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[ERROR] No.18801165 [Reply] [Original]

post a book title, other anons guess what it could be about.
> you must fill previous prompts before shitting out a new wall of titles

>> No.18801171

The Shape of Books to Come.

>> No.18801170
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Cathedral of Necrophiliacs

Communal Morgue

piles and piles and piles

>> No.18801177

My diary desu.

>> No.18801189

a wannabe entrepreneur hears of a trouble-shooter that skyrocketed a guidebook company's sales by making their book smaller in format, ensuring that people have it on top of the bookpile. he sweats bullets trying to brainstorm a new "shapely" ultimate book solution to sell, and gets trapped in the Library of Babel where he just as obsessively ravages for the ultimate book about book business.

>> No.18801265

> A weeb with retardation keeps a diary Flowers for Algernon style, but he switches from a moonspeak weeb jargon to classic literary Japanese

>> No.18801306


Opiumbox Wonders

>> No.18801472

>Confessions of a White Widowed Male
>Gabriel's Stormfront
>If I Forget Thee, America

>Cathedral of Necrophiliacs
The year is 1121. A newly appointed priest of a heretical Christian sect is shocked when he accidentally walks in on an obscene secret ritual performed in the crumbling catacombs under the cathedral—leading him, his spunky redheaded nymphet-turned-amatuer-Nancy Drew, and an aged female housekeeper down a globetrotting rabbit hole of ancient conspiracies, rituals, and secret societies.

>The Shape of Books to Come
In his first ever non-fiction book, legendary MacArthur Fellow and prize-winning author of The Road and Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy explains his theory of 'recursive influence'—how authors build on the universal conversation of literature that has been going on for thousands of years, and why some authors (like James and Proust) don't deserve to join that conversation.

>> No.18801496

>>Confessions of a White Widowed Male
> I know how out of place the title sounds - but imagine how inappropriate it feels! There's no quite a niche for a widowed white male, no mould to fill, no archetype to follow or betray. I'm too young for the grampa type, too heartless for the mourner, don't care enough to be the unstoppable prowler. Perhaps I should just erase Sandy from the collective memory.

>> No.18802516

The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Rule of Kings

>> No.18802525

Guide into Metaphysical Degenerism

>> No.18802554

Wtf thats literally me

>> No.18802788

>Guide into Metaphysical Degenerism
A new age spiritual manifestation guide that uses a unique blend of critical disability theory and the law of attraction. Enlightenment via Degeneracy, since genesis seems to have brought us more than a few troubles.

>> No.18804354

The tale of a man called steven's journey to become enigmatic doctor Franz Kessel, master of the sciences of the mind in hassen university, admired by all and renowned in the world. Mesmerizing academicians without knowing a lick of psychology/psychiatry/psychoanalysis. A comedy about the academic world made by an anonymous author.

>> No.18804359

The Diarrhoea Diaries

>> No.18804385

>Gabriel's Stormfront
A gruelling war memoir about a frenzied teen's experiences in the Russian civil war, fighting among the last of the Russian whites, witnessing disastrous republican charges, passing through fabled Madrid, and frantic knife fights among trenches, and of course, meth, a lot of meth.

>> No.18804449

The last Nanban.

>> No.18804726

a tale of a small tribal man speaking in frightened haphazard blurts of foreign speech, as if he's talking to the spirits, as he realizes he's the last of a kind.

>> No.18804740

wtf? literally me

>> No.18804769


>> No.18804782


>> No.18804876

>The Diarrhoea Diaries
Somewhat-whacky celebrity-authored travelogue recounting a year's backpacking in India and similar countries.

>> No.18804905

Biography Of Jean-Jaques Rousseau

>> No.18804909

>The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Rule of Kings
Biography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

>> No.18804916

Generation Zymurgy

>> No.18804926

— Life Lessons From Albert Fish

— Embracing The Cactus

— After Orgasm

— What You Do Wrong Every Morning

>> No.18804945

say something interesting about society that isn't obvious and pseud tier (ie no quoting marx, lacan, etc)

>> No.18804954

> Life Lessons From Albert Fish
Collection of Albert Camus' writings specifically regarding the mediterranean

> Embracing the Cactus
Study on native american representation in southwestern cinema

>> No.18804967

>Generation Zymurgy
Comic diary of a zoo attendant who started putting cheap vodka in the animals' food and gradually turned them all into alcoholics.

