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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18802125 [Reply] [Original]

Even if you write something worth reading and publish it, there's going to be some self-indulgent Goodreads or Amazon user who gives your book a low rating with some histrionic statement about how your writing isn't incredible or they found parts of the book problematic

I know I shouldn't care but having some snot-nosed retard give his thoughts on what I've written disgust me.

>> No.18802311

I've decided to not read reviews of any kind from anyone who is not the editor of the book or in any way related to the publishing process.

>> No.18802353
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Insults serve as compliments if it comes from someone you disdain.

>> No.18802389

I put my heart and soul into my book. Got it published with a small indie publisher. Some fuckwit middle class university brat wrote a bullshit review and asked where are the female and POC characters?
What can you possibly say to someone that brainwashed? How do you explain your ideas to a literal NPC drone?
It's all so tiresome D0r0r

>> No.18802418

I don't give a fuck.
I write for myself.

>> No.18802454

My writing comes from my mental illness and unwillingness to become a better person. Nobody could write something more harmful than what I think of myself as I write.

>> No.18802472
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Just rape them

>> No.18802540

What kind of shitty mental illness is this? Mine has convinced me that there cant be a better person than me.

>> No.18802553

Same as any pursuit in life

>> No.18802615

Schizophrenia and some shit with self destructive tendencies. I just really dont like myself so i write about people who actually fix their lives rather than my perpetual decline. I also add some fun scenarios in it like pirates or space travel. It makes them not so boring.

>> No.18802640
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When you got skin in the game, you stay in the game
But you don't get a win unless you're playing the game
Oh, you get love for it
You get hate for it
But you get nothing if you just wait for it (wait for it) (wait-)

>> No.18802666

who cares lmao
delete this thread

>> No.18802668

Have you tried giving samples of your writings to others? Mine don't make much sense so i can write for whatever i like and then lie for its meaning. Yours though sound like they could actually get 1 or 2 keks out of my sides.

>> No.18802886

the internet is so meme-driven that the things in that review will be passed around as fact and most people won't even give your book a chance and those that do are attracted by those memes and likely to stupid to finish it much less appreciate it. things live and die by memes and how autistic your shillers and anti-shillers for these memes are. meaning your audience or anti-audience is shit either way because they're always-online losers who obsess about internet points, internet hierarchies, ecelebs, etc.