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[ERROR] No.18801162 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche, widely regarded as a woman hater, just rid me of my resentment toward women.

>Someone took a youth to a sage and said: "Look, he is being corrupted by women." The sage shook his head and smiled. "It is men," said he, "that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned by and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image."
>"You are too kindhearted about women," said one of those present; "you do not know them." The sage replied: "Will is the manner of men; willingness that of women. That is the law of the sexes -- truly, a hard law for women. All of humanity is innocent of its existence; but women are doubly innocent. Who could have oil and kindness enough for them?"
>"Damn oil! Damn kindness!" someone else shouted out of the crowd; "women need to be educated better!" -- "Men need to be educated better," said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. -- The youth, however, did not follow him.

>> No.18801184

>it's not womemes fault they're promiscuous, treacherous and vapit cunts, men just need to handle them better
Can't say whether NEETsch was right on this topic in the context of his time and place, but it sure as fuck doesn't apply nowadays.

>> No.18801216

They're like that because there are basically no men left today, just porn-addicted losers, thrill seeking manchildren, and faggots.

>> No.18801237

They're like that because it's their inherent nature, and the powers that be decided that it's more beneficial to let the whores loose. Do you honestly believe that woman raised on social media and Netflix is going to respect a traditional, disciplined man? Kek.

>> No.18801246

Men degenerated before women did, so you're wrong.

>> No.18801285


Women are the same thing as "good manners" which is defined socially and varies from one time and place to the next

>> No.18801305

I don't think so, women have been sexually liberated for over 40 years by now and the effeminate, consumerist masturbator only emerged in past two decades.

>> No.18801317

>40 years
Lmao, men degenerated fucking centuries ago. Modern feminism has been a thing since the 18th century and by then it had already happened. The last 500 or so years have been a civilizational decline because men are in decline. Case in point: you blame social media and Netflix, but these were built by men, and the majority of their garbage content is funded and produced by men.

>> No.18801321

Women are children.

>> No.18801327

so why are women not the way they were 2000 years ago?

>> No.18801331

You're trying to be redpilled here, but Nietzsche's misogyny here makes yours look childish by comparison, an effect which is accentuated by your inability to see it.

>> No.18801337

Neechee was an annoying queer. He was like the nassim taleb of his era.
The faggoty bombast in his pointless books is so annoying lol

>> No.18801385

>The faggoty bombast in his pointless books is so annoying lol
Why do you zoomers insist on ending every statement with lol? lol

>> No.18801391

>Nietzsche's misogyny

>> No.18801409

Cuck cope

>> No.18801449

A cuck is an honorary woman
Only women despise women

Can you figure out who's the real coping cuck here?

>> No.18801455

Cuck cope

>> No.18801462

Indeed, that's what your posts are

>> No.18801486

wow you sure got him dude

>> No.18801758

>We've been in decline since the High Renaissance
>Why? Because....we just are okay!

>> No.18801789

>it's all men's fault
Convenient, just like all problems in the world. Double points if it's white man's fault.
>muslims blow themselves up? it's because of xenophobic white men who don't treat them well
>black people commit crime? racist white men
>climate change? white men

>> No.18801796

>Case in point: you blame social media and Netflix, but these were built by men, and the majority of their garbage content is funded and produced by men.
What kind of men? Can you be more specific?

>> No.18801813

Would an answer really make a difference to you? You don't see 18th century feminism as a byproduct of men degenerating and allowing it, so what are you willing to see on this matter?

Porn-addicted losers, thrill seeking manchildren, and faggots, aka not actually men, as already said here >>18801216

>> No.18801829

>Porn-addicted losers, thrill seeking manchildren, and faggots, aka not actually men
I meant the people who created social media, Netflix, who produce porn and garbage television shows. Who are they?

>> No.18801833

>thrill seeking manchildren
This isn't right. Manchildren aren't "thrill-seekers," what makes someone a manchild is the preference for familiar comforts of childhood as opposed to exploring new frontiers or "thrills." I'm surprised you didn't add "incel" to your list of perceived contemporary male archetypes

>> No.18801841

The Y chromosone, male intelligence, sperm counts, lifespans etc are all degenerating much faster than women

>> No.18801848

So, is he saying that women are basically children? Some please explain?

>> No.18801849

Nietzsche here and these guys are correct.

