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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18790474 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread

>> No.18790485

These threads are weird, never understood them

>> No.18790488

Why are you throwing out these books?

>> No.18790497

Good taste. But also, you should stop buying so many books until you’ve read them. And read fewer translations.

>> No.18790505

Let me guess, poorfag who only reads pdfs from libgen?

>> No.18790513

and who are you?

>> No.18790678
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>> No.18790697
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Newfag here

>> No.18790741

What I have not read because I'm shitting up threads.

>> No.18790756

why not make a post about any one of those books you've surely read instead of posting your "stack," of them?

>> No.18791267
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Stuff ive gained from a massive road trip

>> No.18791358

Looks like the kind of stuff my druggie roommates would have lying around. You're not a druggie, are ya anon?

>> No.18791412
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I don't stack because I'm not autistic.

>> No.18791444
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Recent acquisitions

>> No.18791447
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I apologize, that was a bit rude. I don't stack because I'm afraid it may bend the books.

Also, this is probably my favorite. I have it on display away from the rest

>> No.18791535
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Any recs? I’m pretty new to reading but ive read all of these since quarantine started.

>> No.18791603
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never did drugs. am legit autistic though so theres that

>> No.18791729
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>> No.18791792
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not a stack
also listened to onra
heh easy

>> No.18791802
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>> No.18791805

I have reason to believe that Henry James is a total meme. Please someone convince me otherwise.

>> No.18791856

you larping heretic will never be a real christian

>> No.18791859
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good stack, how much did these volumes cost ya
whats yer end game

>> No.18791860

Is that Eckhart edited by McGinn

>> No.18791873

Look up Bloom's canon and go back and read the theocratic age. You can skip Egyptian book of the dead and sayings of the fathers imo but up to you. I replaced the latter with the Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

You don't have to get his exact translations either but do it for the Ancient Indian texts.

For Herodotus and Thucydides get The Landmark Series books. For the Greek tragedies get the full set of David Greene/Richard Lattimore. Aristophanes go Paul Roche. I don't mean these are the best translations etc but they worked for me.

Do this and you have your foundation and can choose where to go from there. Obv this is a commitment but judging by your random assortment you'd be good going here.

If you get bored with the list and liked Tolkien keep going into his world maybe. Read Carpenter's biography on him. Otherwise just read what you want and then when you're ready go back to the list.

Can't quite articulate why but reading Tolkien lately has opened The Bible up far more for me.

Read Bible as much as possible and let it be your most central text, regardless of religious affiliation/beliefs.

Printing Bloom's list and highlighting what you've read helps see your progress.

>> No.18792007

>and read fewer translations
at least he's reading.

>> No.18792018

Checks out
Also that copy of Ivanhoe has seen more toilets than a motel housekeeper

>> No.18792063

printed in 1960, has a great smell.

>> No.18792101

Hard to say without you mentioning which of your stack you liked and disliked, but here's the list of my favs which are pretty accessible
Anna Karenina
The Old Man and the Sea
All Quiet on the Western Front
Lord of the Flies
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Plague (Camus)
Jane Eyre
Brave New World

>> No.18792237

idk if that anon was implying it's cringe or something to start with vonnegut, but I just want to say that I always recommend vonnegut to new readers/people trying to ease back into reading. Since the prose is light and the stories are consistently enjoyable you're more likely to keep up the habit than if you start with, say, dosto or jump straight into the philosophy which can be huge slogs to get through. You might feel an itch to start reading some more "advanced" after 2 or 3 of those books, but I'd recommend you to hold out and complete a good chunk of that stack before you do

>> No.18792466

>validate my life choices, random people on the internet
Same reason troons post their ugly faces, they want some seals to clap

>> No.18792487

Azumanga Daioh, based

>> No.18792571

Foreword by McGinn, tl. by Maurice Walshe. Although it does oftentimes in the notes per-sermon specify areas where others translated it in a different sense.

Only the Eckhart was expensive. $100ish, but it's hard to find a collection of Eckhart's work evidently, sermons, treatises, etc, all condensed into a single volume, nevermind hard-cover, so I didn't particularly mind the expense. The Milton was $30ish, I bought City of God so many years ago I wouldn't even be able to say, but Modern Library isn't usually expensive so probably $30ish as well.

Fuck off paynim

>> No.18792575

I take non-explicit recommendations from these threads. I anticipate others do the same. If you see a book that sounds interesting, do you not look it up? Show and tell nigga.

>> No.18792665

Yeah just stop reading translations bro.
>What? You're telling me you don't speak and read Italian, French, German, Russian, Czech, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Danish and Swedish at the same level as a native which is the only way for you to understand all the intricacies of language?
>Lmao must be ameritard!