>> No.18805019
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Picrel is literally me

>> No.18805021

Passion of Jan Tomaszewski

>> No.18805030

A collection of self-portaits with short bios on the artists who made them.

>> No.18805084

>After Orgasm
a scuentist jerks himself to death trying to research the post-nut clarity phenomena.


>> No.18805370

we should improve it somewhat

>> No.18805765

The Beast
First Treatise on Ethics
Matriarcha, Or, The Natural Power of Queens
De Principatibus (book is real, but was not published under this title)
Discourses on the First Ten Books of De Republica

>> No.18805769

Can you behave like this and get away with it? It would make my life much easier.

>> No.18805787
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oh no

>> No.18805866

an office rat sees a group of hobos in natural habitat from his window every day from 9 to 5, wondering if he could ever be as carefree.

>> No.18805905

Are you telling me that this is how hobos behave?

>> No.18805940

Holy Bilble 2.

>> No.18806018

>Passion of Jan Tomaszewski
Famous goalkeeper has an unusual hobby: he draws illustrations for classic novels then surreptitiously sticks them into library copies.

>> No.18806023

Die Akademie

>> No.18806028

>What You Do Wrong Every Morning

Self help book about the benefits of masturbating when you wake up

>After Orgasm

Sequel self help book written by the author after he spends his royalties larping as a philosopher in some shitty third world country

>> No.18806077

>Cathedral of Necrophiliacs
A sequel to A Confederacy of Dunces, where after his mother's death, Ignatius J Reilly becomes the necrophile bane of New Orleans
A study on the increasingly long chain of references to references that suffuse pop culture, and the effects on society of memetic osmosis. The title, of course, being a reference to The Shape of Punk to Come, being a reference to The Shape of Jazz to Come, being a reference to The Shape of Things to Come.
A very sloppy "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" attempt at writing Jane Austen's Emma, suffuse with errors down to the basic plotline and characterizations
A Diddler Passes
The Ides of Starch

>> No.18806086

The Muse and Her Lies

>> No.18806138

>self-insert novel about a simp that donated over 2500 bucks to an e-thot and now takes revenge on her by depicting himself as an extraord'nary gentleman going to her home and brutally murdering her. Some encounters may resemble "Drive".

>> No.18806139

>The Muse and Her Lies
Discussion of oddball artists through history (William McGonagall, Ed Wood, etc) who devoted their lives to their calling but didn't actually have any talent.

>> No.18806361

— The Triangular Feminist

— One, Two, Three, Five

— The Sex Life Of The Letter P And Other Essays

— One Hundred Uses For A Dead Religion

>> No.18806497
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>One Hundred Uses For A Dead Religion
Local union of proctologists are on watch for devastating monster that has been visiting them in night terrors. The youngest is successful, but it's inside every patient.

>The Sex Life Of The Letter P And Other Essays
Novel told through essays. Titular essay about a party game last Halloween that consisted of naming sex-related words beginning with P. Moves on to words containing P. The 3 other essays are about party guests before and after that Halloween.

>One, Two, Three, Five
The Devil searches Earth for the greatest living liar.

>The Triangular Feminist
A VP of Hasbro privately draws a caricature of herself as a fat triangle on a whiteboard in a conference room, reports it to HR, and uses the incident to run ever more demanding training and lean-in sessions to drive people out of her department in a will to power narrative heavily inspired by Nightcrawler. Except everyone is really fat. Story includes factoids that aren't well-known about corporate life and being overweight and obese.

