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[ERROR] No.18802074 [Reply] [Original]

Any books for prison? Might have to do some time soon.

>> No.18802084

Discipline and Punish

>> No.18802102

ah.......so you’ve been charged with “books for x” posting. sorry they finally got you but i hope your stay in prison teaches you a lesson about making posts

>> No.18802450

What is book written by a black pimp?
Someone mentioned here some months ago and it was supped to be quite good.

>> No.18802494

The Count of Monte Cristo
Iceberg Slim

>> No.18802745

Thanks anon

>> No.18802757

A Philosophy book, maybe Boethius, he wrote his shit in prison. Malcolm X's biography might be inspiring too.

>> No.18802805

*Sniff, sniff* Wait a minute. *Sniff, sniff* Is that pussy I smell? And is that STPeach? A streamer that, in fact, makes me want to eat pussy, no less? Why yes, it is. Gaah!!! W-what's happening to me?! All of a sudden, my insatiable desire to suck cock is being replaced by an insatiable desire to eat pussy! Urgh! AAAAHH! BROS, HELP ME! MY TONGUE IS WIGGLING ON IT'S OWN! IT WANTS TO SAMPLE SOME SULTRY STRANGE! IT WANTS TO POKE SOME PUNGENT PUSSY! IT NEEEEDS TO TASTE THAT NASTY NOOKIE! IT WANTS TO CRITIC THAT CRUSTY CLAM! OH, GOD! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, BROS! I'M DONE WITH COCK! I WANT TO EAT PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18802821

I really don't get why anyone thinks eating pussy is cool

>> No.18802834

Porn has normalized and glamorized so many previously fringe sexual acts (that includes oral sex for both males and females)

>> No.18802841

Women like it, sounds reasonable if you care about your partner.

>> No.18802866

I'm glad you're going to prison. Justice had been served.

>> No.18802877


>> No.18802907

ignore that guy, OP. I hope you do ok. We need prison reform very badly.

>> No.18802983

The New Testament
Convict Conditioning
Crime and Punishment

>> No.18802988

also, get a prisoner's cookbook

>> No.18802997
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>> No.18803056

The Count of Monte Cristo
long, and has good moral lessons for someone confined, especially for unfair reasons.
Moby Dick as the opposite: an escapist novel that can put your thoughtscape somewhere else entirely with it's prose. Also gigalong, to enjoy your stay

Crime and Punishment if you actually deserve it and did what you're being imprisoned for.

>> No.18803124
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>> No.18803142

You aren't allowed to use '*sniff*' on /lit/ unless you intend to make us read this in Zizek's voice.

>> No.18803161

The duality of men....

>> No.18803207

You're either bussy busta' or a sussy imposta'

>> No.18803227

The Bible. Establish a relationship with Christ for eternal assurance and freedom

>> No.18803266

>Convict Conditioning

>> No.18803359

Just a “heads up” in regards to reading in prison; they don’t let you just read anything you want and you can’t take books in there with you either. Depending on the prison and the state it’s in they’ll have a library catalogue which you pick books from, and all of the good books will be taken or be missing. Also, what you’re in prison for and how many privileges you have will dictate the kinds of things you can read, so for example, if you’re a sex offender you can’t be anywhere near children’s books or anything that has a dedicated focus on children or women, or at least where I was in prison in California that was considered contraband and would get you thrown in SHU (solitary) for at least a month. If you become a trustee they don’t cap your mail so you could probably arrange for someone on the outside to send you chapters at a time, but you’re not really supposed to do that either. Honestly, prison is just mostly staring at the wall and participating in head counts every 4 hours. You can’t even really sleep in there because of the head counts. Honestly every single portrayal of prison I’ve ever seen was wrong, and had “they” just honestly told me exactly what it was going to be like in there I wouldn't even have jaywalked.

>> No.18803372

How's the butt rape situation? Can I avoid butt rape if I keep to myself or do I have to participate in some faggoty bread roll economy and learn a bunch of gay lingo for who gets to use the microwave first? I just want to stay in my cell.

>> No.18803397
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Not telling...

>> No.18803401

You went to prison for that? Or are you trolling? I'm British so forgive the dumb question.

>> No.18803406

niggers get killed for jaywalking

>> No.18803408
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>> No.18803419

Probably took jail time over paying the fine, cause he's a poorfag

>> No.18803425

he was in prison not jail retard

>> No.18803428

You guys are pretty dumb, he obviously just meant he would've never broken even the tiniest law if he knew what prison was like beforehand.

