't think it would bother me. Haha. Back to the topic at hand...What was it again? Oh yes, why have I decided to take experimental gene therapy injections? The Answer is obvious is it not? The science has told us that its in our best interest to protect everyone around us. Haha. I haven't had sex in fifteen years.

>> No.18822674

Obviously I'm being a bit poetic and sort of 'rounding off', plenty of those guys were more in the middle, but chads have always been a thing and these days you really do meet a lot of incels. Most of my friends are basically incels lol

>> No.18822681

based and stoppingthespreadpilled

>> No.18822691

I'm 30 and fucked about 15 or 16, then turned down like 10 more after I got tired of the Chad larp midway through my postgrad. Your age doesn't surprise me in the slightest, and honestly you're better off with enthusiasm and naivety at that stage.

"Stacking" is extremely trivial if you realize what kind of attitude gets you pussy - cynicism, gaslighting, arrogance (on top of physical fitness). But unless that's your natural psychological disposition, a larp is all that it is.

>> No.18822702

Cynicism and arrogance is just the natural and correct way to act in general lol, gaslighting is kind of optional but I can see the benefits. You should accept that you don't really believe in these morals or even 'goodness' and face up to the reality that you are as selfish as anyone but are scared and unlikable, maybe you'll opt to make a change.

>> No.18822718

also why the fuck would you have a problem with physical fitness lol

>> No.18822734

>Cynicism and arrogance is just the natural and correct way to act in general
That's fundamentally wrong in my opinion, and exactly the reason why I chose to stop dating women.

>> No.18822744

Haha thanks bro. Whatever The Science tells me to do, I will do without question because I know that The Science would never betray my family. What was that? Who funds The Science? Please stop being racist. My Wife and I have a date booked in 3 months. Hopefully she lets me get physical.

>> No.18822748
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>> No.18822794

You better be writing a book. Houellebecq would be proud of that post.

>> No.18822811

she lets me get physical, but that's because I wear 4 masks

>> No.18822817

One of the most pathetic statements I've ever heard. Also you're just full of contradictions, you present this extremely cynical view and then denounce cynicism

>> No.18822842

This is an incredibly unhealthy mindset to have, m8. Believe it or not, there are women out there who look like this who have thoroughly average boyfriends. You see them all the time where I live. Nelson, BC, in particular, used to be filled with skinny, dirty-looking artist types with bangin' gfs. It's fun to be jaded, because it protects you from your own failings, but you need to move past it.

t. guy who turned things around

>> No.18822850

Will it turn me into a Chad?

>> No.18822872

Hardly, cynicism and dickhead tactics in general get the job done if women or material gain are what you pursue, but at some point you'll probably question whether debasing yourself in this manner is worth it. But as I've said earlier, at 22 you should stick to that misguided master/slave interpretation championed ITT. Life experience is crucial.

>> No.18823061

>Cute smart single girls exist.
They're raging whores 100% of the time though.
Maybe I was unlucky but the damage's done already. I lost all hope to find a decent woman long before internet memes standardized it into stereotypes.

>> No.18823068

>views reality through 4chan memes
Good luck on your transition.

>> No.18823080

I said long before internet memes, no I didn't change my mind after I joined this site, are you daft?

>> No.18823085

>I said long before internet memes
Exactly, you are a natural.

>> No.18823089

This. I've noticed that smart girls tend to be even more slutty, because they know they only gain pleasure and social benefits with no reprecussions nowadays.

>> No.18823098

you're not a "nice guy" you're a doormat.

>> No.18823099
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Mate, the whole "you'll grow up and see I'm right" line doesn't work when you're pushing a view that almost no one else holds, let alone when you're telling me the right thing to do is give up on life and just sit around being a retarded moralfag who is unhappy all day, at fucking 30.

>> No.18823106

>Exactly, you are a natural.
But I did have hopes to find a good woman before. I lost those hopes after several relationships, which might have just been bad luck.
Do you know the meaning of the words you use?

>> No.18823111

>I lost those hopes
A natural.

>> No.18823116

you will never be a woman

>> No.18823125

she is beautiful anon. where can I get a gf like this?

>> No.18823129

>ad populum
>ad hominem
I think we're done here, then.

>> No.18823142

Goddamn i don't? hate women

>> No.18823146

Based simpleton cheering up the miserable incels

>> No.18823154
File: 246 KB, 389x443, unknown-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the guy trying to say he's right in his retarded and cowardly view just because he is 8 years older than me

>> No.18823179

>I'm 22 and I've fucked 7 girls, two of which were virgins. How do you stack up?
haha it all makes sense now. You're inexperienced and arrogant. Good luck.

>> No.18823180

>t. mad incel angry at the world becuz no physical contact with women
I would have you know that I am probably going to have sex with my wife in 3 months.

