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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18807342 [Reply] [Original]

After reading the comments I realize that autists here are by far the most intellectual on the internet.
>inb4 you need to go back
shut up fags I only use reddit for my uni's sub
Now in all seriousness what would you guys think would be reddit's top books list ?

>> No.18807360
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>> No.18807387
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The /lit/ top books lists are totally disingenuous as post2016 /lit/ doesn't read or talk about literary fiction.
As far as I can work out some autistits produces the list to impress upon r/books the fantasy that /lit/is some kind of subversive, intellectual enclave.

The most pathetic part is when actual anons start believing their own hype.

>> No.18807406

I've been here for a long time and I've always ignored the 'book lists' threads. Who or what's this '/lit/' reddit has created?

>> No.18807407

omg we made it to reddit! we're famous bros!

>> No.18807424

An insulting strawman at best. The most amusing part is the comments. Redditards believe they can gatekeep the actual list and criticize the lack of female authors or the lack of the fact that the majority of authors on the list are english

>> No.18807432

>The most pathetic part is when actual anons start believing their own hype
this is true. /lit/ charts are usually surface-level and not as intellectual or deep as most posters here would like to believe, but that's a given with any social media site these days.

>> No.18807438

They are right about the anglo part and you know it.
Also my wife Emily Dickinson should have been on the list

>> No.18807442

At least twice a year some anon posts a "look at our list" thread on r/books. Newfag

>> No.18807449

My bad I ended up getting lost in my train of thought but you get the idea
which countries would you put up there anon. Aside from eastern Europe I really wouldn't put anyone

>> No.18807459

...hence my comment

>> No.18807469

I guess it would be something like:
6-7 chinese
1-2 korean
more germans
more italians
way more greeks
way more romans
a bunch of writers from smaller countries like Hungary, Australia, Poland, etc.

>> No.18807472


>> No.18807480

>6-7 chinese
I can only think of Yan Lianke
>1-2 korean
literally who?

>> No.18807485

I really don't understand how posting a list took 30-40 hours

>> No.18807490

Which chinese book would you recommend anon?
I always wanted to get into chinese literature

>> No.18807494

Do you know what board you're on? Fucking retard.

>> No.18807500

anglo dominance is the only real downside but iirc the author nationality is atleast somewhat comparable to the user nationality on this site so who cares

>> No.18807516

Yan Lianke is barely even top 5 living chinese. Yu Hua, Mo Yan, and Jia Pingwa are all on an entirely different level
But all of them are way inferior to the 6 classics (especially Journey to the West, Dream of the Red Chamber, and The Scholars). I thought only Romance of Three Kingdoms wasn't that good.
A bunch of Daoist works if you allow philosophy.
The Record of Grand Historian if you allow history.
Li Bai is a great poet too.
A case can be made for Lu Xun but I wouldn't put him there personally.

>literally who?
Nine Cloud Dream + maybe one of contemporaries

There is also a lot of recency bias on all of /lit/'s list. A bunch of burger pomo junk but barely a sprinkle of greeks, no sanskrit works, etc.

>> No.18807532

The lists are determined by lowest common denominator, any one anons would be more idiosyncratic.

>> No.18807547

Do reddit have their own such list?

>> No.18807565

of course not, any attempt at ranking their favourite fantasy YA would lead to a downvotefest about "muh gatekeeping"

>> No.18807579

Maybe the smaller more niche reddit boards though.

>> No.18807584

/r/fantasy has a bunch and its even worse than you think

>> No.18807588

probably some marxist ramblings about mutilating the genitalia of little children

>> No.18807605
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>Do you know what board you're on? Fucking retard.

>> No.18807619
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From google searching I found the following
>Blood Meridian in 10th place
I also found the following, which gives an interesting view into the reddit mindset but isn't strictly a top 100 books list:
Be sure to replace plebbit with reddit
Other than that I found nothing.

>> No.18807628

Even worse than the /lit/ list.
Its embarrassing how people will pretend that this list represents the high points oh human literary achievement.
Even arrbooks turns respectful towards this hipster anglo thrash.

>> No.18807637
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>tfw redditors are more intelligent and well-read people than you retards

>> No.18807638

they're just listing books that they were told were influential, that's it

>> No.18807650

Looks better than the /lit/ list.

/lit/ is same + whatever edgy nonfiction is the current flavour of the month.

>> No.18807651

This is very similar to our list kek

>> No.18807660

The Aeneid is overrated. The Metamorphoses should have been there

>> No.18807665

Sure, buddy, Virgil just can't compete with the divine genius of DFW and Pynchon

>> No.18807673

Are you the same guy who always posts this lol. You can prefer Ovid but there is no need to criticize the aeneid, it is a masterpiece

>> No.18807676

Yeah, it reveals that both 4channellers and redditors are dumbasses who think Blood Meridian is one of the top ten books of all time.

>> No.18807684

If we are dropping hot takes I for one think Shakespeare is thrash and Dante is only redeemed by his poetic elegegance

>> No.18807685

No not that guy. I actually quite like the aeneid but I still believe Virgil is superior

>> No.18807711

The only reason I prefer the metamorphoses is because back when we were doing latin in highschool (frenchfag) I found the text easy to understand so I'm quite biased regarding the question

>> No.18807721

I too prefer Virgil over the Aeneid

>> No.18807738

fucking hell don't make fun of me for speaking english like a fag french was always superior and you know it

>> No.18807739

I can't read tee-hee :)

>> No.18807746

We know.

>> No.18807758

at least link it

>> No.18807783

>X is only redeemed by his poetic elegegance
is this a good thing for people who are unable to read the native tongue of the writer?

>> No.18807798

>Also Ovid is great.
Uh, yeah, pleb alert. The Romans are generally shit, the exceptions being Virgil, Horace, and Petronius.

>> No.18807912

What frightens me the most about the list is the fact that
>18 authors have multiple appearances. The most appearances made by any author is a three way tie between Dostoevsky, Joyce, and Pynchon with 4. Faulkner have 3. Fourteen authors have 2.


>> No.18807966

Dostoevsky especially always dominates best of lists because he has literally 5 differnt novels that people think are his best, which is very unusual. Lolitas absence is weird though given how much it's posted here

>> No.18808075

>shut up fags I only use reddit for my uni's sub
Evidently not, since you just posted some shit from r/books. Go back you fucking retard