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File: 2.18 MB, 2072x2765, Natalie_Wynn_(ContraPoints)_portrait_1_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18802000 [Reply] [Original]

>does a video on nietzsche and dionysian/apollonian dichotomy
>catalogue is suddenly overflowing with these topics
Is she really the modern day Socrates?

>> No.18802008

Fuck you tranny, you will never be a woman.

>> No.18802010

>doesn't stink

>> No.18802018
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I hate troons but I like contra

>> No.18802057

nor will u ever feel the touch of a woman

id suck her dick dry if i could bitch boy

>> No.18802066


>> No.18802068
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>> No.18802081

Did contra ever actually go through with transition surgery?

>> No.18802082


>> No.18802091

really can’t imagine studying philosophy and world history for a living and somehow coming to the conclusion that boring socdem tranny leftism is the true answer for humanity

>> No.18802092

if I were a tranny I'd be envious and hateful of contra

>> No.18802093
File: 12 KB, 226x223, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are leftist youtubers becoming trans? like i knew contra was a fag but now philosophy tube is as well? next you're going to tell me bomberguy is a woman AND a basedboy

>> No.18802095


all i see here is a middle-class white male narcissist like many others

>> No.18802108

based stirner

>> No.18802109

>the stirnerfag is a newfag
it all makes sense now

>> No.18802112

All leftists inevitably become either trannies or fascists depending on why they got into leftism in the first place. If they got into it for sanctimonious whining and attention for being part of a persecuted minority, particularly if they are already secure and unremarkable in their lifestyle and have nothing else to fall back on in this regard, it is natural to become a tranny. If they actually care about helping people and fighting capitalism to the point of willingness to make sacrifices and improve themselves, they become fascists.

>> No.18802120

if all leftists are trannies, all righties are fags

>> No.18802122

>why are leftist youtubers becoming trans?
the psychometric trait "agreeableness" predicts feminine/maternal behaviour and leftie political opinions.

>> No.18802139

but that means that right wing guys SHOULD be jacked dudes and not the fat fucks or cartoon mascots that they are

>> No.18802151

>but that means that right wing guys SHOULD be jacked dudes and not the fat fucks or cartoon mascots that they are
the number of actual right wingers today is minute.
the overton window goes from left to liberal.

>> No.18802155

Don't you have a nonbinary teenage girl in your leftist social circle to statutory rape and send harassing texts to about your "girldick?"

>> No.18802166
File: 9 KB, 242x209, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helping people
>fighting capitalism

>> No.18802190

Smash your head against the wall a few times and try again. Works like a charm

>> No.18802202

I can't imagine being a retard who studies human history, and thinks humanity can be saved or needs to be saved

>> No.18802262

One word: hylics

>> No.18802307

It's 50% now

>> No.18802321

let's get that number up boys

>> No.18802373
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>mfw leftist who unironically became a fascist precisely because of the reasons you listed
I swear, sometimes you guys show a keen insight into the human mind, whether you're serious or just joking

>> No.18802384

>adams apple

>> No.18802392
File: 325 KB, 1087x1007, transjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>id suck her dick dry if i could bitch boy

>> No.18802411

Anon, I...

>> No.18802425
File: 4 KB, 112x112, Screenshot_20210807-064422_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18802438

You don’t type out the postnumber you’re responding to you dumb faggot

>> No.18802448
File: 87 KB, 617x960, 2d574cea86a282ced9dfb5246d8d21af97e8b67257315838254822f4403a7625_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nor will u ever feel the touch of a woman
It's a lot easier for a man to get laid than a tranny.

>> No.18802499

And people say Tranny Derangement Syndrome isn't real.

>> No.18802534

I'm the precise opposite of this, I got into Hitler and monarchy because I thought it was funny, but once I realized that the right wing is actually way more humane and reasonable and the left are deranged criminals I had to abandon it and become apolitical again.

>> No.18802573

Same, I think she is really hot and beautiful even if I don't agree with all her videos politically

>> No.18802855

literature is inherently a leftist medium. Go back to pol.

>> No.18802935

>Trannies calling others social failures
Were your burgeoning social circle and plethora of romantic prospects the reasons you chopped off your dick, bro?

>> No.18802964

Not a she

>> No.18802996

>modern day socrates
not until he drinks poison

>> No.18803003

Yes, success is close!

>> No.18803018

who is ezra pound

>> No.18803385


>> No.18803515

>Is she really the modern day Socrates?
No, she's much better than that.

>> No.18803526

I hate america

>> No.18803535

God uses degenerates to promote positive things

>> No.18803552

this isn't america, this is liberal European imperialism.

>> No.18803558

Yes, SHE / HER. You going to cry now trumpflake?

>> No.18803572
File: 44 KB, 500x367, diogenes_of_sinope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On seeing a young man behaving in a way he considered effeminate, Diogenes is said to have rebuked him: 'Are you not ashamed … that your own intention about yourself should be worse than nature's: for nature made you a man, but you are forcing yourself to play the woman.'

>> No.18803591

How big do you think her dick is

>> No.18803601
File: 373 KB, 720x680, new record.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18803612

Was Prince even gay? Why are they dragging his name through the mud by associating him with tranny suicides

>> No.18803623

Socrates was kinda dipshit, so sure

>> No.18803678

Bigger than yours faggot

>> No.18803689

Were there ever any old books that stated that trannies would lead to the destruction of Western civilization?

>> No.18803733

Modern American conservatism is left wing.
>t. Jacked feudal traditionalist

>> No.18803791

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