>> No.18823186

What do you mean 'now'? I posted that hours ago you fucking retard

>> No.18823187

Let the virgins dream, they haven't been exposed to the vaginal evil yet. Other than sudden death of a parent or something extreme like that, getting to know women is the most traumatizing thing Anon has to go through.

>> No.18823191

It's a traumatic thing that you can learn from and conquer, or just give up and be a pathetic loser at the ripe age of 30

>> No.18823198

I just came into the conversation, I haven't been constantly refreshing the page for hours waiting for your words of wisdom.

>> No.18823204

congratulations, are you throwing in with the guy who has given up on women at the age of 30 (allegedly) because he doesn't want to be a little bit rough with them even though they love it when men are rough?

>> No.18823209

I came to his conclusions independently and from life experience, I'm not siding with him for the sake of this argument. Being rough with them won't save you.

>> No.18823220

You sound exactly like him, mate.

>> No.18823228

What, you aren't interested in life lessons from a tik-tok nietzsche who brags about banging 7 sluts?

>> No.18823236

Sorry anon, I took the last one last week. Her vagoo smells like honeysuckle btw.

>> No.18823243

Veteran pornstar here. I don't remember how many girls I have fucked but it's in the order of tens of thousands.
Now that I have established my authority: Always buy flowers on Valentine's Day. That's all you have to do to find your soulmate. Just buy her flowers and say "I like you". It always, always works.
Now that you are dating, do wait at least 10 minutes before replying to her SMS. You gotta be nice, but you also gotta be a bit cruel. Girls like bad boys like that and it makes their imagination fly a bit
Look her in the eye while you say I love you unless you're in a position where you can't look her in the eye
In that case just say it louder
Do not force making friends with her dad if he doesn't like you, but be respectful
Don't be a sicko who kisses on the first date
Relationships on the job can be a pain in the ass
When all fails, two in the pink three in the stink
Use unripe fruit or it will break
Remember the safe word
Pulling out is for losers
If your dick becomes blue and swollen you should stop for a while
This is my advice, they need me at work, peace out

>> No.18823244


>> No.18823246

He's only interested in life lessons from himself, he's samefagging to support his retarded idea that the right answer is to give up on women (for their own good, somehow). It is a completely retarded idea that makes no sense, even if he's sincere in caring about women and not wanting meanie men to fuck them (he isn't), the obvious thing to do is to keep trying to date them so you can date them instead as a 'nice guy'. And again, this is all defeated by the acknowledgement that women actually like that kind of 'cynicism' so it's not cruel at all.

>> No.18823251

>3. There are cute and smart single girls.
Stop lying to them seasonal girl, you know girls are only cute and smart when they have collected all seven seal of approval from seven Chads. With the dearth of Chad, cute and smart girls are in ever shorter supply as casual hoes screw up the natural approval order in a top heavy bureaucratic fucking tramp tangle.

>> No.18823254

>three in the stink

>> No.18823267

it takes practice

>> No.18823315

Your ‘favorite book’ is phenomenology of spirit? You must be a boring and pretentious fuck.

>> No.18823394

Who understands women better? People whose only conception of them is jacking off to porngraphy and watching rekt compilations, or an actual human being? Tough call.

Incels are failed creatures, and everyone knows it. Women know it, chad knows it, their parents know it, and they know it.

>> No.18823414


>> No.18823426

I've never read the phemonology of spirit because I am not a homosexual.

>> No.18823487

God you're bad at translating titles.

>> No.18823770

> implying rape will traumatize a whore

>> No.18823812

my entire perception of hegel is completely based off my readings of marx and althusser and therefore I am 100% correct

>> No.18823892
File: 8 KB, 220x229, nordic_gamer_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mmmmm oh yes dear please give me a crumb of your pussy I love pussies they're so important and the only purpose of life is to make them feel good and get covered in their fluids which totally aren't disgusting!

>> No.18823929

In this case you have none at all, just like if you had read Zizek.

>> No.18823948

>nose ring
i can already smell the rape/abuse accusations once the relationship sours. "yeah i fucked him but he was USING ME because i don't like him anymore..."

>> No.18823964

What a fucking fag you are. Disgusting.

>> No.18823973

Many such cases!

>> No.18824094

>>excuse me, is that a copy of Phenomenology of Spirit?
fuck off

>> No.18824108

>I haven't been constantly refreshing the page for hours waiting for your words of wisdom.
We all have browser addons to do that.

>> No.18824119

Yes how pathetic of women to be overcome by bodily pleasure. Not like me and my sophisticated gay friends who aesthetically appreciate getting fucked.

>> No.18824121
File: 8 KB, 219x230, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I am a Hegelian (like every educated person). How could you tell?

