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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18817362 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18817552
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>> No.18817575

> northern mongols are white

>> No.18817585

you're not too white that's for damn sure you irredeemable fag

>> No.18817591

African literature us too black. Arab literature is too brown.

>> No.18817594
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>> No.18817598

no it isn't, that's racist

>> No.18817625
File: 54 KB, 640x960, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not white?

>> No.18817642
File: 88 KB, 892x720, Finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we are white and yes we have a proud literary tradition not that any of the fags that doubt us, like >>18817552 have even read a book in the first place xDDDDDDDDD :DDDDDDDDDDD. Are whiteness is not a bad thing. Fuck Jews, fuck traitors, and fuck Swedes ok.
>t. a Proud Finn

>> No.18817703

whiter than you ahmed.

>> No.18817722

I-it just isn't, ok?
Btw I am willing to racemix with her

>> No.18817730

giant forehead, no thanks.

>> No.18817734


>> No.18817740

>he doesn't value extra space for facials

>> No.18817757
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wait till she starts losing hair and looking more like picrel

>> No.18817765

That's a man. Women don't usually lose hair

>> No.18817770

fake headline i am guessing? how could you say something that stupid

>Nigerian literature is too black

>> No.18817772

Have you been in a coma the past five years?

>> No.18817779

>Women don't usually lose hair
Sisters.....who's gonna tell her?

>> No.18817785

what the fuck is finnish literature?

>> No.18817802
File: 92 KB, 631x1024, it'snotgenocidethohehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it isn't fake, they say this all the time
removing white people is considered healthy

>> No.18817811
File: 238 KB, 1080x1070, FinnishArmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what any chud here says, the cultural enrichment of Finnish literature is long overdue. Finns have long enjoyed the physical benefits of cultural enrichment, so why not the intellectual benefits as well?

>> No.18817823

I didn't know the BBC airs in Finland

>> No.18817829

The harsh slave owners of early 20th century Iowa...

>> No.18817831


>> No.18817835

at this point you could drop the facade, openly advocate genocide, and they still wouldn't dare push back

>> No.18817871

>albino gook is white

>> No.18817880

Nigger ud be lucky if that whore gave you the time of day

>> No.18817898

Is this what it's like to have negative standards?

>> No.18817906

That is an edit of that guy's portrait, he didn't include any part of the original American Gothic painting. It is from a book about patriotic contempered paintings. That edit cuts out the kid holding an American flag.

I'm all for calling out "woke" bullshit but this is just retarded fake twitter outrage.

>> No.18817928
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>> No.18817964

That’s literally not genocide though.

>> No.18818128

>we only want your culture erased and your people made a minority, that's not going to literally kill you (yet)

>> No.18818822
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>can't write a Finnish novel because I'm a hurri.
>don't want to write in Swedish
>no idea how to get anything published in English in this country

Just kill me already.

>> No.18818898

the fuck's a hurri?

>> No.18818910

>giant forehead
Not digging that god-tier WHALE GENETICS. Ngmi.

>> No.18818911

>"African literature is too black"
>everyone loses their minds and falls all over eachother in a race to be the first one to say "thats raycisssssss"

>> No.18819051


>> No.18819061
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It's what you call finns who need to hurri up to get to the Finnish line.

>> No.18819071
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>> No.18819084

First of all, literature can't be a obstacle because people don't read.
Second: You can go to Helsinki and see how language is already being killed, not by these mentally ill parasites, but by the people who keep consuming foreign media who speak strange mixture of English and Finnish.
Slur for Fenno-Swedes, its like calling gypsies manne or black neekeri.

>> No.18819292


>> No.18819328
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Why are blacks even interested in migrating to Finland? Isn't the weather too cold for them?

>> No.18819340

because we have nice things they want and they know you won't do anything about it, they smell blood in the water
in Europe you even sometimes hear the Muslims openly speaking about how they will replace us in our home countries, they know it and they are very pleased to get rid of us

>> No.18819342

Free money

>> No.18820156
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>You can go to Helsinki and see how language is already being killed, not by these mentally ill parasites, but by the people who keep consuming foreign media who speak a strange mixture of English and Finnish.
Jesus fucking christ I hate this kind of language rape. It sounds so retarded and listening to it kills brain cells. They are also the people who think dialect speakers are redneck cousin fuckers.

>> No.18820164

Brown person here, how can I migrate to finland?

>> No.18820203

Classic leftism. Finland is just as much a target for destruction and demographic replacement as any other european country. This proves that leftists claiming that europe becoming flooded with africans is deserved punishmet for colonialism is just a lie. They hate europe and europeans no matter what.

>> No.18820221

Ancient Middle Eastern non-Semitic non-IE people from the Late Bronze Age, of course, distant ancient cousins to Chechen sheep-shagging robbers. Expected they'd reach Finka for asylum one day.
Else how does he expect us to understand what a hurri is.

This is the globospeak, perfectly mirroring the rape of nations by the nascent globohomo world class. Russia is having the same thing, including taking absolutely essential and oldest Russian words to exchange for bad English just because.

>> No.18820441

guy is out of their league desu

>> No.18820991


>> No.18821841

>in Europe you even sometimes hear the Muslims openly speaking about how they will replace us in our home countries, they know it and they are very pleased to get rid of us
Well, duh. Being a conqueror feels pretty good.

>> No.18822329

it's a different kind of conquest when you're invited in by traitors to live on gibs. not that I expect a non-european to understand anything like that.

>> No.18822463

Yeah, Finnish women are really digging ugly.

>> No.18822476

Stupid autocorrect.

>> No.18822479

The method is irrelevant if the outcome is what was desired. It’s not as glorious as the Ottomans taking Constantinople, but it got the same job done.

>> No.18823639

Not really. I don't find people with small foreheads attractive.

>> No.18823652
File: 55 KB, 400x584, Suomi Kuu Lippu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frans Eemil Sillanpää (16 September 1888 – 3 June 1964) was one of the most famous Finnish writers and in 1939 became the first Finnish writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature "for his deep understanding of his country's peasantry and the exquisite art with which he has portrayed their way of life and their relationship with Nature".[1] His best-known novels include The Maid Silja [fi] (Nuorena nukkunut) from 1931.

Post only if Nobel /lit/ medal awarded to your nation please.

>> No.18823659

It's far worse desu

>> No.18823669

Doesn’t matter when most EU states will be majority Muslim. The result is all that matters, and if it meant cashing in on European idiocy, so be it.

>> No.18823713

what the fuck, I love finnish literature now