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[ERROR] No.18803013 [Reply] [Original]

This book literally makes you feel like a rich white girl and it's a great feeling.

>> No.18803024

Yes, it somewhat does, I'm reading it again if I ever have a daughter.

>> No.18803033

>ywnba above average height white girl with a successful career living in 1950s new york city
>ywn look down on sub-6ft manlets
>ywn crave chad's cock
>ywn get shitfaced drunk and drunkenly manhandled by a misogynistic chad

it isn't fair bros

>> No.18803045

Dunno, iwnbaw. And that is a great thing.

>> No.18803076

it's impossible for you to "feel like" something you've never been
at best you're feeling your idea of how a rich white girl feels, which likely has no relation

>> No.18803145

It's good because it's pro-suicide.

>> No.18803151

Everyone who reads this book has been a rich white girl, you bigot.

>> No.18803170

>living vicariously isn't possible
Then would be the incentive of anyone consuming any content detailing the experiences of other beings?

>> No.18803176

Thanks! You just made me feel better about myself!

>> No.18803187

I can read about, watch, listen to, talk to and write about stuntmen and gain pleasure and knowledge through these indirect activities; but I will still never really know what it's like to be a stuntman

>> No.18803200

to expand on this
the value of reading is enjoyment and maybe a little extra understanding, but the value of doing is to truly know something

>> No.18803203
File: 256 KB, 1160x1000, DQBpnFOUIAI_Yt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get pretty darn close though.

>> No.18803213

>ywn look down on sub-6ft manlets
Femanon here. She does that because she's insecure about her height.

>> No.18803215


>> No.18803219

>s-she's insecure about her height!
holy cope, not only are you a tranny but a short tranny. I bet you are like 4 ft but identify as a 7 ft giant

>> No.18803229

How do we solve the tranny problem

This shit is getting out of hand

>> No.18803232

Ban anime and porn in all corners of the planet would be a good start. Never gonna happen though.

>> No.18803247

No, just a tall woman who used to tease short men because they made me self-conscious about my height. Eventually I got over it and married a man who's shorter than me.