>> No.18803436

privileged whiteboi take

>> No.18803510

Buttrape is a near guarantee. In fact, I am quite confident when i say, you WILL lose your anal virginity, if you haven't already. There is also a high likelihood for HIV, as the rate in prisons is quite high, due to the aforementioned buttrape, general lack of regard for one's own well-being, as well as a penchant for dirty needles. The worst though is that anyone who takes turns on your ass (did I mention you'll be getting raped by more than one person? Could be up to a dozen) will take permanent ownership of your ass and never let you forget it. A friend of mine who did some time was at the mall with his kids once, and a man who had gone hogwild on his ass in prison suddenly appeared and told my friend's kids, "your daddy cried like a faggot bitch when we fucked him in the ass every night in prisom." My friend couldn't do shit because the guy was bigger than him, so he took his kids and left, and now pretty much stays away from any place black people go out of fear of seeing one of his rapists.

>> No.18803566

Prison sounds really awful compared to the county jail. Do they let you have your own tv set in the cell if you can afford it?

>> No.18804056

Which one of Plato's dialogs is this from?

>> No.18804247

No the whole rape thing is absolute bullshit, or at least I never saw it or heard about it going down. There IS however a lot of gay shit that does happen all of the time, but it’s consensual. It’s surreal how nonchalant everyone is about it too, like how someone might ask you what time it is, in there they’ll ask you for a blowjob with the exact same tone in their voice. If you get caught doing anything like that you can get in really big trouble though by both the officers that work there and the guys doing time. There are gay dudes that grow their hair long and talk like girls and sometimes they, like women on the outside, will start some drama in order to start a fight, and although I’ve heard stories of THEM getting raped, I never saw it. If guys do get raped in prison then it’s happening on the extreme down low. I can’t see how that would work though since there’s absolutely no privacy in there.

>> No.18804257

nice ass and tits

>> No.18804307

Yeah that’s exactly what I meant. I should’ve phrased it different. It was for aggravated assault; two years.

See, this is where it matters WHAT you went in for. Since I was considered a violent offender I wasn’t allowed to have certain types of things like TVs, radios, or video games. I could’ve changed all that by getting a job AND going to school and then petitioning for special privileges, but then I would’ve been moved to a different dorm and I made some good friends where I was at. I knew some guys that had been in the pill dorms (people with medical problems) and they claimed that it was like being at home, but you have to have really serious issues to get sent there.

Also, it’s hard to explain, but I just couldn’t see myself enjoying a TV or video games in prison. I literally spent the whole time in there either talking or working out. This was back when you could get shredded in prison. I still keep in touch with some of the people I met in there and they tell me that they just straight up don’t feed them anymore, so it’s absolutely impossible to build muscle in there now unless you have someone outside putting money in your books, but then you’ll get jumped for cliff bars. I mean, prison was sad when I was there, but now it just sounds brutal. Don’t do ANYTHING that could get you thrown in there. I’m so paranoid about that shit that I don’t even go out at night now, and it’s always “please” and “thank you” or I just keep walking. You would never know I went to prison just by looking at me.

>> No.18804341

Imagine having what you are allowed to read controlled for the rest of your life. Jesus Christ.

>> No.18804897


For any anons curious about prison rape. Also, Donny the Punk is a valuable resource. An anon posted an essay of his long ago and it brought a whole new perspective, along with the linkrel documentary.

tl;dr do not associate with blacks and join the AB

>> No.18805124
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>boobs are... LE GOOD!!!!
>haha yeah I heckin' love boobarinos
>wow check out the set on her
>nothing gets the juices flowing more than a couple of sacks of fat attached to a girl's chest
>the bigger the better, am i right lads?
>boobs are based!!!!

>> No.18805155

>join the AB

>> No.18805160

>It was for aggravated assault

>> No.18805166

The Stranger by Camus of course.

>> No.18805223


>> No.18805234

Based former convict anon, give us the story.

