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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18812870 [Reply] [Original]

Are you really reading the book if you're reading its translation? On average just how close to the actual book are its translations? What about the prose? What's the truth? Give it to me no matter how bitter it is?

>> No.18812877


>> No.18812892

Translations are separate texts, valuable in their own right, and are often better than the original.
t. Latin fag that prefers Dryden's translations to the original

>> No.18812904

What about Russian to English?

>> No.18813731

It depends on the writer and the writer and the translation skill and general intelligence. Search an IQ map, if the translation language has a composite IQ equal to or greater than the original language then it's a good bet the translation will be worth reading.

>> No.18813805

I don't speak communism. But people get too worked up about muh authentic text. Stuff like Dostoevsky was published in magazines, probably got rewritten a little by the editor to fit the house style, words chopped out to fit the compositors requirements and so on. Its not like its the pure unfiltered words of the Great Fyodor brought down from the mountaintop carved into stone tablets

>> No.18813872

It is neither the best nor the worst in a book that is untranslateable

>> No.18813916

What about chinese to english?

>> No.18813934
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, Sapir-Whorf+Hypothesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never appreciate foreign poetry because there are foreign languages superior to yours because the language itself and the great author are using a whole mental machinery that is finer and irreducible. Russians have 30+ case tenses that allow for a specificity and precision of meaningful units we do not have English resolution for. Chinese have logograms that allow for rapid idea skimming and efficient computation and thus abstraction. Germanics can chunk suffixes into frankenwords that assemble meaning to greater understanding of meanings in parralel. English is the bastard of German, French, Latin, Greek and Globohomo. It has no weltanschauung. It has no dasein. It has no ser/estar inherence distinction. It can only speak to purchase and sale to which is inferior to the numerically enchanted Hebrew.

Strongk version: Africans will speak African within monoglot English and will not attribute white man meaning nor white man vocabluary richness and thus their grammar will differ to the point of deviating into incomprehensible ebonic dialect.

>> No.18814036
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>> No.18814075

>It has no weltanschauung. It has no dasein
And that's a good thing. English is an infinitely refinable mutant beast like the Thing, with no true essence of definition. It can be anything to anyone, anywhere; defying boundaries, forms, rules and evolving beyond the capacity of any human agency to control. Its triumph was inevitable

>> No.18814785

>Believing in IQ

>> No.18815298

What the fuck is this nigga saying?

>> No.18815339

I'm Russian and I don't understand what are you saying. We have 6 cases and 5 tenses, not like English having 12 tenses.

>> No.18815389

One day innervoicecucks will kneel before the enlightenment of the mentalimagechad who simply intuits the essence of reality before him unadulterated, without the pollutants of language muddying its description. I can't imagine anything more slavish than allowing your thoughts to be constricted by your capacity to articulate assemblies of words. Truly pathetic.

>> No.18815396

I have read the same book in different languages. The experience is a bit different, but not worse. It's a anglo /lit/-pseud obsession that can be disregarded in most cases.

>> No.18815421

I often wonder what these people imagine is going on inside the mind of a musician

>> No.18815446

This is why I learned Cantonese. So I could read Hegel translated by a Hong Konger, the way it was intended

>> No.18815547

do re mi fa SO LA TI DO

>> No.18815568
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>> No.18815581

>Can't work out if moron or excellent joke
Now this is shitposting

>> No.18815602

translated poetry is a total joke and there is no point even bothering with it at all.

Translated novels can be fine and other anons have pointed out some pros and cons but for poetry it is a meme and only retards think otherwise.

>> No.18815651

>translated poetry is a total joke
Nah. Pound's translations of Anglo saxon and Chinese, Ted Hughes' Tales from Ovid, Heaney's Beowulf, Christopher Logue's War Music are all great, as are Dryden's translations from Latin

>> No.18815743

they might be great, but they are their own thing

>> No.18815893

Nice backpaddeling

>> No.18815907

>t. Latin fag that prefers Dryden's translations to the original
LARP. Even the scholars of his day spat on him for twisting Virgil's words or adding in shit that wasn't even in the original to serve his political ideology.

>> No.18815935

not the same anon

>> No.18815956

I imagine the accuracy of the translation varies depending on the two languages being translated. Eg, the difference in grammar and prose for the romance languages shouldn't be too different from the original text. But there might be (Im only assuming) a lot more lost in translation when dealing with combinations like English-Mandarin, English-Hebrew, English-Russian etc

>> No.18815965

I'm no Leibniz, but I'm pretty sure everything is its own thing.
Those scholars are not the boss of me. I speak in a personal capacity that I prefer Dryden. Lucretius is not some mighty genius that his work can't possibly be improved on, no poet is

>> No.18816021
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>be me
>spend 20 years of life starting with the greeks
>post about it on /lit/
>"but anon translations don't really count"
>mfw i have to start over

>> No.18816051

yaaas queen, speak your truth

>> No.18816087

I'm speaking on the linguistic claims of what I learned from this LangFocus video and what this Youtube comment showed me:
"Zatriox Jet
4 years ago (edited)

бéг,бeги́,бéгa,бéгoв,бéгy,бéгaм, бéг,бéгoм, бéгaми,бéгe,бéгaх,бeгý,бeжáть,бeжи́м,бeжи́шь,бeжи́тe,бeжи́т,бeжáт,бeжáл,бeжáлa,бeжáл,бeжáли,бeги́тe,бeжáщий,бeжáщaя,бeжáщee,бeжáщиe,бeжáщeгo,бeжáщeй,бeжáщeгo,бeжáщих,бeжáщeмy,бeжáщeй,бeжáщeмy,

That's simple."

>> No.18816208
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>> No.18816225

Its a good thing if you're not monoglot English speaker like my IE family polyglot self. I just realized last year that learning multiple related languages makes each language stronger.

>> No.18816244

For me I can almost hear new melodies when I am in a creative mood. I mess around a lot with audio engineering because I'm obsessed with the pitch and timbre of rewinding sound files and sampling them more to hear the same tune over and over again instead of creating a digestible song for a proper audience. It's like being a failed drug dealer because youre too busy drugging yourself.

>> No.18816255

German is more definite than english but in a wordy way

>> No.18816273

>Blackpill on translations
It can be effectively replaced by AI.
Not in ten years. Today. Right now. Download DeepL and run an essay through it. Make it literary as you want. Probably you can fix any mistakes within under ten minutes. It used to take a week to write a good translation of a literary work.
Every person I've talked to who's in translation studies deflects this with some bullshit about the value of their degree because "they learned so much theory", but in the real world nobody gives a fuck how much literary theory you studied or how many obscure french essays you read about the value of literal translation vs localization and what it /really/ means to communicate an idea. If you want to spend 40 grand convincing yourself you're super special and important you'd have a better time spending that money on cocaine.
Maybe the translation industry will keep sputtering along for another decade or two, but its an empty pyramid scheme at this point. Just bullshit being propped up by more bullshit.
Any language studies is going to leave you off with the writing ability and cultural capital of a highschool graduate from whatever country speaks the language you studied. Why not learn an actual skill in that time instead?