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[ERROR] No.18792070 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18792077

it means Arab

>> No.18792102

Any time someone conjures some boutique ethnicity it's always a cope.

>> No.18792134

He'll block you if you say this though

>> No.18792136
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>> No.18792141

There is nothing more cringe than christian arab larping as some pre islamic people
t. christian arab

>> No.18792147

He's actually right about all of those errors.

>> No.18792157

I identify as a Celto-Vinlander with zero irony.

>> No.18792164

I sometimes go for a walk. Am I a flaneur as well?

>> No.18792183


>> No.18792213

Homage to the Greek influence on Arab civilisation.

>> No.18792216

So true

>> No.18792236

Based ywrvy

>> No.18792278

he blocked a couple years ago just because i wrote something like : you will never be a european while posting a euro dna pca map.

>> No.18792279

How is this guy so insecure

>> No.18792301

Do you guys think he actually believes this or is it just a gimmicky persona he plays online for the attention? I honestly refuse to believe anyone would unironically identify as greco-anything

>> No.18792350

he's not wrong

>> No.18792355

>t. christian arab
No, you ain't.

>> No.18792374


>> No.18792436

100% based. Being factually correct is infinitely more valuable than any political narrative, regardless of if you agree with it.

>> No.18792491

I'm literally from Bethlehem
Ok? Nobody uses the term arab as a racial designation in the middle east, everybody is aware of the differences between "arabs" from morroco to Egypt to Lebanon to Yemen. But denying the Arab cultural identify for "Greco-levantine" or "Phoenician" is pure post modern artificial nonsense. It's a pathetic reaction to the demonization of "arabs" in the western consciousness. Lebanese christians sucking up to the west is joked about everywhere.

>> No.18792500

he uses greco-levantine as a racial designation. problem is, there is no such a thing. greeks are european (/white), levantines are middle easterners.

>> No.18792514

why is this guy such a meme on here? does he actually have anything interesting to say or are we just making jokes about his racial insecurity?

>> No.18792552

>I'm literally from Bethlehem
Nope, you aren't. Prove it.

>> No.18792713

Not him, but what's so unbelievable about that?

>> No.18792734

There are no Arab Christians left

>> No.18793045

Lebanese are majority Levantine with traces from Arabia, Greece, Italy, Iran, Turkey. I don't think the majority are Arab, they are thier own particular group (Phonecian/Levantine) with admixture of surrounding regions. Im also Lebanese and my 23andme is 60% Levantine 20% Iranian 8% Italian 6% Arab.

His genetic data is probably that which he states, so i don't see all the hate he gets for identifying as such, because he is of a particular stock which is particular to where hes from in Lebanon.

There is an Arab'ness to the Lebanese people, being a sentiment that is expressed in various degrees within different groups. He definitely has an Arab'ness to him.

>> No.18793243

bala m7n, he's full of shit

>> No.18793272

He’s great. It’s the only person/books I’ve followed that actually made me money.

>> No.18793322


>> No.18793355

>pilpul this hard

>> No.18793410

How does he know about zeno? Seems autistic as we don't really have precise evidence regarding his ethnicity

>> No.18793447

I am a pure blooded Frank, unironically with some minor celtic admixture.

>> No.18793467

>I'm literally from Bethlehem
How's the situation there, Palestinian Brother?
As salaam alyakum from Italy

>> No.18793471

Books are good and he is absolutely deranged on twitter. He's a lolcow in the making.

>> No.18793477

>does he actually have anything interesting to say
Not really, he's a midwit and his main shtick is "skepticism for dummies", recycling ideas from classic literature/philosophy and "pwning retards" on Twitter.
Here's the type of big brain insight you can expect from him:

>> No.18793478

holy based secret descendant of Jesus of Nazareth.

>> No.18793527

>Im also Lebanese and my 23andme is 60% Levantine 20% Iranian 8% Italian 6% Arab.

I'm Iranian, and on 23andme I am 98.5% Iranian, 0.2% Cypriot, 0.8% Central Asian, and 0.5% Korean.

>> No.18793557

I remember him making a post back about 5 books that Influenced and one if them was an Arab one. So yeah he ki d of outed himself there

>> No.18793562

>0.2% Cypriot
Greek Rape
>Central Asian and Korean
Turk and Mongol rape

>> No.18793598

He's true about all of those.
Based Arab.

>> No.18793678

Probably an American who doesn't know that Christian Arabs exists.

A bigger percentage of Arabs are Christians than Europeans are Christians at this point.

>> No.18793791

>A bigger percentage of Arabs are Christians than Europeans are Christians at this point.

>> No.18794004

>What did he mean by this?

>> No.18794012

Your inbred family isn't the norm around here

>> No.18794033


>> No.18794037

Child fucker.

>> No.18794050

He means HE WUZ

>> No.18794623

Literally 20% of the diaspora are Christians retard

>> No.18794630

The reviewer's 100% right.
So, Taleb seems to be a pretentious pseud... does that make him /ourguy/?

>> No.18794737

It means that he actually looks down to arabs and wants nothing to do with them

>> No.18795447

Imagine getting Taleb as your uber driver. That would be a hilarious conversation.

>> No.18795484

it's his passenger rating surely?

>> No.18796328
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Think he visits 4chan from time to time?

He seems to be the type

>> No.18796331

Taleb is the reviewer, retard

>> No.18797076

Races are made up. He can do what he likes. Don't tell me you think American demographics definitions define race for all time?

>> No.18797277

he blocked me because I told him that the J2 haplogroup was the most overrated haplo on earth

>> No.18797280
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>Don't tell me you think American demographics definitions define race for all time?