Men started degenerating since we gave women voting rights, and even before then since it led up to this point. After women got the right to vote their liberalism and narcissism has grown. I don't think women should be domesticated and treated poorly since they complement man, but they should know their place in society as birthgivers, caretakers and nurturers - as they were in real traditional societies.

Why did men give them this freedom to vote? Only answer her is because we became weak and tolerant enough for it to pass. We are definitely to blame. Nietzsche is correct

>> No.18801858

>are all degenerating much faster than women
Because women didn't have any of those things in first place

>> No.18801868

That's who I was talking about. That's what they consist of.

By "thrill seeking" I mean drug abusers, PUAs, "gamers" aka guys that seek out immediate gratification and often put on the appearance of being exciting while never actually taking on new personal responsibilities or hardships.

>> No.18801873


>> No.18801878

that constantly seek out*

>> No.18801883

>women are doubly innocent
Absolutely. I also love this dialogue with Jim Morrison:
3 minutes. the last sentence (in context) is beautiful.

>> No.18801904

Yes they are children. There's nothing to explain here. Women are followers and men leaders. Women are more emotional, illogical, impulsive etc. They throw fits, they cry easily, they gossip, they talk alot. Their spirits are more free and chaotic, similar to that of a child.

They like being told what to think and do by people they respect. Men aren't respectable today, therefore they don't listen and instead sleep around and act like whores

>> No.18801932

This is interesting. I'd say that to learn how to pick-up women, for someone not naturally able to do so, is a process you could very well describe as "hardship" and delaying gratification. PUAs by definition are guys that struggled to get women naturally and had to seek out external guidance in the form of books or forums that give out advice. As anyone who has tried to improve his lot with women knows, this process is painful, slow, and hard. Shaming men for having a desire to fuck women and for having the will to learn how to do this more efficiently seems counterproductive to me.

>> No.18801992

Puas arw manipulative heathens who change their personality with tactics and memorized lines just for sensual pleasure.

Improving yourself for yourself is good. Improving yourself to get laid is weak and fake. When you naturally improve your life you will get laid more. Puas get caught up in their farce personalities and lose touch with love. They just seek out pleasure and power. There's no honor or love in this. No soul

Fuck machiavellian psychology. You just turn into an asshole eventually going down this path

>> No.18802005

>I'd say that to learn how to pick-up women, for someone not naturally able to do so, is a process you could very well describe as "hardship" and delaying gratification.
Chatting up random girls, most of which are going to be thrill seeking womanchildren themselves, and leading them on for a couple weeks with sexting and other games isn't hardship, and if it is to you then you don't know the meaning of the word.

>PUAs by definition are guys that struggled to get women naturally
By definition, they're guys who need a system of tricks to get gullible and/or already willing (i.e., easy) girls to suck them off for a night. Girls that expect nothing from them besides periodic entertainment. PUAs are guys that don't commit to any girls, otherwise they wouldn't still be PUAs, and commitment is the real struggle.

>> No.18802046

>i'm a roastie who's sucked 20 cocks and counting since the 8th grade, but I hate sub-6 men who do the same.
Where's your commitment? You married with children? Otherwise you have no leg to stand on here.

>> No.18802063

Who are you quoting? No one is denying that there's degenerate women too, but they're degenerate because men already are. Like another anon explained, women are children who seek out leaders to follow.

>> No.18802075

>women have been sexually liberated for over 40 years
And who allowed that to happen...?

>> No.18802087

>therefore they don't listen and instead sleep around and act like whores
That's actually what they're told to do by all relevant cultural powers, so they are listening.

>> No.18802090

What makes a man a man in your opinion?

>> No.18802104

>Women are gremlins protected by everyone else but it's not their fault so they get a free pass

>> No.18802105

square jaw, cock over 6 inches, at least 178cm/5'10. Able to take charge and initiative. Isn't creepy, weird or an incel.

>> No.18802113

>at least 178cm/5'10
can tell manlet (5'10) hands wrote this post.

>> No.18802119
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>can tell manlet (5'10) hands wrote this post.
dialate, bitch.

