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[ERROR] No.18807958 [Reply] [Original]

When seeing videos like this, I think about how fans of video games with so called deep philosophical stories and ideas would be better off reading actual philosophy, or at least philosophical novels, as they would likely enjoy it a lot more and would learn at least 100 times more than what these said video games would have to offer, how would someone go about recommending these fans some important works without them ignoring you or being absolutely filtered?

>> No.18807973

>philosophical video games
Show some examples of these games, I'm curious what those manchildren call philosophy.

>> No.18807985

They only care about the reward the brain gives them after pressing a button and seeing flashy lights popping on the screen.

>> No.18807994

The first thing you have to do is separate the ones who are actually interested in philosophy from the ones who are permanently stuck in their limited station and just enjoying the opportunity to self-suck and pat themselves on the back. Not every person who listens with interest to a midwit retard telling him how his favorite children's cartoon is "actually very philosophical" is listening because he has the spark of philosophical eros actually active in him and is surprised and pleased to find it in a domain he was already comfortable in and tired of, like a bridge leading out of it and onto something greater. Most are big stupid pigs looking to be told that the filth they are already masters of sucking down from the trough is "philosophical," ergo they are philosophical and not filth eating pigs.

You need to sift for the gems by creating a method of sifting that takes into account that the gems always already want to be sifted, even if they don't know it yet. They are already capable of spontaneous movement. The key isn't to make the pig pen better, it's to make it unmistakeable to those who aren't pigs but who have never known any reality but "you're a pig" to see beyond the pen and know they can leave any time they want.

>> No.18808003
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1618455281266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yeah I totally resolved the problem of phenomenological closure last night when playing Among Us!
Lord give me the strength to endure this world, and do your will while I suffer through it.

>> No.18808047

According to this video, Undertale (seriously), Dark Souls, Nier Automata I think it’s called, and MGS series and some weeb games, the presenter is a soi infested man child, as if that was a surprise, here’s the link https://youtu.be/byiLmuPiOKc

>> No.18808057
File: 153 KB, 872x1200, muramasa-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest philosophical game is pic related.

>> No.18808059

Actual philosophy is just obfuscated thought experiments that any retard could understand if it wasn't presented through an unnecessary layer of complexity and reference.

>> No.18808069

Both video games and philosophy are worthless means of escapism for weak losers. The difference is that video games are inarguably more fun.

>> No.18808081
File: 49 KB, 266x400, 6687097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of these pop culture + philosophy books, but I haven't read them so I don't know their quality.

>> No.18808097

this post is kinda sussy >>18808003

>> No.18808104

amogus :DDD

>> No.18808111

Philosophy isn’t escapism, it’s more cope than anything, and that’s only stoicism, that’s more retarded than saying the fucking bible is escapism

>> No.18808119

Does this video at least talk about Pathologic or The Void?

>> No.18808133

>more fun
He doesn't know the immeasurable pleasure of entertaining for the first time the apodictic presence of your transcendental Ego.
We clearly need harder captcha.

>> No.18808136

Idk didn’t watch it

>> No.18808304

It’s weebshit, anything Japanese will be disregarded

>> No.18808353

What I said is true regardless.

>> No.18808363

just read Žižek

>> No.18808374
File: 120 KB, 1200x1200, 1615774675242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout New Vegas is the only correct answer. It's hegelian dialectics; I ain't gotta explain shit, profligate.

>> No.18808385


>> No.18808393


>> No.18808407

What's the matter sweatie, did you side with the neoliberal larpers? The ancap cyborg? Only Caesar can restart history.