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[ERROR] No.18799914 [Reply] [Original]

It tell you what you want most. Wat see?

>> No.18799924

A house in the countryside with a jeep in the driveway. My house.

>> No.18799929
File: 289 KB, 1280x652, piece-of-mind-cover-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piece of mind nananana

>> No.18799978

the void

>> No.18800000

Id see my family. My sister was murdered when I was 15. Parents divorced. Brothers and I all live far apart. We're all effectively estranged. I have yet to have my own family so id also see the girl of my dreams, holding our children and pregnant with the other.

>> No.18800005

I have a gf...

>> No.18800017
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Bummer dude...but look at your cool digits!

>> No.18800021

>whooo. I'm so sweaty after that run! Ewww smell my armpit! Hehe don't run, I'm your wife it isn't THAT gross!

>> No.18800073

I either want my own little cabin, or I wanna be a big fuckoff crocodile.

>> No.18800093

John the Baptist's head on a platter.

>> No.18800098
File: 143 KB, 840x1050, Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18800107

>my own little cabin


Why do you think people on this board are more interested in the whole "little cabin" lifestyle etc than other people?
What is it about lit-posters that allows them to see the world this way?

>> No.18800111
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I don't know, but I'd like to find out. Being directionless is slowly killing me.

>> No.18800134

Fucking off to the woods is a current trend in all categories. /lit/ users are not unique, they are part of that trend.

>> No.18800149

Is it unique to 4chan, then? If so, why?
I don't know anyone IRL that would like to do it, but perhaps I don't know enough people.

>> No.18800163

I'm a small person, I just want a small part of the world. A little cabin that I can say is mine, filled with all the little things that I own. Everything in its place, neither too big or too small.

That, or being a big old crocodile, like 80 years old, and 20 feet long, at least. Floating in cool water in a hot country. No worries, occasionally eating whatever gets too close to my massive jaws.

Basically, I guess I just want to maintain in my own little bubble, without any stress whatsoever.

>> No.18800168

My sister hairy tight pussy. And her love, she is extremely loving and caring.

>> No.18800184

it's because boomers ruined the world. Boomers' big, big dreams were half a dozen cars and a big ass mansion and a couple vacation homes. A small house/cabin under your own name, where you don't have to work 50+ hours a week is the modern equivalent.

>> No.18800187

It has been a trend for a long time especially among lit people not just /lit.
It has now become a more popular trend because of Instagram

>> No.18800331


>> No.18800470
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Checked and bittersweetpilled

>> No.18800489

Probably nothing, or a picture of me as a stillbirth

>> No.18800841

Me as a girl :(

>> No.18800903
File: 20 KB, 332x450, 8b77f2cf3d385affb1e32d1bdeb884fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look and see that the whole world in the mirror is more empathetic and more in love with knowledge and more enchanted by the world and by each other, and also I'm raised by actually good parents and all my anxieties from how I was raised wrong are gone.

>> No.18801261

I am genuinely not sure. There's nothing I can I truly desire above all other desires. Purpose, maybe?

>> No.18801428

every jew in the world to combust in flames

>> No.18801433

very based

>> No.18801454

respect/mass adulation
a woman that loves me
a man that needs no other man or woman

i fear the last item on my list might contradict the others but i will leave it be

>> No.18801470

I see nothing because I yearn for the peace of death.

>> No.18801480
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you know it.

>> No.18802474

You will Rise.

>> No.18802501

my self

>> No.18803971

They think, pathologically, that everyone else is the problem