>> No.18802128

Women are blank slates that mold to whatever form the male influences in their lives dictate they should, so all the failings in women are the result of failings in the men around them. Don't resent them as the source of trouble, pity them for showing the symptoms of the trouble that befalls society at large

>> No.18802153

This thread is cringe. Nietzsche was based and saw farther than every faggot itt. Imagine thinking he's defending that ahegao bitch. See I'm so based I don't even remember her name. Seethe lol

>> No.18802159

>at least 178cm/5'10
Fucking kek, grow up hobbit. 185 cm is the bare minimum nowadays with zoomers growing taller than any males before. Most girls are 178 cm or more.

>> No.18802165

>Most girls are 178 cm or more.
maybe in Teutonic countries but as somalis and pakies rape more and more girls you'll see the height naturally shrink in the next generation.

>> No.18802185

As someone who has had probably about 10 different women all fall in love with him, all of differing levels of academic intelligence, beauty, and quality of compassion... got to confirm that Nietzsche is basically right. Once a woman is in love with you, if you're capable of giving them really strong orgasms and always sounding like the most learned person in a room whenever they go out with you, they don't really ask for anything else, and will basically re-structure their entire lives towards trying to keep you desiring them. Women as a collective on average are bending their entire being towards the most desirable men, and care little else for this world... any deviant or alternative behaviour you see can basically be chalked up to deeply internalised rejection from this upper echelon of males, who they are instinctively or from experience aware could give them a feeling of heaven on earth, but must resign themselves to knowing that will never be their reality...

>> No.18802217

Yes you're right women are flock animals so they will listen to whoever has the most power. Spineless subversive types have the power now, and why is that? Still because men aren't strong enough to take the power positions and overthrow the vile creatures poisoning society. Still our fault. If white nationalists took power back woman would listen to us. Why do you think women adored Hitler?

>> No.18802221

I think you've spent a little bit too much time on the internet, my dude.

>> No.18802234

>Spineless subversive types have the power now
the failure of the right is that they can't admit that leftist are actually strong. This is how they got power and why they hold on to it.

>> No.18802265

>Most girls are 178cm or more
Disgusting. Where do you live?

>> No.18802266

I disagree with neetch too but he’s absolutely right about women and you must have never read him or are a complete faggot to not see his point.

>> No.18802271
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>square jaw, cock over 6 inches, at least 178cm/5'10. Able to take charge and initiative. Isn't creepy, weird or an incel.
Fuck you nigger I didn't ask to be born ugly

>> No.18802278

>When you naturally improve your life you will get laid more.
No you don't lol, this is such a stupid and uninformed take. You know who gets laid the most? It's not the accountant "who has his life together" with a $75k salary, a mediocre car and does rock climbing for a hobby. It's the drug-dealing degenerate club promotor, bartender, and bouncer.
And what advice are you going to give a guy who "improves himself for himself" and who ends up exactly where he started women-wise: an acquired autist unable to confidently hold a conversation? You're gonna tell him "just improooove more bro". Yeah hustle until you get the Lambo, right? Then the women will come! Absolutely delusional

>> No.18802292

>It's the drug-dealing degenerate club promotor, bartender, and bouncer
Not the girls I know. They think they're good good for those types. They prefer the guys in finance.

>> No.18802294
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Lmao this
Most men have no value. Especially in our modern kleptocracies where a handful can make billions through insider trading, theft, and corruption, while the rest wagecuck their lives away to provide taxes for the system. What can an average wageslave even offer a woman? She doesn't need him to protect or provide for her; she has the State to fund her security and pander to her for votes.

You can't even blame females, op is kinda right, they're products of their evolution just like we are. Our dicks don't get hard for fat landwhales or ugly girls, just like chicks don't get wet for weak and impoverished men. It's just human nature. Women obtaining economic independence via feminism and the gradual looting of our nations' manufacturing and self-determination via globalism has resulted in the obsolescence of the male sex. We've allowed our elites to turn us into drones, meaning that the vast majority of males in the West are completely disposable. How can we even expect girls to remain psychologically balanced when they're bombarded by propaganda 24/7 and compare their average dudes from their social circle to Hollywood superstars and Saudi oil sheiks?

What's that old saying: men bust their asses to crawl up the social hierarchy, while women wait at the finish line and fuck the winners.

