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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18798429 [Reply] [Original]

The other day I was talking to my friend about speedreading and at one point he can read in his mind, not a single fucking word uttered from his mouth.
Is he lying? How does he do it?

If this is true, then how can I read in my mind too?

>> No.18798441


>> No.18798457

I have a good work ethic, I am willing to put the effort in to learning this ability, just tell me how

>> No.18798485

Speedreading is a joke shilled by Uni profs & tutors to encourage you to read more of the syllabus than you otherwise would. The only way to really increase your reading comprehension alongside the speed you read at is to read more and educate yourself on the subject material so as to be familiar with it & less bored by it. Generally simply reading more often cultivates faster reading anyways: it boils down to that. NOT subvocalizing is just akin to skimming anyways.

>> No.18798488

>OP's friends with Julius Caesar
Be polite but distant, kids.

>> No.18798506

Thank you for your elaborate response anon

>> No.18798523

'speed readers' claim they have higher retention rate as well. I think it's bullshit personally.
Also I thought that 'subvocalizing' meant processing the words as if spoken, not actually reading out loud

>> No.18798528

>Also I thought that 'subvocalizing' meant processing the words as if spoken
That's correct though anon.

>> No.18798549

You mean that this is the correct definition or that it is the correct way to read? Because I've heard that reading things in your inner voice is poor practice.

>> No.18798565

>I've heard that reading things in your inner voice is poor practice.
This is what speedreaders suggest. I'd agree with the other anon who said it's bullshit. If you're not subvocalising, which entails any use of the inner voice (it's SUB-vocalising, not vocalising), you're not really paying any attention to the language itself. Not reading Literature with the aid of your inner voice is like scrolling through a painter's oeuvre on your phone.

>> No.18798576

Wait, so whenever you read you're reading it "aloud" in your head? That's bizarre. Like >>18798549 I'd always been told that was poor form (for any reading not for speed reading) and I find it distracting; I end up just focusing on the sounds of the words if I do that.

>> No.18798587

I don't sit there consciously, but silently, sounding out every word after another like I were a child, no. It's just how humans process language. If you're speed-reading, you're practically skimming for key information and not actually engaging with the text, suppressing subvocalisation (but not entirely) which in turn effects comprehension. It's a measured phenomenon; your larynx is still moving when you read, but very very little if you're not a poor reader.

>> No.18798705

are you fucking 8 years old?

>> No.18798719

>tfw dyslexic
>tfw can speed read
>tfw it takes the fun out of it

If you want to cheer sheet a humanitarian assignment, just download .pdfs and use ctrl + f for keywords. With a close reading and a plot synopsis, you can gamble a first in a day.

>> No.18798978

>I end up just focusing on the sounds of the words if I do that.
The sound of words is where a third of the art comes from, anon.

>> No.18799047

There is no way you can gain from the text by speed reading or at least no where near as you would if you were to vocalize in your mind.
You get get the gist of what you read but you won't acknowledge the aesthetics.
It is like rapidly looking at images of art and being able to recall what the images look like but not being able to appreciate it in whole.

Speed reading is a fucking meme. I will do it when reading a shit book to get past some shit part that has little value but even then it is poor reading.

>> No.18799150

You don't do that? It's roughly the same speed as I speak just in my head.

>> No.18799193

Augustine, is that you?

>> No.18799775
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Then we're agreed.