>> No.18805243

I laughed

>> No.18805268


>> No.18805337

>join the AB

Actually yeah, if you’re white that’s exactly who you want to roll with, and it should go without saying that talking to blacks is strictly forbidden. Here in California the Mexicans run the prisons (including the guards), so everything has to be cleared with them, but I’ve heard stories about whites running the show in places that are majority white, and blacks running it in places that mostly black. One thing I will give prison, and this was probably the only thing I liked about it, if you can even say that, is that in there is REAL LIFE. There’s no PC liberal bullshit in there like there is out here, so it’s not uncommon for some dude to yell across the yard to you “hey you’re standing too close to that nigger” and then you just move, and that’s it. I mean, that would be an unthinkable thing to say outside of prison, but it’s completely normal in there. Same with respect, it’s just normal for everyone to respect each other’s space, because if you don’t you’re gonna get a beating, and if you don’t fight back you get a beating too. COs will actually allow those fights, or rather they’ll look away.

>> No.18805404

Based anon knows.
American History X was a disinfo psyop. You go to prison believing any of that gay sanctimonious shit shown in that movie, you'll get your wig split or your cheeks busted.

>> No.18806180


>> No.18806262

Whoa, I'd probably get the rope before going to prison.Don't think I'm cut out for this.

>> No.18806525


>> No.18806547


>> No.18806603
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48 Laws of Power and The Bible.

>> No.18806619


>> No.18806642

what's a good book about the middle panel though

>> No.18806650
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>> No.18806652

If the sight of a naked woman that you like doesn't intrigue you enough to feel the urge to lick her whole body, then you are a degenerate faggot with low test.

>> No.18806655
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>> No.18806664

Peter Sotos

>> No.18806666
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I only have these in reference to gunfighting and humint, but they'll probably work for you.

>> No.18806672
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>Sotos examines sadistic sexual criminals and sexually violent pornography, particularly involving children.
>i downloaded it off tor for... science hehe

>> No.18806677
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>> No.18806679
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>anything by Rory Miller

>> No.18806685
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>> No.18806687


>> No.18806691
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>> No.18806696
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>> No.18806698
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>> No.18806699
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>> No.18806713
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>> No.18806744
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This is probably the most succinct when it comes to the martial mindset and preparing yourself for possible violent encounters.
The author also created the 4 universal laws of firearm safety and the Cooper color code (which you should familiarize yourself with).

And don't forget to read your Bible.

>> No.18806745

Happens but rare. Just stay in your own lane and you’ll be fine.

>> No.18806764

So what'd you do?

>> No.18806829

This reminds me why I believe authoritarian tards should be legally barred from enacting their policies. Germany has the right idea with prisons.

>> No.18806839

It's like these freaks don't even care about reducing crime. They just want to COOM from the idea of punishing criminals. Meanwhile Norway has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.

>> No.18806852

>Malcolm X's biography might be inspiring too.
You definitely ain't gonna be reading no nigger shit in the locky-wocky OP. I assume you're white. Honestly I wouldn't plan on Boethius either, there are still some straight-up Italian gangs in some places and they've basically laid claim to the sum total of continental philosophy, including Spanish and French and anything in Latin. I know, you'd think the Mexicans would get Spanish philosophy but they usually just stick to the Bible. In the sit-tight white just means "anglo" so you're restricted to English/Irish/Scottish literature, if you try to read German you'll probably be confused for a Russian and get stabbed by a Pole. I remember at my first meal I sat down with some Egyptians and tried to break the ice with a TE Lawrence quote and they threatened to "go anubis" on my "colonizer ass." If you can't tell the difference between a filipino and a thai you'd best avoid the asian gangs all together, and if you have even the slightest bit of Boston blood you can expect to get stabbed by the Irish gangs if you so much as think about reading any serious scholarly analysis of Joyce.

But that's just philosophy. The rules on fiction are infinitely more complex. As you'd expect, getting caught with anything from the Divergent series will cause trouble with the Insecure Teenage Girl gang, but the niggers will flip out if you haven't read the entire Harry Potter series before you even make it to holding. If a CO sees you blushing behind any of those steamy "CO/inmate" romance paperbacks, well, you can imagine what they're going to think, and how they're going to feel when they decide you were just teasing them.

>> No.18806879
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>Virginia is for virgins

>> No.18806885


>> No.18806918

My Comfy Chair

>> No.18807335

watch Jay Williams lets live life on youtube
tells great stories about prison but to summarize
keep your eyes to yourself
get certified in a trade if you can (depends if your state offers it)
don't take anything for free
don't say stupid shit to people
don't mess with the boys

>> No.18807347

this guy is just a faggot with a rape fantasy

>> No.18807454

They'll just say muh Singapore or muh Japan, as if being a country of conformist old people with no guns or a rigidly authoritarian glorified HOA is something possible or desirable for most countries.