>> No.18802296

Strong is probably the wrong word here. They sneakily abused anti-nazi propaganda after Germany lost the war to overtake academia and the media. Ever since the Frankfurt school's influence became leading theories in social sciences of a totally anti-nationalist and anti-fascist nature, the lefts power has grown and become and accepted reality to the masses. The right has been fighting an uphill battle since then, but we've been fighting very weakly. I do agree we underestimate them though

>> No.18802300

You need to learn how to have sex with multiple women so you can then make an informed choice out of want, not out of need, as to who you will start a family with. You're simply delusional if you think it's smarter to bank on marrying the first girl you're going to fuck versus improving your social skills, charisma, and appearance to get to the point where you can choose between multiple prospective partners versus having to settle. Besides, if your virgin wife knows you can't get laid she will resent and/or leave you anyway

>> No.18802329

PUAs aren't people who are having sex to gain experience for selecting a better mate. Do you not understand what's being discussed?

>> No.18802350

I suspect that we have historical data that shows how common this behavior is at a given point and also how stable families are at that point. I wonder whether or not there is an inverse correlation between these two things.

>> No.18802360

Your point only has validity if you value number of times getting laid as the most valued achievement of a man.

Do you value getting laid a lot while being a heartless degenerate loser, or being a noble, self-sufficient, self-confident man who gets laid kind of often, but who values genuine relationships over sleeping around?

Improving yourself for yourself does indeed get you laid, there's no denying that. If you keep working on yourself and valuing yourself you won't even have the need or time or will to get laid a bunch anyway like those filthy rich degenerates. So who cares? You'll get laid as much as you want to, which won't be much. And top of that, you'll get to build deep meaningful relationships with women as well

>> No.18802367

Ask them and the vast, vast majority of guys will tell you they want to settle down sometime in the future and have children. You seem to attack this strawman idea of what you think a PUA is like. Most of these guys are simply internet-savvy introverts who were friendzoned in high school and googled "how to pick up girls."

>> No.18802378

>the vast, vast majority of guys will tell you they want to settle down sometime in the future and have children
None of these guys are who's being talked about.

>> No.18802422

How many women have you fucked? How many serious girlfriends? How many long-term relationships? If your numbers are low you're just talking out of your ass.
The simple truth of life in the 21st century is that you need to go through a lot of bodies to find worthwhile girls. It's really simple: the guy who's fucked 50 chicks has a higher chance of fucking (and keeping) a quality chick than the guy who fucked 10. It's just a numbers game at that point. If you're going to reply with "I only sleep with high quality girls in the first place" you're either lying, delusional, or sex-starved. And I know this to be true because you can't even gauge how well you're going to click with a girl sexually before having sex with her. And without good sex, you're not going to build a solid, deep, meaningful relationship.

Right, so you're indeed talking about this strawman idea of "the PUA" that doesn't exist in real life. Good to clear this out. You're fighting windmills.

>> No.18802437

Do the numbers bear out any of these conclusions?

>> No.18802442

How is it a straw man? You yourself say it's a majority. I'm obviously referring to the minority of them.

What is even your point in all of this?

>> No.18802475

Underrated post, ugly and true

>> No.18802481

Which numbers and which conclusion?

>PUAs are hedonistic materialists who only care about fleeting casual sex
>well, that's not entirely accurate, just ask them what they want and they'll tell you they want to settle down and have families
>yeah I'm not talking about those guys
Give me one example of a PUA who fits your reductive description. Even all the high-profile, old-school guys have either settled down or converted to orthodox Christianity.

>> No.18802503

>The simple truth of life in the 21st century is that you need to go through a lot of bodies to find worthwhile girls. It's really simple: the guy who's fucked 50 chicks has a higher chance of fucking (and keeping) a quality chick than the guy who fucked 10. It's just a numbers game at that point. If you're going to reply with "I only sleep with high quality girls in the first place" you're either lying, delusional, or sex-starved. And I know this to be true because you can't even gauge how well you're going to click with a girl sexually before having sex with her. And without good sex, you're not going to build a solid, deep, meaningful relationship.
What you're saying doesn't make sense. In the first place, you assume that everyone engages in exactly the same set of behaviors. In the second, you disregard the possibility that there is a connection between these behaviors and the problems that you point out.

