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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18808384 [Reply] [Original]

Despite the fact that this book has made /lit/'s top 100 list many times, I don't think very many of you have read it. I hate you, /lit/. You repulse me with your maniacal and pathetic lies. Get off this board and go read.

>> No.18808400

I'm taking a shit

>> No.18808406

No, I'm reading my own stuff. You can't make me follow charts.

>> No.18808426

if it's so great post the PDF faggot

>> No.18808434

Exposed for posting the inferior Penguin version and not the superior /lit/ approved Daedalus edition translation by Brendan King.

>> No.18808450

>proud of reading a translation
Learn French, pédé.

>> No.18808516

Love it, even wrote a pastiche of it (Among other things.)

>> No.18808640

someone give me the TLDR

>> No.18809698

>even wrote a pastiche of it
Would you mind posting it? Happy to have someone who actually reads ITT.

>> No.18809719

The first part is a little slow but, I believe it gets better as it goes along, it is precisely 7200 syllables, 100 paragraphs of 72 syllables each.


Man hates normies, gets away from normies and thinks about all of the kino he loves and how he hates normie shit. Kek.

>> No.18809723

Eclectic French aristocrat becomes a recluse and muses on his interior decorations and collection of art and literature.
Highly recommended

>> No.18809733

Genetically destroyed aristocrat becomes a monkish art critic.

>> No.18809738

Decadent who is so decadent he comes out the other side of decadence

Entire chapters on his favorite Latin stylists and one dedicated to covering a turtle in gold and gems

>> No.18809751

Yeah it’s kino to include a-rebours as basically the start of the Durtal series. Have you lads ever read his work en-rade? I enjoyed it because we got even more highly weird dream sequences. Along with his same lovely prose style and hate of normie values.

>> No.18809754

Can you please leave

>> No.18809788

Shut the fuck up. He's one of the only posters on /lit/ who actually reads and he might be the most well-read poster we have. Kys, faggot.

>> No.18811067

you do realize that the books in those lists receive like 4 or 5 votes, right? most of /lit/ doesn't even vote in them

>> No.18811086

>worshipping a tripfag
You worthless vermin will jump at any opportunity to have something or someone to follow, or else you feel like headless chickens flailing around. I bet you also follow youtubers and twitter accounts from where you get your shitty opinions.

>> No.18811762

I've read it and I didn't like it. Just a rich guy jerking off to his own image. Only the very last chapters get interesting when he starts to contemplate Catholicism but it doesn't go anywhere (author insert)

>> No.18811846

I think there's been a revival after Houellebecq mentioned him in Submission

>> No.18811882

Catholicism was the most boring part: the perfumes, flowers, and the late Latin poets were what interested me the most, as I can get any one of about 1 million boring books about Catholicism and Christianity but the autism on display there about those subjects is a difficult thing to find in other authors who aren’t incredibly obscure or niche. And it’s even more interesting if none of it were true and Huysmans was making it all up, which of course in a sense he is