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[ERROR] No.18810403 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with Byung-Chul Han?

>> No.18810571

to add to OP: anyone got a decent download of "Burnout Society"? I can only find parts of the whole book

>> No.18810579

actually maybe this one works: https://blogs.ethz.ch/don18/files/2020/05/Byung-Chul-Han-The-Burnout-Society-Stanford-Briefs-2015.pdf
also could be a good starting place for you OP

>> No.18810591

Bung hole man

>> No.18810773
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>> No.18810805

Read one book of his and you've read them all. Either burnout society or psychopolitics

>> No.18810871

Start with The Book Club review

>> No.18811046

in the trash

>> No.18811058

Got BTFO by a covid

>> No.18811549

>low-budget agamben

>> No.18811590

I really hate this.

>> No.18812105


>> No.18812611


>> No.18813295

I read psychopolitics and it was meh

>> No.18813746

i read burnout society and it stinks...full of shit? he clearly doesn't understand what he is talking about when in the first chapter he talks about how immune system works. it is not entirely wrong BUT you get the feeling he wants to sound clever...

>> No.18814348
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>> No.18815292

Also, as a neet, the concept of burnout makes no sense to me.

>> No.18815410

>inb4 some insecure obscurantist says Byung is a pop philosopher

>> No.18815480

yeah he's not even a philosopher, but a essayist

>> No.18815486

yeah you're true. he's not even a philosopher, but a naive essayist

>> No.18815503

>philosophy is when you write stuff about what losers who don't think at all think in their spare time
you will never get philosophy

>> No.18815543

thanks for proving my point

>> No.18815607

what is your point?

>> No.18815652

That misusing scientific terms twice a sentence makes you a great philosopher (if you are french that is)

>> No.18816159


>> No.18816316

>Where to start with Byung-Chul Han?