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[ERROR] No.18799456 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. It seems like finding enlightenment is some sort of social cope or east Asian equivalent to group-think style progressivism, which allows losers to become NPCs plugged in to the wider social order and feel power and self-belonging.

>DUDE sex and being rich is bad... because it just IS, okay?!!

What relevance does this have to people today, except as a view of another mindset? It teaches nothing. It feels like this (view of pre-modern mindsets) is a distraction from how society is actually progressing and works.

>> No.18799468

enlightenment is not an end state. it is just the real beginning

>> No.18799477

It's cope for being a poor virgin

>> No.18799481

There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village.
As he sat, he saw a Brazilian fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite few big fish.
The businessman was impressed and asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?”
The fisherman replied, “Oh, just a short while.”
“Then why don’t you stay longer at sea and catch even more?” The businessman was astonished.
“This is enough to feed my whole family,” the fisherman said.
The businessman then asked, “So, what do you do for the rest of the day?”
The fisherman replied, “Well, I usually wake up early in the morning, go out to sea and catch a few fish, then go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap with my wife, and evening comes, I join my buddies in the village for a drink — we play guitar, sing and dance throughout the night.”

The businessman offered a suggestion to the fisherman.
“I am a PhD in business management. I could help you to become a more successful person. From now on, you should spend more time at sea and try to catch as many fish as possible. When you have saved enough money, you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish. Soon you will be able to afford to buy more boats, set up your own company, your own production plant for canned food and distribution network. By then, you will have moved out of this village and to Sao Paulo, where you can set up HQ to manage your other branches.”

The fisherman continues, “And after that?”
The businessman laughs heartily, “After that, you can live like a king in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and float your shares in the Stock Exchange, and you will be rich.”
The fisherman asks, “And after that?”
The businessman says, “After that, you can finally retire, you can move to a house by the fishing village, wake up early in the morning, catch a few fish, then return home to play with kids, have a nice afternoon nap with your wife, and when evening comes, you can join your buddies for a drink, play the guitar, sing and dance throughout the night!”
The fisherman was puzzled, “Isn’t that what I am doing now?”

>> No.18799489

It actually reflects a deep understanding of human psychology. The fundamental fact is that the happiness one experiences by gaining something is lesser in magnitude than the pain one experiences by losing something. If you never gain anything, what is it that you can lose?

>> No.18799492


>> No.18799521


There was once a businessman who was sitting by the beach in a small Brazilian village.
As he sat, he saw a Brazilian fisherman rowing a small boat towards the shore having caught quite few big fish.
The businessman was impressed and asked the fisherman, “How long does it take you to catch so many fish?”
The fisherman replied, “Oh, just a short while.”
“Then why don’t you stay longer at sea and catch even more?” The businessman was astonished.
“This is enough to feed my whole family,” the fisherman said.
The businessman then asked, “So, what do you do for the rest of the day?”
The fisherman replied, “Well, I usually wake up early in the morning, go out to sea and catch a few fish, then go back and play with my kids. In the afternoon, I take a nap with my wife, and evening comes, I join my buddies in the village for a drink — we play guitar, sing and dance throughout the night.”

The businessman offered a suggestion to the fisherman.
“I am a PhD in business management. I could help you to become a more successful person. From now on, you should spend more time at sea and try to catch as many fish as possible. When you have saved enough money, you could buy a bigger boat and catch even more fish. Soon you will be able to afford to buy more boats, set up your own company, your own production plant for canned food and distribution network. By then, you will have moved out of this village and to Sao Paulo, where you can set up HQ to manage your other branches.”

The fisherman continues, “And after that?”
The businessman laughs heartily, “After that, you can live like a king in your own house, and when the time is right, you can go public and float your shares in the Stock Exchange, and you will be rich.”
The fisherman asks, “And after that?”

The businessman says, “After that, you can buy land and a large house, live in a secure compound safe from the degeneration of modern democracries in to slavecaste nonwhites obeying USA Deep State propaganda as progressive politicians tax people to death, chip them, while allowing criminals to roam free. You can avoid the land being bought and colonised by pod-renting AirBnBers, or seized by government bureaucrats to give to violent demographics. You can pay for your private security, gain access to an even more authentically rustic fishing boat, in a gated large compound, to further live out your larp fantasy of being independent, only this time it will be more authentic than you're currently doing it, as a merely unnoticed peon in the American Global Empire, where your freedom is contingent on not being cancelled by religious leftists, and genuinely helped in some ways through clean water regulations, and living in a country not yet within the negative interest rates stage.”

The fisherman was puzzled, “Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me about this earlier? LLC or Delaware corp?”

>> No.18799522

Right speech includes not saying the N-word

>> No.18799536

Hesse is a fucking hack

>> No.18799566

You are everyone and everyone is you

>> No.18799898

it does not say that those things are bad. siddhartha enjoys his life as a businessman and his life as a prostitute's lover. in fact he is in love with her.

did you actually read it? siddhartha leaves the village because he thinks he can find the truth with the ascetic people, only to realize that this life is not for him and does not satisfy him. this is what repeadetly happens, after a while he realizes that, while having learned and experienced a lot, he is still not where he wants to be. unlike his friend govinda, who stumbles upon gautama buddha and devotes himself to him. at the end of the book he ends up living with a ferry man only to realize much later that this guy has already achieved what he himself was looking for all along.

the message of the book generally is more to follow your own path. it is not morally judging any kind of lifestyle. and it's this way with elightenment. no enlightened person is alike another. there are subjective differences.