>> No.18807089

>>One, Two, Three, Five
>The Devil searches Earth for the greatest living liar.
holy fuck, that's a good one. stark and luring. would read.
you should stick in these threads, writebro, and drop some titles too

>> No.18807181

>Holy Bilble 2
Pierre Menard but the Bible. This summons the desert djinn known as REDACTED. Story then becomes very Godzillaesque with the globohomo state apparatus fighting REDACTED. Satan-Kali appears as a distributed fungal entity fungifying much of the planet to a halt. REDACTED's psychic vessels continue on in this new psilocybinetic world.

sorry >>18806077

>> No.18807528
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>piles and piles and piles
Man has a vague memory start to surface every time he enters his garage. Turns out his son and wife have the same feeling. Their dog starts talking to them in their sleep, explaining the ecstatic power of violence. We follow them day to day in their lives as their bloodlust spreads inside their thoughts and they each separately begin planning something extreme. The book ends before anything actually happens. 4 and a half stars on Amazon, 1 review.

>> No.18807538

A Metahistory of Vegetables

>> No.18807553

Mind the Guide.

>> No.18807567

>A Metahistory of Vegetables
A book of aphorisms drawing parallels between pesticides and cultural self preservation.

>> No.18807595
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>Mind the Guide
Guided tour into the Carlsbad Caverns turns into a survivalist nightmare after an unnamed cataclysmic event (meteor) occurs and seals in multiple groups of people.

>> No.18807610
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oops forgot pic

>> No.18807616

How artificial selection of produce premeditated the ground for tge industrial society and its mind

>> No.18807624

i own many rare funkopops

>> No.18807657

Fallen Sunshine

>> No.18807677
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>I Own Many Rare Funkopops
In the style of Alexievich's Voices From Chernobyl, an oral history of the enormous Funko recall (over deletery plastics) with stories from those who parted to those who chose to hang on and suffer to those who run the continuing black market.

>> No.18807679

>Fallen Sunshine
A sleazy, Gawker-style cash-grab describing Brittney Spears' plunge from pop superstardom to mental instability and bitter court battles.

>> No.18807693
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>Fallen Sunshine
A nonfiction historical account of the men who've attempted to weigh light.

>> No.18807694


>> No.18807709

Thank You For Sperming

>> No.18807725

The Open Window

>> No.18807731

Madam Orphoses: Surviving David Foster Wallace by Mary Karr

>> No.18807742
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The Seven Storey Magic Mountain

>> No.18807753

an essay on the comforting nature of a chance to kill omeself. with this one last freedom taken away - say in captivity, psych wards, or anything of the like - men reach the true heights of despair, like an animal chased into the corner.

>> No.18807757
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Dolce & Gabbana & Joyce

>> No.18807767

Controversial bestseller by the serial rapist known as "Mr Bee" who preyed every summer on ladies living in ground-floor apartments without air-conditioning.

>> No.18807768

The Crop Circle Shaped Hole

>> No.18807777


>> No.18807782

You Are Being Redacted

>> No.18807788

Caligula IS BACK

>> No.18807793
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>> No.18807803

the cybernetic rock bottom. interviews with discarded, outlawed and discontinued artificial intelligences.

>> No.18807821

Cumme Fatale

>> No.18807831
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The Phenomenon of Screens

>> No.18807841

A Steel Reserve Beneath the Library Awning

>> No.18807854
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A Hippo for the Doomed Youth

>> No.18807861


>> No.18807867

a schizophrenic monk's musings on how technology is used by demons to bypass the bindings Solomon put on them

>> No.18807888

black is better

>> No.18807898

Andrew Cuomo: Translations

>> No.18807908

My Dearest Son Is Drunk

>> No.18807945
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How A Ghastly Story Became of Me

>> No.18807978


>> No.18808007

a gay and pedophilic reinterpretation of catcher

>> No.18808313

Hemingway's mom's memoirs written in old woman classical blogpost style

>> No.18808540
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The Body Holes Chronicles

>> No.18808638

a trypophobic body horror written in a form of online chat on a holeporn site, new users being confused at first, then more and more finding the cluster hole disease irresistibly sexy

>> No.18808653

>From The Void
>The Five Objects
>The Seven Exaltations Of George