>> No.18802566

Not sure what you're getting at. Everyone knows families were more stable in the 1950s and that life was easier (sexually) for the average man. But this is not the 1950s anymore. The game has changed. Women are less dependent upon men financially (because of the welfare state) and sex, through contraceptives, has much less of chance of pregnancy and thus less chance of having serious consequences. Short of abolishing the welfare state and banning all contraception, how exactly do you want to go to the status quo ante?
If in an ideal monogamous society, 50% of men fuck 50% of the women, and this has evolved to 20% of the men fucking 80% of the women today, that's only a problem if you're not part of that 20% -- if you are, life is pretty good. Is this a "problem" in the broader cultural or political sense? Sure. But if you want a real shot at having a family and children, you better figure out how you can join the 20% (soon to be the 10%).

>> No.18802583

>Give me one example of a PUA who fits your reductive description
Give me a break. So you're telling me that all the PUAs who go on and on about shit like notch counts on social media are doing it ultimately so they can improve themselves and obtain an optimal wife? You seriously think this?

But this is all besides the point. The only reason why PUAs were even mentioned in the thread was because someone mistook "thrill seeking manchildren" to be a contradiction, and PUAs were given as an example. Did that necessarily mean every PUA? No, and why would you assume that? That wasn't the fucking point of bringing it up. It wasn't an attack on PUAs specifically.

>> No.18802595

>if you are, life is pretty good.
Is it, though? Not that those type of people actually think about this kind of thing, but are they really better off bouncing from roastie to roastie? They could instead get married early and have a large family but they don't.

>> No.18802605

There's no reason for me to tell you my stats since you'll just call me a larper. The fact is I've been down the pua road and it turned my soul dark and my views were extremely mysogynistic and pessimistic. I was getting laid a lot, but started hating my life since it had no meaning. Having sex was an end in itself and I couldn't form any meaningful relationships since all my views and tactics were to get laid.

Shortly after I found God, started meditating, praying, practicing asceticism and learned to love humanity more deeply, I found my wife whom I am very happy with and have been for years.

I know my argument here is a double edges sword since I did practice pick up, and that could have helped me get my wife. But I wish I didnt need to artifically change, and lose myself so much just to get laid. I do agree that being a pua is preferable to being a dexually frustrated resentful incel, however you don't exclusively need pua practices to cure it. Simply going outside more, getting some practical hobbies and reading a couple self improvement books will suffice.

>> No.18802618
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>But if you want a real shot at having a family and children, you better figure out how you can join the 20% (soon to be the 10%).
Reading shit like this always gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach
I don't know if I should kill myself or go apeshit and then kill myself

>> No.18802628

You're still thinking in terms of sex. Sex is not the issue.
>and this has evolved to 20% of the men fucking 80% of the women today
This isn't true.
>But if you want a real shot at having a family and children, you better figure out how you can join the 20% (soon to be the 10%).
This does not sound right to me. If you'd like to avoid a problem, you need to avoid the set of thoughts and behaviors that lead one to run into that problem. Why do you think that you will be able to avoid the same fate as everyone else, despite thinking and acting exactly like them?

>> No.18802638

Do not harm anyone else. You should instead relax, spend some time in a non-Western and non-Westernized country in Asia or Africa, and see how your perspective changes.

>> No.18802700

>So you're telling me that all the PUAs who go on and on about shit like notch counts on social media are doing it ultimately so they can improve themselves and obtain an optimal wife?
...yes? "To obtain an optimal wife" is basically what 100% of straight men on the planet are trying to do lol. You think that is a false statement? Do you think these phantom PUAs you're dreaming about want to chase skirts and cold approach women in nightclubs until they're 75? Is that your assertion?

>Simply going outside more, getting some practical hobbies and reading a couple self improvement books will suffice.
This is simply not true and you admit having read (and used) PUA materials. It's like hearing from a rich guy that money doesn't buy happiness. Yeah, easy for you to say... Which doesn't mean the rich guy doesn't have a point, just that you need to be rich in order to really realize this.
If a resentful, virginal incel is going to tell me that casual sex isn't fulfilling, he's just full of shit. How would he know?
And like I said, most PUAs (including you, apparently) settle down at the end. Which is exactly the point I'm making in my discussion with that other Anon here.

>This isn't true.
Sure maybe the numbers are hyperbolic but the principle is definitely true. Check the stats for yourself. Young men are having less sex while the amount of sex young women have has remained constant. This can only mean that an increasingly small percentage of men is fucking all the women, leaving an increasing large percentage of men in the dust.
>you need to avoid the set of thoughts and behaviors that lead one to run into that problem.
But it's not an individual problem. It's an adaptation to the broader cultural and sociological reality of gender relations in the 21st century. Are you suggesting that young men fix the world first before fixing their sex life? Good luck with that.