>> No.18824237

sounds EXTREMELY GAY bro

>> No.18824267

>History started when men stopped giving a shit what women think whatsoever and discovered the real standards for nobility
Why do incels always sound massively homo

>> No.18824271

But she’s in the thrillers section hunting for the latest Lee Child

>> No.18824322

kek'd out loud thank you anon

>> No.18824651

>tfw I AM that man

>> No.18824665

it's just cringey mate, you'd know if you ever had a woman enjoy your penis

>> No.18824674

touch vagina

>> No.18825100

Post funko pops.

>> No.18825819

You’re biscum man whore if you’re a man and just “alternative and cool” if you’re a bisexual woman.

>> No.18825875


>> No.18825929

Are the talibans right to limit the power of women, when visibly they can't use that power wisely, endangering the fate of the world itself?

>> No.18825937

Why is Hegel photoshopped to look like a donkey?

>> No.18826345

Cope. If she didn’t want a shitty boyfriend she would have dropped him

>> No.18826360

I get artistic obsession for men

>> No.18826606




>> No.18826665

Yes, I am christian and pray everyday that they will win and put thing in proper place

>> No.18826672

I'm at a loss here. You think it's "cringe" if a woman enjoys sex with you? Is this a zoomer thing? I've been married for almost a decade, so not sure if porn has completely destroyed younger mens' ability to connect with women?

>> No.18826740

anime poster is based yet agin

>> No.18826755

What makes you think savagely conquering your enemies is done solely to impress women? Pure projection.

>> No.18826762

>gets called a faggot
>starts talking about how pussy is disgusting
Good rebuttal

>> No.18826821

>Is this a zoomer thing?

He's a virgin. The "retarded noises" he's referring to are the sounds pornstars make, which he believes is normal sex.

>> No.18826833

>You think it's "cringe" if a woman enjoys sex with you? Is this a zoomer thing?
It's a homosexual thing

>> No.18826919

Sex should be used solely for reproduction and women getting any pleasure out of it is sinful

>> No.18826931

It can be nice if they casually enjoy it but the screaming and shit is obnoxious.>>18826821 no, but women these days watch a lot of porn and try to imitate it. That's where the whole "daddy" thing comes from.

>> No.18826939

Being a pussy worshipper is pathetic. I'd much rather hangout with a based faggot than a beta pussy worshipper

>> No.18827029

a real response to pleasure and orgasm are awesome to watch. tensing up, trembling, flushing, and some grunting/moaning/exhaling when the waves of the orgasm wash over are real responses and so fucking hot.

>> No.18827174

But women enjoy being bred. Seems to me like the good Lord set them up to fail. Kind of a dick move imo.

>> No.18827358

I honestly don't care if a woman enjoys sex beyond what it does to increase my standing to enable me to have sex with her again. This isn't even that edgy of a view, it's pretty well established in history and literature that this is basically the default male view of sex and the obsession with female pleasure is a mdoern thing.

>> No.18827365

I disagree. A lot of literature focuses on women desperate to get laid. I think thus far, the only interesting topic I've seen tackled by a woman is pregnancy in Frankenstein. The rest write pathetic romance novels. Feel free to steer me otherwise, but I'm bored of reading 'classics' that are solely about a woman trying to get laid. It's pathetic how much they focus on getting some dick.

>> No.18827370

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.18827374

>it's pretty well established in history and literature that this is basically the default male view of sex and the obsession with female pleasure is a mdoern thing.
Bullshit. Women have been thirsty for cock for millenia. They have focused wholly on their inability to command for cock.

>> No.18827387

Again, what the fuck does that have to do with what I said? What I'm saying is I personally don't care if the woman I'm having sex with enjoys it, and historically most men see it the same way. I said nothing about women not caring.

>> No.18827396
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>> No.18827402

This idea of it being 'historic' is nonsense. Dance around it all you want, you shit sucking pleb.

>> No.18827403

>1. If a girl is cute and smart, it is almost certain she has a boyfriend.
>2. If she has a boyfriend, at one point she was single.
>3. There are cute and smart single girls.
yeah but how old are they

>> No.18827434

What the fuck are you talking about retard

>> No.18827443

>i-it's historic!
>except all of this contradicting information
>noooo that's not what I meant
God you're a bitch.

>> No.18827485

There are plenty of single, young, cute, smart girls out there. I'd actually say most girls in that category at say age 20 are single, the "there are no single girls out there!!!" line is incel/beta cope. The issue is that if they decline to date other men, why would they date you?

>> No.18827493

I say
>historically men don't give a fuck about women's pleasure
you say
>um no, women give a fuck about women's pleasure!!!
There is no contradiction, you're just a moron.

