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[ERROR] No.18818530 [Reply] [Original]

From 'On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life,'
"The masses seem to me worthy of notice in only three respects: first as blurred copies of great men, produced on bad paper with worn plates, further as resistance to the great, and finally as the tools of the great; beyond that, may the devil and statistics take them! What, statistics prove that there are laws of history? Laws? Yes, it proves how mean and disgustingly uniform the masses are: is one to call laws of inertia. stupidity, aping, love and hunger?"

Damn bros, what made him such a dweeb?

>> No.18820082


>> No.18820109

Nietzsche, in fact.

>> No.18820118

What's wrong with this?

>> No.18820127

Cause niggas are chill, eating and shitting and fuckin', etc etc etc. We are on that grind, all of us, doing what we do in our lil bubble. So who does this old ass white nigger think he is talking about the rest of us when he dies after seeing a motherfucking horse. Great man my fat diseased ridden ass.

>> No.18820185

I sense a lot of ressentiment in this post. You alright, man?

>> No.18820196

fuck you fatass no-bitch faggot. Try eating pussy faggot, huh, try it you fucking faggot

>> No.18820583

>eat'n pussy
this nigga licken the plate clean lmao

>> No.18820752

I don't know man, sounds pretty sound to me. Pessimistic, but sound.

>> No.18820776

that's right boy, didn't your momma teach you never to waste a drop, das rite

>> No.18820790

animals can't have ressentiment

>> No.18820985

ctfu only pussy this nigga eatin is the cat meat from the cheap ass chinese place across the street *cry-laugh emoji* (x3)

>> No.18821107

lmao say it to my face nigga you wont bet you wont nigga you wont pussy bitch ass nigga no cap you know id finna beat yo goofy ass nigga yoou dumb fuck bitch nigga

>> No.18821340


>> No.18821376


>> No.18821756

>"Muh great man"

Nietzsche couldn't even get the Woman he was in love with to return the feeling.

All these socially retarded big brain intellectuals of the 19th/20th centuries are always fetishising great men when they themselves can barely function at all.

It is a coping mechanism to convince yourself that everybody else is the problem.

>> No.18822138

The dude was constantly sick, give him a break. Plus Salome was just one of several women who came and went in his life.