>> No.18802760

>You think that is a false statement?
Uh, yeah? Look around you. There's plenty of degenerate thrill seekers who don't care about getting married, and they come in many different forms.

>> No.18802772

>Young men are having less sex while the amount of sex young women have has remained constant
That's not true.
>This can only mean that an increasingly small percentage of men is fucking all the women, leaving an increasing large percentage of men in the dust.
That's not what that points to.
>But it's not an individual problem. It's an adaptation to the broader cultural and sociological reality of gender relations in the 21st century.
You insist on assuming that this is universal. It's not. You can say no, and you can find others who have said no. You just have to be willing to renounce certain things.

>> No.18802791
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>> No.18802856

The chart shows the numbers going up for unmarried women until 2016, and for married women until 2011.

>> No.18803202


>> No.18803223

Crazy to think that less than 5% of women in the US now marry with their husband as their first sexual partner.

>> No.18803367


>> No.18804142

instead of fighting about whether the decline of men is to blame for the woman problem why don't you discuss how to reverse the decline

>> No.18804154

It can't be reversed. We need to accelerate the system.

>> No.18804157

Saying that today would make you a woman hater by today's standards. He's actually right here, but that is not a good thing for feminists.

>> No.18804171

Saying it then made him a woman hater in the eyes of feminists. When Nietzsche went mad there were accusations that he was a misogynist being thrown around and one of his woman friends published their letters to each other in his defense.

>> No.18804215


>> No.18804258

—FW Nietzsche, ‘Twilight of the Idols,’ Chapter 8

>> No.18806294

Based 95% of women

>> No.18806812

this but unironically

>> No.18806823

Manchildren seek cooms in the safest ways possible.

>> No.18806893

Only retards call him a mysoggynist.

>> No.18806930

ITT: simps

>> No.18808089

Return to religion

>> No.18808107

yeah women are so horny and promiscuous unlike men, good things no men cheat or go around horny all the time

>> No.18808144

Could you argue that Nietzsche's view on women, by late 1800s standards, was actually progressive? Obviously feminists will freak out about it today since they lack comparison from the common man of Nietzsche's day and his assumptions.

>> No.18808168

That sinking feeling is your diaphragm trying to get you to exercise it more. Also, Yoga. Either way, it'll help.

>> No.18808186

It's as progressive as Patrice O'neal, which is to say, radically so.

Part of real 'feminism' is critiquing feminism and its adherants, and women generally. If you respect someone and want them to be equal, you call them on their shit. You don't devalue them or treat them shitty, you're doing the exact opposite.

Patrice is what Nietzsche would've been in our age, fearless, ferocious, and fat as fuck.

>> No.18808225

I don't think so. People were already spitefully calling him a misogynist while he was still alive.

>> No.18808231

There is no doubt whatsoever that women's bodily response, their relationship to the lunar cycle, is responsible for the jump in our evolutionary development. The placenta, without which human birth would not be possible, is theorized to have developed as a consequence of a viral infection.

Women know what time it is, and they know when to step up. They're doing it now. I'm not saying you gotta just shut up and listen, but if you underestimate these bitches you deserve the cold comforts that'll inevitably result.

In Indigenous cultures, women are responsible for water, men are responsible for fire. We're 73% water, so is the planet. Men are ornamental, the second sex, the sex that came afterward. We are all female before we 'develop' and either stay female or grow a pair.
If any alien race comes for us, they won't need males. They just need breeding females. They are the most valuable being on this planet, objectively speaking.

This is why sages and wise men of all the ages have been both masculine and feminine, in touch with both sides, aware of their harmony and the fundamental wisdom of women.

Deny it all you like, I think it's liberating to be expendable. Makes me wanna play with some fire, or spit it.

Why you think muzzies got titties on the tops of all their buildings man?

tl;dr Women made the species what it is, men made the species 'civilized'.

>> No.18808398

> want them to be equal
Something Nietzsche assuredly did NOT want.

>> No.18808415

>If any alien race comes for us, they won't need males. They just need breeding females. They are the most valuable being on this planet, objectively speaking.
Males are more genetically diverse and drive evolution. Humanity would stagnate without males.

