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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 342 KB, 702x1041, The_Grapes_of_Wrath_(1939_1st_ed_cover)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18811818 [Reply] [Original]

This is propaganda

>> No.18811824

it lays it on thick at points.

>> No.18811847
File: 249 KB, 480x738, 546A3690-A0F8-4D6B-A9DA-FDAABC0D7716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just the theatric language.
Want the reality of it, read the original

>> No.18811849

I think ill be avoiding that now that you've recommended it

>> No.18811855

All literature is propaganda.

>> No.18811859

The woman lived it, and being a competent writer wrote the notes Steinbeck used to write GoW.
You like the way the older writers did it? This is the last of its kind.

>> No.18811933

>It’s just the theatric language.
No not at all.
There is very clearly a political view that is red being pushed at certain parts extremely heavily.
I am not some poltard and I was still able to enjoy the book but at times it felt like the approach family guy would have with brian just straight telling you what political view is good or bad.

how can you deny that and just say it is just the language?

>> No.18812003

>all lower case title
>female author
>Butterfly approved

>> No.18812036

I don’t care for the cover letters either.
It’s like you can’t read what I’m writing to you here.
Either you’re one of those anti-fiction trolls or you’re joking.

Yeah. So what >>18811855 said. Every author has a point of view.
“Propaganda” didn’t used to always have a negative connotation

>> No.18812046

It's a fantastic piece of literature.

>> No.18812087

>This is propaganda
this is paranoia

>> No.18812133
File: 168 KB, 736x598, 992503298-fdef3e39a522c9c345d1f115a76e12ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18812143

I hate American literature. It's all miserable trash.

>> No.18812216

Great book, I think you are just faggots

>> No.18812305

Added to my do not read list

>> No.18812411

God I hate books that are written about poor people and try to replicate the way they talk.

>> No.18812424
File: 318 KB, 500x622, 1611359933993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18812431

get fukt commie

>> No.18812442

It's a good book but I agree. Chapter's describing the 'machine' were better than the familial ones

>> No.18812654
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1489855871422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically reading anything that a commie tripfag recommends

>> No.18812677
File: 251 KB, 372x631, not_real_socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human decency

>> No.18812718

>Anything I don't like is propaganda

You'd think on this board people would at least understand what that word means

>> No.18812800

are you retarded?

>> No.18812827

>Yeah. So what
The point is that in this case it goes beyond just being an expression of the authors opinion being presented in the art and interrupts the art as it becomes so dame clearly pushy with its commie shit.

You say so what and I am just saying that he layed it on a bit too thick. It could have been done well by Showing instead of TELLING.
This is what family guy does they just tell you what to think but southpark "used to" just show politics instead of plainly stating it.

this is not even the worst offender

>> No.18812854

Tom Joad was a good man.

>> No.18812874

No, I'm not a communist.

>> No.18812881

all art is propaganda

>> No.18812896

retarded and communist are synonymous

>> No.18813171

>family guy
>south park
>show, don't tell
I want to smash your skull into jelly

>> No.18813191

Show, don't tell :^)

>> No.18813212

The inbetween Joad family bits were honestly cringe

>> No.18813223

Good, I've always been suspicious of Steinbeck with how popular he is with progressives. East of Eden was really quite good though, made me cry.

>> No.18813610

MY point is still to read the original piece.

This thread is full of capitalist apologists just here to shit on Steinbeck. I get it

>> No.18813658

>capitalist apologists

>> No.18813711

Dimwits spouting off “commie” this “commie” that.
We had been in the Great Depression and only got out because of (mild) socialist reforms. We didn’t become a superpower by playing imperialists, we actually started this long fall by doing that.

>> No.18813727

>reading comprehension

>> No.18813728

Based butterfly

Get help

>> No.18813740

Wait until this guy hears about what happened in World Wars I + II so boomers could buy toasters

>> No.18813786

>use commie language
>NOO! I'm not a commie! I'm just a mild socialist!

>> No.18813803

I just left a thread cause butters had share up the the thread. Now, the third thread I have entered today with an interesting topic had been ruined, yet again by butters. What' the fuck is wrong with this cunt? I just want to read some good threads but this unfunny cunt has to lay shitheaps of bait all throughout their posts.

>> No.18813810

people who get overly triggered by butters are insufferable pseuds.

>> No.18813819


>> No.18813881

>reads 400 pages describing human condition
>reeeeeeeeee commies
Seems reductive. I always thought Steinbeck promoted perseverance, strength, and integrity.