>> No.18827638


>> No.18827706

Why is this website so fucking bitter towards people they haven't even met? Especially when the evidence is usually just porn or some posts on here that read like a cuckold's fanfiction
Shit like this makes me think some of you are closeted gays who refuse to come out and take their frustration out on random whores online, I mean just look at this faggot >>18826939

>> No.18827711

Both of those are me you retard. Nothing I said was anti-whore, anyway.

>> No.18827719
File: 1.54 MB, 1836x3264, IMG-20210806-WA0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.18828312

nigga I just bought it I haven't even read it

>> No.18828326

Lol dude u r gay

>> No.18828327

That's an ugly looking pizza.

>> No.18828341

Fucking KEK, the only reasonable answer in the thread.

>> No.18828342

Based thot patroller triggering twitter tourists and reddit trannies

>> No.18828360

>Cute smart girls
>Cute single girls
Your logic is sound. Thus the conclusion should be:
>3. There are cute single girls.

>> No.18828458

Write a fucking book of this.

>> No.18828487

thanks mate *slaps your ass*

>> No.18828706
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>> No.18828716

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.18828717

Nobody cares that you know a broad. I hope she gets cervical cancer.

>> No.18828740

fucking women

>I guess
>? XD
>I guess
>I guess
>I'm hungry

their texts are a window into their pea brains

>> No.18828759

>haha yeah
>netflix n chill?

>> No.18828767

what the bloody fuck are you doing?

>> No.18828777

It's hilarious how this website acts like it's amazing and rare to hear a firsthand opinion from an actual girl.

>> No.18828791

Based and blackpilled. Your /lit/ gf is probably getting plowed by an illiterate Chad right now. It's okay though, she was a pseud anyway

>> No.18828813

From pretending I hated girls and they had cooties so they would kiss me in third grade to really hating women as a mature adult but still wanting to get their attention nevertheless, I have never been inconsistent.

>> No.18828824

>Terrible things are on the way.
I can't wait bros...

>> No.18828827

>but still wanting to get their attention nevertheless
Bugman. Ngmi.

>> No.18828849

>short answers
she doesn't really like you, if you stop talking to her she won't text you

>> No.18828863
File: 508 KB, 925x925, costanzashigggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, you're done pal

>> No.18828903
File: 767 KB, 1242x2688, 90E28896-C456-4382-B90D-A777A9032DEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18828948

Based femoid not even pretending to be human

>> No.18828958

refreshing honesty

>> No.18828977

women cant even reply with more than 3 meme phrases at the time. Why are we still pretending they deserve equal rights?

>> No.18829001

Nevermind she is subhuman garage but you are alright, based truth seeker

>> No.18829017

>near monosyllabic ramblings
She is illiterate and playing with you. And if she is being honest, she is a retard. So her opinion is most definitely worthless when it comes to the thoughts of the literate.

>> No.18829022

And I'll be straight honest here, most women are almost completely stupid when it comes to other women. In the same manner that most anons are somewhat retards when it comes to understanding other men.

>> No.18829038

This is how women react to people they aren't interested in talking to. You are men so you interpret all discourse as discourse but young women inherently experience reality like an exclusive club where more people always want to get in than can reasonably be let in. What you are seeing here is actually her bouncer trying to let the rejects down gently.

A woman's terse replies always mean something "haha I'll keep talking to you as long as you keep talking to me but I'll never say anything that adds more energy or material for you to work with or hits the ball back in any way because even as a rejected suitor I never want to see again it's still your job to detect and decode my passive behavior as a sign of what I really want."

It's partly to be nice, but more out of fear, because nothing is clearer in a woman's mind than "why can't he tell I'm not interested?" which leads them to the thought "is he retarded or insane? rapist? I had better be careful" which leads them to view all rejected men as one big pigpen full of pathetic clueless but also dangerous weirdos.

>> No.18829077

nice, I'm in the screenshot

>> No.18829091

i hate women so fucking much

>> No.18829115

Dunno, most women are fucking stupid. They expect people to fucking get into what they are thinking. They often complain about empathy but most of them are self-centered af. This whole thing that you are doing is a projection, it can be because she is busy or something, or she isn't really interested, or that she might be interested, because if she wasn't she wouldn't even bother replying. Or it is this latter case that I will go on a bit further.

Be nice? Playing with people isn't nice, and it is mostly to keep men after them. Women (most of them, and this is a social media thing, not irl shit) crave attention, because others who are better than them on the social media "ladder" have more likes and more people after them. They don't even think about the guy messaging them as a person, it is merely another "liker", which is something desirable, but considering that it requires minimal effort, as soon someone starts asking them to think about things, things go to shit. As if this anon wasn't really satisfied with those stupid answers and asked her to fucking think about it and be an actual person rather than some fucking photo gallery with replies more primitive than talk bots. And that is how you get someone who is like that mad, just ask them something that requires them to not be fucking robots. They will either ignore or block you.

>> No.18829169

Hot desu