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[ERROR] No.18805810 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential tomboy literature?

>> No.18805888
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>> No.18806245
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>> No.18806254

If you like that you might as well like boys.

>> No.18806299
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someday... I'll find one...

>> No.18806314

Didn't this bitch come out as lesbian already?

>> No.18806387

you think we care that much about who she is and what she does irl? They're just objects of our fantasies

>> No.18806469

That's a man.

>> No.18806981

This one is a little too "masculine". Tomboys are hot. Most are crazy and insufferable i agree.

>> No.18806991
File: 88 KB, 1024x641, ishtar_and_bull_of_heaven_by_emakaro_d6qn8na-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld.

>> No.18806992

God I hate queers

>> No.18807061
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&amp magazine issue 005. btw does anyone know where i can get a good deal on a helium tank?

>> No.18807073
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Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile

>> No.18807077
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jk. and faulkner is supposed to have tomboys

>> No.18807079

Tomboys are the most overrated thing in this planet, holy shit. My first gf was a tomboy and when things went to shit I decided I would cope by fucking a bunch of tomboys. After some months I was clearly some sort of tomboy specialist, probably had banged at least half of the tomboys in the small city I lived, some of them would tell me they're lesbian, didn't ask didn't care just fucked em. Now, this was thankfully just a phase and today I can look back at those experiences and enlighten you guys on tomboys:

You need male friends, not female friends. Your isolation and lack of friends are being fused with your lack of sex into a single figure that would supposedly solve both of your problems: the tomboy. Getting actual friends will solve one of the issues, and soon you can actually focus on getting a gf, male friends are much better than female friends anyway.

Tomboys are always surrounded by males, they have tons of "male friends" some which are weirdo simps and some that are fucking her. Her body count is big, they are almost never gf material.

Tomboys like childish stuff like fantasy books and video games. If you are an adult you should not be into this stuff, grow up. If the reason you're attracted to them is mutual interests then you are a childish loser and have bigger problems to sort out before going for a girlfriend.

Ultimate redpill: you can get any woman to cut her hair short, find a nice woman with normal hair and then convince her to cut it. If this aesthetic preference is your reason to chase tomboys then just do this instead, problem solved.

>> No.18807101

okay now im starting to get serious about the helium

>> No.18807124
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>be me ftm
>still prefer tomboys over girly girls
am i a kind of closeted backwards autophile or just morbidly repulsed by female faggotry after brewing it in for so long

>> No.18807147

You're a mentally ill freak so there's no way to know really.

>> No.18807152

nigga stop whining and be my boyfriend! the boy is in italicsthe "is" is also in italics

>> No.18807167

>be me normal male
>banging an ftm
>feels less gay than dating an actual woman
did I take the tomboy meme too far lads
how does this make you feel

>> No.18807190

>You're a mentally ill freak
wow, never suspected. i need a minute. thanks for breaking the news, fellow browser of a laosian palm logging forum.
subtle kek but i get what you mean (if your one isnt the ayyden softboy pronouns type)
repressed ftms make THE perfect tomboys too

>> No.18807207

>wow, never suspected. i need a minute. thanks for breaking the news
You still make the typical passive-aggressive, effeminate response that a woman would make. Even in this you will never be a man.

>> No.18807319

nah he (she?) is pretty normal I think I love him (her?)
why do you want to become men it's too confusing

>> No.18807349

I'm gonna spam this on every tomboy thread now

>> No.18807355

I don't think so. I'm only attracted to lesbians and I feel nothing looking at her.

>> No.18807370

>why do you want to become men it's too confusing
would you want to be a woman?
apart from the crude physical dysphoria, let's say i felt great sorrow of being remote from masculine ways and ideals, heavy doom from the mere suggestion i'll have to live the rest of my life the way women do

>> No.18807372

>that passive agressive response
Kindly fuck off and never mention what flavor of freak you are you dirty WOMAN

>> No.18807404

but you could just be a based autist like Emily Bronte or something
becoming what amounts to a gay, dickless manlet seems a sad fate but maybe that's just me (6'2, jacked, big dick)

>> No.18807470
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why is the last one so much taller? does it have big illustrations?
>t: only read Man and His Symbols

>> No.18807602

i dont really care what i "am", could "identify" as a roided hyperbutch for all i care. for me it's the specifics: low voice, muscles, and never being read as a desirable female
ps also not a turbo manlet at 5"8

>> No.18807668

The Mountain Lion by Jean Stafford

>> No.18807855
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idk but based either way

>> No.18808364
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Me too anon, me too

>> No.18808473

It's the BBC Big Black Codex

>> No.18808492

Yeah, I'm thinking: BASED!

>> No.18808736
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Only brutes and dykes like feminine women. Tomboys are an aesthetic and spiritual choice

>> No.18808753
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The Red Book by Jung
The poems of Rimbaud if you imagine him as a girl

>> No.18808877
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yea the short hair is what really did it and i think getting a girlfriend in itself is hard enough for me anyway so i think it would be easier to convince a theoretical "regular" girlfriend to cut her hair than to get a tomboy gf.

Thx anon!

>> No.18809027

Bro chill it's just a meme

>> No.18809227

It was real for me

>> No.18809256
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At least you don't try and prey on homosexual males like other ftm "men."

>> No.18809794


>> No.18810042
File: 559 KB, 1600x2417, mccullers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the member of the wedding as well as the heart is a lonely hunter by carson mccullers

>> No.18810099

This is your brain on dilation.

>> No.18810183

theyre non-binary u fool