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File: 441 KB, 1241x1222, 1586832737591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18797129 [Reply] [Original]

just found this board and I’m fucking obsessed yall. not even just by the misogyny, or the term-paper talk yall use to hide it. no, what’s mesmerizing is, no lie, I’m *one of you*. I’m 23 and a virgin, never had a gf or even a date, mostly just solo queue League and work at Staples. I stumbled across this place because I have real narrow shoulders, hell I’m built like a closed umbrella, and I’ve always wondered if other guys feel insecure about it too. I work out sometimes but I’m not crazy fit or anything and wish I were bigger. I think racist/sexist jokes are funny but I feel bad about it. so, probably like you.

then I come here and WOW. what happened, boys? I can’t lie that it isn’t nice to find other NS guys, but this place is like staring into a fucked up cursed mirror where the longer you stare at it the uglier you get, but it’s so fascinating you keep staring. go head and call me white knight / betafag / lib or whatever weak shit you got called in gym class in sixth grade. I’d rather die a sane virgin than fall for this mess.

maybe it’s more about what happened to me. maybe it’s bc I’m talking to a therapist and figured out some meds that work for me, or bc I have female friends (grew up with four sisters) or haven’t had my brain bleached by the internet as much. I’m not saying I’m better than any of yall, if I did I’d be the same as yall. so women either reject you or they don’t act 100% the way you want them to (the term for that is “slavery”). bottom line is nobody’s hurting or stealing anything from you. yall just hitched your psychosexual angst to your self-worth and it’s women’s fault somehow. however unfair you think it all is, you’re MAKING IT WORSE. hope yall logoff and find peace.

>> No.18797143
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>> No.18797149
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>> No.18797150


>> No.18797152
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>> No.18797153

you are a faggot

>> No.18797157

Hm get out of here, there is nothing worth anything tbqh. Maybe check the wiki for some charts once in a while, but even those aren't that great. Just leave, OP. I'm being nice, not even joking.

>> No.18797160
File: 90 KB, 1200x670, 1627403342473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18797161

stop projecting fag

>> No.18797165

Takes an Übermensch to hang in here and not get affected by all this shit. Do you think you have what it takes? Join us and change everything, create new values, or get the hell out of here and save yourself.

>> No.18797176
File: 170 KB, 783x550, 1625118378101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pasta from another board?

>> No.18797181

Probably, or some retard LARPing.

>> No.18797184

CIA posting is getting out of hand.

>> No.18797207
File: 407 KB, 4500x4334, 1417843890855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an excerpt from a magazine piece parodying both redditors and alt-right websites like 4chan. It's a copied and pasted post from a fictional incel website that the main character moderates, and gets quite the reaction out of them. The whole article is pretty decent once it gets going, you realize just how gruesome, unfiltered and censorious the subject matter is.

>> No.18797209

The funny thing is that I'm all of the things you describe yet I've had sex with multiple women and lost my virginity at 18

Don't cope retard

>> No.18797213

Please gaet out of this board

>> No.18797216
File: 1.15 MB, 768x606, lmao didnt read.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18797218

You know, "y'all' is the one great second-person-plural that we have in American English, one that I have used frequently and to good effect with many. But you are single-handedly making me reconsider my use of it, just by how shitty your bait is (2/10 because I'm responding, but really it's to how many times you managed to badly use 'y'all' than to any of the incel/misogyny-baiting shit).

>> No.18797219

Fuck, nevermind. Thanks >>18797207. I even read this back when it was new. Guess I just forgot that part.