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File: 72 KB, 880x1360, 61-j1meObYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18798067 [Reply] [Original]

I just marathoned the cover page, what am I in for?

>> No.18798148

A man who probably thinks he has the authority to do this. Typical germans thinking they know best

>> No.18798152

visions of utopia...

>> No.18798354

>By contrast, pandemics are longer-lasting, prolonged events that often elicit ongoing feelings of distrust (vis-à-vis others) rooted in a primal fear of dying.

>> No.18798386

>tfw its too late to begin the great Covid-19 novel of our era

>> No.18798509

jewry, unlimited and unrestrained jewry

>> No.18798644

I read it for an essay. He talks mainly about how COVID-19 is beneficial for implementing his vision Some of his insights are valuable (e.g. regionalization), but I wouldn't say it's worth a read. It's better than his previous book

>> No.18798665

It is one of those classic TED-talkesque grand vision books, 'in this I am going to explain how it all works'. See also the infinite list of shitty macro analysis made by 'trend watchers'. It has as much academic value as that, so close to none.

>> No.18798682
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1603875287113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that people are under the impression some dull bureaucrat (and an economist at that) would have anything of value to say regarding any topic (outside purely bureaucratic matters) is very disappointing and unsettling.
Are Schwab, Gates, Buffet and AOC really the 'sages' of our times? Cringe

>> No.18798702

shit nobody cares about except conspiracy boomers on facebook

>> No.18798728
File: 110 KB, 615x343, pen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a revelation of what's to come. We have to keep in mind the World Economic Forum isn't some nobody. Its currently positioning itself as the governing global body in what they label the 'Stakeholder-Capitalism' model. Ignore the retards blowing steam about conspiracy theorists. They probably have no idea how paper fiat is created which is a testament to their ignorance of global control through these sorts of governing bodies, used as proxies to be sure by central bankers.

>> No.18798751

>They probably have no idea how paper fiat is created which is a testament to their ignorance of global control through these sorts of governing bodies, used as proxies to be sure by central bankers.
And you do? Lol

>> No.18798788

what's bad about stakeholder capitalism

>> No.18798797

He's just the mouthpiece of the turbo-elite, merely the minion of these demonically powerful overlords.

>> No.18798873
File: 2.46 MB, 2983x2070, Carl Kahler (1856–1906) My Wife's Lovers [1893].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stakeholder-capitalism places corporations at the head of fiscal and monetary policy instead of the state. imagine one corporation ruling over everybody else-thats what stakeholder-capitalism is. it could be argued that its been that way since 1913 (u.s.) or that capitalism is capitalism who cares, but it must be noted that state capitalism, true state run capitalism (that of we the people) was never tried and tested. instead what we got was taken over by corporations, so in a sense what stakeholder-capitalism really, really is, is cementing the fact that corporations dictate fiscal and monetary policy. its cutting out the middle men (we the people) which is funny because these private entities that print fiat out of nothing backed by fiat (Bretton woods act 1971)(against nothing becuz its backed by itself which is theft of the taxpayers) loaned out at interest were no less considered middle men in state capitalism. its a takeover in the truest sense.

>> No.18798891

how is that a bad thing again? Democracy is for the gays and the women

>> No.18798900
File: 191 KB, 1102x600, Hitler_and_Mussolini_Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true state run capitalism (that of we the people) was never tried and tested.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.18798914

They could literally lock us inside for 10 years and normies on Twitter would still be saying 'lol stop crying who cares why are you paranoid'

>> No.18798920
File: 1.52 MB, 2309x2167, Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875–1911) Fairy Tale of Kings [1909].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. the problem with handing over the rights of monetary policy to corporations is they will be able to dictate policy in general. this means ousting outliers that threaten their system. basically what Heidegger states as creating standing-reserves in humanity.
and a shining example at that (sincerity). thanks for reminding me.

>> No.18798954
File: 169 KB, 311x278, 1625489305058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see, the stormtard has been trolled into desiring serfdom, because freedom is, of course, for fags.

What he doesn't realize is that his masters will destroy his culture, enslave to his gay ass job and force feed him estrogen pills

Dumb fuck

>> No.18798966

>What he doesn't realize is that his masters will destroy his culture, enslave to his gay ass job and force feed him estrogen pills
And that's a bad thing because...

>> No.18798997

>thanks for reminding me.
They were made into a demonized "special case" of history to make it easy to forget.

>> No.18799003

That's already happened under the current system. JEW.

>> No.18799021

It reorients the marketplace to treat the functional customer as the product and the investor as the true customer

>> No.18799618

Same shit, different era: 20th century history is full of plutocrats with visionary pretensions, delusions, and plans that never came to pass.

>> No.18800443

The gist of the book is that because of the global pandemic the world has seen the flaws in the current global order and that this global order will change as a result. Schwab and Malleret believe that the more likely scenario is that globalization will have a large falling out and that the nations of the world will become increasingly isolationist. The authors see this as a threat and believe the only way to prevent this is for powerful global governance to be established.

>> No.18800823

Let's hope that isolationism takes place

>> No.18800875

Ohhh noooo people will have a closer link to their democratic apparatuses noooooooooo! We have to have a world government to make sure people are working for the best of (((humanity))) and not their selfish interests!

>> No.18800912

Bureaucratic pseudo-philosophical Newspeak, a watered down version to the masses of what they really want to do, simultaneously meant to look harmless and unobtrusive to the mostly innocent masses who hear of the book, and to inspire conspiracy theories in the minority of conspiracy theorists, so they can embarrass themselves then get the fact checkers to go, "Alt-right neo-nazis are talking again about something sinister behind 'the Great Reset.' Look, there's nothing sinister about it, we read the book, it's just some gentle suggestions about 'stakeholder capitalism,' contact tracing, making stuff more equitable and fair for everyone, and the like."

>> No.18800918

This. At the moment it rings empty, but it's a blueprint for the sorts of policy considerations that liberal politicians will take in future. Further control given to corporations, an amplification of what we have now. If anything, we were headed down this trajectory. The COVID pandemic was a catalyst.

>> No.18800925

Thats the gist of it. A lot the material like this is spewage for the dominant minority to attain global authoritarian control. The UN, NATO,League of Nations etc. are efforts to move away from nationalism into a socialist global world order. ye >>18800912

>> No.18800982

Yup. And any resistance against globohomo is called "alt-right/far-right nationalism," "populism," "dog whistles for White nationalism," and the like, just because people don't want this multicultural LGBTQ BLM cultural Marxist mega-corporate rule forced on them, and their traditional ways of life totally overturned.