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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 41 KB, 600x600, 5FC2690C-DA4A-4C8F-8BF3-001639EC5401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18801448 [Reply] [Original]

Reddit is talking about us

>> No.18801458

>reddit crossposter
The trifecta of trash, don't want to be too harsh but consider suicide

>> No.18801461
File: 90 KB, 1022x594, Chimpposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this "us,". Let's get one thing straight, I am not "one of you,". There is no community here, at least not one of which I am a member. No fucking way. I come to this imageboard, I mess around, sometimes I have engaging and educational chats, either way, there is no "us,".

>> No.18801468


>> No.18801469

many, many years here and besides very obvious autocorrect errors i still have no idea how to distinguish phoneposters despite seeing accusations in many threads

>> No.18801471

>who is this "us"
The anomalous

>> No.18801474

Peak reddit

>> No.18801475

Many 4channers are ex-redditors who explicitly left because its garbage. Why the fuck do you think I care?

>> No.18801481

How could you tell he's a phoneposter?

>> No.18801493

its pretty crazy how people can still be this technologically inept, especially on a site like this. don't worry bros. its not like it matters anyways.

>> No.18801503

The name of the image is the giveaway. That is the type of filenames images get if they're stored on an iPhone.

>> No.18801519
File: 25 KB, 461x400, 1512616786774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come to this imageboard, I mess around, sometimes I have engaging and educational chats
Ooo woww. Hey look everyone, anon is unique and special.

>> No.18801522

filename is an autogenerated iphone filename
I seriously hope "4channer' isn't part of your self identity

>> No.18801527

>inb4 they start talking about Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18801531

fpbp, phoneposters and redditfaggots must die however i don't mind frogshitposting in itself as long as it is carried out by an esoteric elite

>> No.18801542

Garder itt

>> No.18801565

thank you for the straight answer
i'm over thirty years old and never owned an iphone. at least i know how to google pretty good.

>> No.18801571

I neither know nor care.

>> No.18801671

Suprising they haven’t already

>> No.18801684

When aren't they? I swear to you, more than half of the people browsing /lit/ also post shit on reddit.

>> No.18801700

gardner and his discord simps shilling his unfunny reddit self published book again

>> No.18801711

Here's the thread since OP is a meta fag:
I haven't even read it yet but I'm betting on at least a few "oof, YIKES! Where are the trans women of colour?" type comments.

>> No.18801713

The grammatical tic of a capitalized first letter with no closing punctuation is also a clue

>> No.18801721

I’ve seen it posted there before. It’s just not a meme like it is here

>inb4 go back2 leddit

>> No.18801722

I go by 4channler myself.

>> No.18801725
File: 2.85 MB, 1100x3312, LITERATURE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP is actually pretty interesting, he collated all of our Top 100 lists into one. Thoughts?

>> No.18801749

>harry potter just squeezed in
okay, i didn’t know /r/lit was keyed

>> No.18801760

>most of the list is just internal jokes

>> No.18801777

Oh good the retards went for the joke safe list instead of the real list

>> No.18801783


>> No.18801787

Mst anons haven't read any of the books on the list

>> No.18801797

>the thread has been locked due to brigading
Do these reddit fags really think /lit/ has the numbers to brigade anything?

>> No.18801801
File: 319 KB, 750x1289, 93A96408-50B2-404C-9EF4-1A1AE249863A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the Crocodile has been know to Reddit for a while.

>> No.18801803

this meme doesn't even make sense

>> No.18801805

>The OP is actually pretty interesting
You gotta be more subtle, redditfag

>> No.18801815

Post the real list?

>> No.18801816

Has anyone else combined all the lists into one? I just thought that was kind of cool.

>> No.18801817

I would like to greet all the reddit visitors with a hardy, NIGGER!

and check these sequential numbers.

>> No.18801818

this. there's even youtube videos talkking about the f gardner books. those books have been advetised here all year of course reddit would find it eventually

>> No.18801821

Shut up, retard. No one cares.

>> No.18801825

It's not safe yet, I am monitoring r/books, when the time is right the true list will be reposted.

>> No.18801828
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>> No.18801834

Reddit-morons literally don’t know what else to do when they see opinions they disagree with and only have one downvote

>> No.18801850


imagine indiscriminately reading Infinite Jest then Goosebumps. Based

>> No.18801856

Reddit might actually like Call of the Arcade since it's like Ready Player One except right-winged.

>> No.18801862

>American Psycho lower than Divine Comedy

>> No.18801867

nigger cringe

>> No.18801874

>t. Nigger.

>> No.18801894

Based but also pathetically self-agrandizing. I agree, but consider the rope.

>> No.18801906

I’ve never seen anyone take those lists seriously. It gets posted, some people look at it and go “hmm” and that’s about it.

I’m not surprised though that a place like Reddit would take these lists as meaningful.

>> No.18801953

We should make a top 100 list where margaret atwood shows up 6 times in the top 50

>> No.18801962
File: 37 KB, 750x536, 1628144954644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to greet all the reddit visitors with a hardy, NIGGER!
Based, seconded and niggervoted

>> No.18802175

Slavish science worship really boils my piss. If you learned any lesson at all through 2020 it should've been "science is a process" and what the HECKIN experterinos said as fact one day could be totally discredited the next.
Retards see scientists as like Professor Farnsworth or Rick Sanchez or Doctor Who: a polymath genius engineer who's an expert in everything and is basically a wizard instead of the mid-level three year uni degree it actually is in reality.
I'm technically a scientist but I sure as shit wouldn't want to be quoted as one because these people have such an unrealistic expectation of some very stupid people.

>> No.18802315

yeah it pisses me off as well. I got a Master's in a biomedical field and then bailed out of my PhD and i cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would fetishize academia in life sciences. The work atmosphere is worse than any corporation, peer review is a joke, reproduction of results is appallingly low, and the people at the top arent there because they love truth and reason, but because theyre cut-throat careerists (in addition to being smart, of course).

A lot of internal reviews basically admit that academic life sciences is broken, but there's so much money and effort invested in it that it cannot be reformed.

>> No.18802347


>> No.18802383

>The work atmosphere is worse than any corporation, peer review is a joke, reproduction of results is appallingly low, and the people at the top arent there because they love truth and reason, but because theyre cut-throat careerists (in addition to being smart, of course).
i know philosophy grad students who tell me the same. the reality is academic performance has a lot to do with things unrelated to curiosity, love of knowledge, etc. (e.g. time management and "networking")

>> No.18803043


>> No.18803114

I will not apologize. By every objective measurement you could conceive, I am superior to not just you two crabs, but also the overwhelming majority of this board by a degree unfathomable to you whose eyes are held closed by your own inferiority. To call me the greatest mind since Goethe would be an insult to Me.

>> No.18803191

My degree was in engineering but I had classes that crossed over with science degrees. Watching these future scientists struggle with middle school tier essay and report writing crash courses is something that I always think of when someone does the "dude I fucking LOVE science" routine.
University standards have become a joke and being a scientist is barely more impressive than being a high school teacher, but saying this gets you called "anti-intellectual". Actually scary that these people will soon be running the show.
The smartest people I knew in university by far were pure mathematicians and (analytic) philosophy professors.

>> No.18803307

I keep this thread backed up. It's just too good.

>> No.18803326
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yep, typical of their kind, fabricating data

>> No.18803331
File: 8 KB, 250x248, 1606694190076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're on the front page
It's over for this board

>> No.18803564


>> No.18803589

>not posting loli guro yet
This shit site is reddit already