>> No.18807911

cope, seethe, and no u

>> No.18807937
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Get yourself out of there, anon

>> No.18807954

My fucking coombrain can't stop clicking the thumbnail. I'm leaving the chan for a month, cya!

>> No.18807957


>> No.18808000

Don't be afraid to get punched in the face, anon. It really doesn't hurt too much. Don't be afraid to fight if you have too. There are a bunch of barbarians in there.

>> No.18808024

pshh... more like STDeach, am I right, bros?! fucking asian fucking, race traitor bitch

>> No.18808838

Is it possible to focus on reading and understanding a language more than speaking it?

>> No.18809977

Based fag

>> No.18810000

This is true. By the time I was 10 I had seen so much porn that I thought blacks reproduced exclusively through the anus and that fucking was a combat sport like boxing a woman’s vagina with your penis

>> No.18810028

So hot...

>> No.18810065

Did you get raped in the ass by a large black man or not? Serious question.

>> No.18810136
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Two years for beating the shit out of somebody, goddamn.

>> No.18810168

When I was 12 I was raped by my school bus driver. I told my dad and he flew into a rage and murdered the man. I see him once a month and he says he has it decent and gets a lot of leniency compared to others, since both the COs and criminals think he did the right thing. But he's going to be in there for 30 years for killing a child rapist, meanwhile another pedophile from his prison was released after a year. The system is fucked up and from my very core I despise it.

>> No.18810174

holy kek capped and saved

>> No.18810184

I hope the judge or jury responsible gets Fournier's gangrene.

>> No.18810204

Wow thats harsh. If its any consolation your dad is probably respected in prison for what he did, whereas the convicted pedos get bashed half to death every week.

>> No.18810286

Sadly the judge is living a rich life off the fat of taxpayers. Dad has made morbid jokes about getting out when he's 63 and just killing her too to finish off the sentence, the CO there actually chuckled but told him to cool it so they don't get in trouble. I think he's in a good place at least.
I appreciate it. Like I told the other anon, he doesn't have it bad in there. Most people like him and do respect what he did. He's not allowed books but the COs will sometimes ask him what he's interested in and they'll bring in the book claiming it's their own reading and then "lose" it. The real shitty part is the dissonance, that I'm sure he feels even stronger, where everyone from common criminals, to the COs, and even society as whole lauds his actions, but the justice system doesn't.

>> No.18810318


Genuinely good post

>> No.18810350

God bless you, heal you, and protect you (if not a larp)

>> No.18810402

fuck I hate virginia, gotta go to richmond to get pussy

>> No.18810867

Maybe you should gather a few thousand dollars any way you can. Get to a Chinese city, but not one you hear about that much. Not Shanghai or Beijing, but still one with like millions of people. China does not have an extradition treaty with the US, and I imagine the less prestigious cities are less obsessed with tracking down illegal westerners who will probably be able to pay their way.

Once you land there get the cheapest accommodation that will permit a job search.

During the job search, give no incriminating information, and a fake name. Give them no way to find where you're staying. Your goal is to get a job offer from a dodgy company, who if they ask for ID or whatever, you can say "I left america cause of x y z, lost my passport" or whatever and they might still take you on. If not, they cannot track you down, as this conversation must be conducted remotely. You should have a VPN, and you should buy burner phones upon landing. You may have to get offered multiple jobs before one takes you no questions asked.

At some point, some way, if you ask around and especially use the internet right, someone will offer you a job they don't mind the government not knowing about, although you'll be poor as shit. From there you can attempt to start building a meagre life. You'll probably end up as an English teachers assistant for a scumbag private employer scamming lower middle class parents outside of regular school hours.

I would absolutely not want to do this, but it seems to me preferable to the very troubling stories I hear about American prisons. I'd rather be homeless in China. That said I'm Irish and I could just be responding largely to exaggerated urban myths in pop culture.

>> No.18810966

I don't think this is feasible without an at least cursory knowledge of Chinese

>> No.18810995

I'm basing it on the fact that there's a market for basically any english speaking, especially white people that pays chump low wages, and a poorly regulated private section of that whole industry. Especially in non top tier cities people aren't actively trying to go to.

I assume that a lot of the online advertisements for those positions are in English, or that if you basically go door knocking on private "education" businesses in the city they'll figure what you're getting at. You don't need any chinese for these jobs.

>> No.18811061

Gramsci's Prison Notebooks