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[ERROR] No.18803824 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't know how to speed read

>> No.18803831
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>he does not know how to read

>> No.18803832

I do. Just complete in your mind what the author is about to say, prediction. You'll notice you don't even need to close the book.

>> No.18803834

I know how to do it, but i also know its retarded.

>> No.18803836

i can’t sneed

>> No.18803891

Your brain has a clock speed at which it can interpret something, roughly your IQ. If I read a page incredibly slow, I'm just going to interpret in on a deeper meaning, if I read it incredibly fast, I'll get a very low resolution idea of what the page said. You read at a pace where you are happy with your level of resolution. "Speed reading" doesn't increase comprehension/second, only words/second, which is largely irrelevant

>> No.18803907

>he doesn't watch his movies and listen to his music at 1.5x speed
>he doesn't speedwalk through art galleries
>he doesn't speedwrite his thoughts into an incomprehensible mess only he can read

>> No.18803917

How much money, what profession or skill, level of good looks, or status do I need to get a girl like this?

>> No.18803927

Probably nothing, you can be a fucking retard, no job, good for nothing and whatever. Young girls are stupid af.

>> No.18803955

Know how to talk to women, look like you take care of yourself, own a car

>> No.18803961

Be over 6', be at least a 7 (you can probably looksmax to this level if you're white and dedicated, plastic surgery, complex methods etc.) have a job that pays at least 200k a year, have a dominant position in some sort of social group, through which you meet the girl.

>> No.18803964
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you have to read a lot

>> No.18803980

>He doesnt know how to please white women

>> No.18803981

The worst part about the shutdowns and mask mandates was not seeing beautiful women smile, which is the only part of society which I truly enjoyed. The return to normalcy and getting to see these wonderful smiles in the wild and even occasionally having them directed at me may have saved me.

>> No.18803987

Be black 6ft3 and about 7 to 8 inches plus adequate girth. You can have her after were done and shes 30.

>> No.18803996

it's so weird how deeply the cuck psyop has penetrated into the internet's psychology
women in general hate black men
t. black

>> No.18804017

i was going to the gym for a while during maskdom and i couldnt tell if the girl at the front desk was cute or not. she had nice eyes but that's only half of the story

>> No.18804038

Maybe not but I'm really good at speed sex

>> No.18804053

it's just 4chan, no sane person believes this

>> No.18804092

Sure but I see it everywhere constantly, it's on twitter, it's on reddit, and it's very weird -- even demeaning after a point. The 'proximity' to other memes like women fuck dogs shows it's clearly meant to be dehumanizing even if it's technically a form of flattery, but how little it corresponds to lived experience makes it seem like I'm the butt of the joke not women or cucks or whatever, like it's some ironic fiction. Imagine having to see that wherever you go online.

>> No.18804105

This is a 4chan meme, you are just crazy about it because your brain got fried by a fucking meme and now you are getting triggered by it every time you see some shit like that on other websites. 4chan basically raped your mind and now you are traumatized. Fucking KEK

>> No.18804117


>> No.18804198

In the end, the black man cucked himself.

>> No.18804245
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She's my wife

>> No.18804267

I actually learned how to speed read about a week ago. I like doing it because it helps with my stamina. I might get bored or tired if I read like I used to, but now it is much easier and I have a much better time. I don't lose any comprehension when I read faster. I have been reading mostly easy non-fiction, so that may be the reason. Reading the Bible seems to be fine, however.
Below is a really good video on how to read faster:

>> No.18804268

Give me her name

>> No.18804275

Such a forceful smile actually made her ugly.

>> No.18804322

It's similar to talking fast. People like Ben Shapiro have made a career out of spewing out as many words as possible in the shortest amount of time. It's not done for any other reason than to bombard the receiving party with a deluge of info that needs time to process.

>> No.18804392

>he doesn't know how to spread seed