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[ERROR] No.18792187 [Reply] [Original]

I finally finished it and I feel an empty void in my life, even if the sheer length was a pain at times. Any other books that gave you that feel?

Also >tfw Andrew dies

>> No.18792190

Soap opera

>> No.18792194

Fuck you for spoiling it. I was just at Andrei reviewing the soldiers in front on Murat’s army. He’s my favorite so far

>> No.18792204

Andrew is the shit. He’s very morose. Natasha is such a bitch.

>> No.18792605

>Natasha is such a bitch
Why ?

>> No.18792630

Yeah I disagree, too.
She's just extremely impressionable, so when the Kuragins influence her, her life turns to shit; when Pierre influences her, things turn well again.

>> No.18792802

what the fuck do you think spoiler tags are for?

>> No.18792806

>great man theory... is... LE BAD!!!
total meme book

>> No.18792820

There really isn't any other book like it. Things like Les Miserables, The Charterhouse of Parma and Anna Karenina feel similar in some ways, but nothing brings together all of its parts in quite the same manner.

Natasha is a child who was tricked into making a fairly minor error, for which she was punished harshly. She's a fantastic character honestly, probably my favorite in any Tolstoy work.

>> No.18792827

Natasha is a qt but Sonya is best girl.

Andre is cool but has a bit of a stick up his ass. Dennisov is a true bro all the way through.

>> No.18792831

Maybe in 1806, by 1812 she is a dried up used goods by Dollohov roast beef whore. Alas, the wall comes fast. Pierre is doomed to be cucked again.

>> No.18792835

She was still young and acted childlike

>> No.18792963

You fucking idiot what did you think would happen when you clicked the spoiler?

>> No.18793079

All women act child-like. 18 is at least two years into roast beef territory.

>> No.18793103

She was with anatol not dolohov, and she was not actually with him

>> No.18793125

fuck it

>> No.18793601

She was old enough to know better.

>> No.18793606

>fairly minor error
It really was not fairly minor

>> No.18793633

Andrew was good but based Kutuzov was my favorite

>> No.18793638

>war and piss
Read back when I was 15

>> No.18793785

Keep reading Tolstoy. I think Anna Karenina is even better.

>> No.18794326

/tv/ here. Now watch the BBC mini series with classic Paul Dano as Pierre. It's kino.

>> No.18794374

Awesome soundtrack as well

>> No.18794385

Paul Dano is a good actor but what on earth kind of casting choice is that. You need a giant, chubby, bemused, naive, and good natured type person

>> No.18794416

Denisov and old Count Rostov. Id hang out doing manly russian stuff with them no problem

>> No.18794741

> clicked
A Really Short Story, or How Phoneposter Got the Noose

>> No.18794780

will do, thanks. Had my eye on that one.

>> No.18795062
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>Paul Dano as Pierre

>> No.18795247

I find it interesting that natasha basically fucks up and does a dumb whore thing because she was conscious of her fading youth and fertility and couldn't handle being a single thott and desperately wanted to settle down, whereas with modern women its the opposite, they become whores because they dont care about fading youth and fertility and dont want to settle down

it certainly something worth noting I guess, that the character can do shitty things make serious mistakes but in a way you can still really empathize with how the situation could tear apart a decent person, even if it was a little melodramatic given that she only had to wait a year

>> No.18795271
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Comfiest time of the year to read this?

>> No.18795281

Watch the Bondarchuk film for some great battles.

>> No.18795320

winter for sure

>> No.18796279


>> No.18796449

I already had a feeling it was going to happen since Natasha was chimping out about him not coming

>> No.18796460
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>> No.18796662
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>he didn't read an edition that anglicized every name

>> No.18797214
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the difference between natasha and a whore is that she sincerely repented of what she did even though she stood to gain nothing by apologizing. it blew pierre's mind when he realized she wasn't just putting on a show to try to get andrei back like every other woman would have been doing.

>> No.18798525

Is this the newest catch phrase that's supposed to discredit it?
The thing I tend to not like with Tolstoy, is how he analyzes a certain problem ad absurdum. War and Peace analyzed history into an infinite little pieces, connected by infinite actions, all unquantifiably inter-connected, to the point where no human brain can even log it, let alone present it in a book for other humans. Resurrection analyzes the "justice" system to a similar degree. Anna Karenina is next on my list, but I somehow doubt it will reach the same heights and catharsis as War and Peace. Marja Bolkonska is best girl.

>> No.18799702

>leaves her fiancé for a guy she met days before
>not a whore

>> No.18799804

East of Eden

>> No.18799943

Read it a few years ago and couldn't find anything to read to fill that void for months afterwards. Maybe read The Charterhouse of Parma.