>> No.18808417

The only thing I can see in men that makes them worthless and influences women this way is the simp culture. No simps no whores and e-whores. Simple as.

>> No.18808437

Nigger, do you even go out of your basement. Try talking to a random woman, feel up that adrenaline rush, feel it even more when she just walks away and looks at you with disgust.

>> No.18808451

I don't understand how men/boys who have a more traditional mindset will, on the one hand, recognise the fact that women in many areas essentially have the minds of children; and, on the other hand, will become upset when women aren't le ebin based/redpilled 8ch user who knows about the JQ and race realism, with a better control of her instincts than the average male.

You are surprised that women are biologically designed to want to go out and have babies and get attention? you are surprised that their most refined political ideology is "everybody should get along and be nice"? you are surprised that when all traditional norms have been destroyed they will degenerate as much (or maybe less) than the men which are supposed to be leading them?

If you make the argument "now they are liberated and have responsibility," I think you are just buying into egalitarian lies which have been forced on us since birth. You need to be a man, accept responsibility, and see reality for what it is. Stop being whiny boys. And I'm not even going to get into the fact that most of you probably jerk off to disgusting porn multiple times a day, play games all the time, and can't even hold a conversation. I'm not blaming you, I know how tough it is from experience too, but I'm just asking you to see reality for what it is.

Also, once you adopt the positions I have laid out, I think you will find it easier to talk to women and deal with them, this is what happened with me at least. Egalitarianism is such an evil lie.

>> No.18808499


>> No.18808504

Feminine = Earth, passive, secondary, matter, water. Water takes the form of its vessel, flows downwards.
Masculine = Heaven, active, primary, form, fire. Fire carves its one path, and always points upwards.

I believe these comparisons inform our understanding of the only two genders.

Without male, female would stagnate and remain formless; without female, male would have no existence.

I believe that female is anterior to male. Hierarchically, in this world, male is superior to female, since it is the one which will drive upwards. These are of course generalisations.

>> No.18808566


>> No.18808586

>non-Western and non-Westernized country in Asia or Africa
Don't come here, incel English teacher

>> No.18808635

Threads like this make me lose hope in life.

>> No.18809355

>muh jaw
>is a manlet
copming this hard LMAO

>> No.18809476
File: 213 KB, 480x480, r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can't express physical aggression, or even validly threaten it, online - thus you have the hyper masculine rationalization of the participant interlocutors relegated to the forms of aggression most commonly found in women: reputation destruction (ad hominems) and sarcastic vindictive attempts at emotionally upsetting the opponent ("""trolling""")

This frustration comes out in lurid and comical form the instant anyone brings up women in any way - a total projection occurs, as there is a belief in men that by escaping into the world of literature, logic and philosophy one may escape the mother; something many men struggle to disentangle as a personal memory or relationship from women as a category of object.

>"Women are not as intellectually capable as me! I am above women, and anyone who says otherwise is a fool!"
>Proceeds to argue for 3 hours using exclusively feminine tactics and arguments.
Many such cases.

I'm a girl btw

>> No.18809571

That's SO true! You go girl, fuck the haters!

>> No.18809578

I have a boyfriend.

>> No.18809580

tits or gtfo

>> No.18809662

Hello, m'lady! Welcome to this literary nest of inveterate, invertebrate, incelibate connoisseurs of fine literature. Alas, I shan't presume myself able to delight your floral gardens with my stumpy chode.

>> No.18809817


>> No.18809852

Don't forget to post this everytime incel is used as an insult.

>> No.18809863

You will never be a woman

>> No.18809884

I'm a girl, btw.

>> No.18810301

>Nietzsche's misogyny
Stopped reading.

>> No.18810428

Moreso that xenophobic muslims blow themselves up because white men destabilized their ruling class, funded a rebellion and installed a puppet government but I digress.

>> No.18810450

>I'm a girl btw
i have a girlfriend.

>> No.18810455
File: 300 KB, 1283x1275, maturity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18810489
File: 131 KB, 1057x449, virtue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18810526
File: 264 KB, 1024x922, civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18811055

He was right then and he is right today. It was the fathers failing a MAN that led to her being promiscuous and failing to instill her with morality it is her boyfriends fault a MAN that he lets he run wild around him and disrespect him if he fucked her good and acted masculine with a hint of dominance in his actions she would follow him and get in line