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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18804794 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: no midwit entry level dystopian novels.

>> No.18804821

Read a book about machine learning, and think about it. Not even joking. It requires some linear algebra and calculus, there are some online courses too, check them out.

>> No.18804826

ive heard great things about Jacque Ellul's "Propaganda". havent read it yet though.
why the fuck does government have to be so comically evil all the time wtf, thats not helping my paranoid schizophrenia and in fact its the normies that seem deluded

>> No.18804828

>that one bot on #bookz that keeps shilling the "documents the government doesn't want you to see

>> No.18804858

Value price and profit.

>> No.18804865

Metal Gear Solid 2

>> No.18805009

Killing Hope

>> No.18805017
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>> No.18805027

seconding ellul

>> No.18805043

Extreme Paranoia: Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Shot!

Did you know there is a government program to prevent sarcastic dystopian novels?


>> No.18805052

Read Snowden's press releases or some of the books he wrote.
Read on Palantir and predictive policing.
This is still a new frontier so there's not a lot of good literature on it.
And yeah a history of the three-letter agencies doesn't hurt.

>> No.18805135

the Byron the Bulb story from Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.18805146

Trying to apply "good" or "evil" to government is childish. You would never understand. If you think that if you was a president you would make everything good and flowerish than you are a fucking manchild.

>> No.18805151

read the testimonies of north korean defectors I guess

>> No.18805199
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>Trying to apply "good" or "evil" to government is childish. You would never understand. If you think that if you was a president you would make everything good and flowerish than you are a fucking manchild.
ok, cool. it's not like this has been hammed home to us a million times already midwit

>> No.18805213


The government could elect someone who believed that pedophiles should be subjected to human experimentation to cure cancer + etc and win massive approvals. That's called being good.

>> No.18805343

And you still haven't learned a shit and don't know what to do with that thought.

>> No.18805696


>> No.18805701

1984 and brave new world

>> No.18805707

Cringe larp fantasy

>> No.18805716
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Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said

>> No.18805751

mein kampf unironically, turner diaries

>> No.18805786

Also read Persecution and the Art of Writing.

>> No.18805817

This website circa now, when read at the meta level. It's the closest thing to The World According To Iago that's possible by any means, including that of individual authorship.

>> No.18805836
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> the curve of vaccinations is followed by the curve of deaths

>> No.18806099

Very convenient that you think this for the people responsible

>> No.18806728
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Metal gear solid 2

>> No.18806785

Alright, bootlicker.

>> No.18806958

Do you have a textbook reccomendation? I know math

>> No.18807068

Stanislav Lem: The Futurological Congress

>> No.18807084
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>> No.18807231
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>> No.18807375

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism Book by Shoshana Zuboff and >>18804865