>> No.18792666

Those were the ones he didn't throw out

>> No.18792987

Just want people to know it's out in case they missed it

>> No.18793028


>> No.18793389


>> No.18793838

Yeah, I only really started reading early this year after getting bored by wasting time on here or youtube. I've already read cat's cradle, slaughterhouse five, breakfast of champions, sirens of titan, and welcome to the monkey house. I might as well read rosewater since I have it, but Vonnegut does get a little repetitive.

>> No.18793911

Post a pic of page 1!

>> No.18793934
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Anons post what they're reading either to simply share or outright boast about it. I like to think it's the former. Regardless these threads are a good way to pick a few books to read in the future.

>> No.18793947
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>> No.18793951
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>> No.18793955
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>> No.18793961

and yes I am a Dutchfag

>> No.18794043
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>> No.18794102

Pure worthless vanity

>> No.18794126

Thoughts on Verdriet van België? I've wanted to read it for a while but my dad told me he hates Hugo Claus as a person and will call me cringe if I read it

>> No.18794277

It doesn't matter who we are

>> No.18794286

Is The Ticket that Exploded good? I've only read Naked Lunch, and I have Junkie on my stack.

>> No.18794350

Nice Nietzsche collection. Why do you have Also sprach Zarathustra in two languages?

>> No.18794427

I haven't started it yet but I enjoyed Naked Lunch, Junkie, and Queer.

>> No.18794441

what did you think of Villette?

>> No.18794544

Thanks anon, I'll try Queer then

>> No.18794818

I wanted to read it in german because TSZ is very poetic

>> No.18794827

I liked it very much, but you need to know something about Belgium in WW2 and catholicism in Belgium. I thought it was one of the best Dutch books written

>> No.18794977
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Read 'em and weep.

>> No.18795083

Kek and checked

>> No.18795099

why is /lit/ obsessed with henry james?

>> No.18795218
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>> No.18795230
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He's pretty good dude, you should check him out

>> No.18795469
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What type of person am I /lit/?

>> No.18795479

Why does Georgina’s Reasons never get it’s own binding :’(

>> No.18795523

Actually haven't read it yet unfortunately, I'm anticipating it to be quite good though, what I know about the premise and whatnot it sounds like something I'd like a lot.

Have you read it? What did you think

>> No.18795561


>> No.18795628
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Currently reading Stoner :). I have read Lolita( amazing book) and The Idiot (the first part is the best IMO).

If you're looking for specific writers I def recommend Bulgakov and Dostoevsky!

>> No.18795732


>> No.18795741

the scenes in stoner always feel uncomfortable because it feels like something isnt there or is empty. which is amazing because that's exactly how a lot of adults feel

>> No.18795953

How do you learn sql?

>> No.18795966
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>> No.18796644
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>> No.18797175

I respect this as someone that designs synthesizers

>> No.18797233

I haven't read it yet either but my wife wants to read it together. I've seen other anons say it's extremely comfy.

>> No.18797364
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>> No.18797535

Eliade - interesting guy

>> No.18797554

Richard Preston, Richard Rhodes, top notch nonfiction authors

>> No.18797569

Eckhart knows the secret to enlightenment

>> No.18797602

I worked as a C programmer for 35 years on 10 different microprocessors, retired never having had to learn C++ thank God haha

>> No.18798715

can you show a bit from the pictures please

>> No.18798743

What matters is our plan.

>> No.18798787
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Checking in.

>> No.18798800

I think you have bad taste

>> No.18798839

keep coping faggot
I have a patrician taste

>> No.18798842

geeekeeeroooo oooookeeerstaaad

>> No.18798890
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Sure, since you asked so nicely. Im just gonna copy my description of it from another place I shared it so some of what I'm saying may sound a bit off in this context.

I recently purchased this book and its incredible. Im sure many of you have seen/heard of it before but for those who haven't its worth checking out.
Ingrid Bergman: A Life In Pictures
The ISBN-10 is: 1452149550
A biography compiled and edited by her daughter with quotes and passages from the author, many actors and actresses associated with Ingrid, her family, and of course Ingrid herself.

The main focus of the book are the photos, I think over 530 photos?
They are all very very nice resolution, extremely clear, and printed very large in this book. It's probably 12 inches tall, 9 inches wide? Kinda like a large piece of printer paper. But it's just incredible and I love it, superb quality and a great piece to remember and admire her by.
I got the softcover edition as the hardcover copies are being sold for very high prices atm but the "soft" cover is very sturdy and feels very durable.

Anyway, thought I'd share this with those who haven't seen it before

I'll add more photos

>> No.18798895
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>> No.18798901
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It's not all photos either, in between the chronologically organized photosets are usually interviews or biographies from Ingrid herself, as well as captions for the photos and quotes from other actors and people she interacted with like this one

>> No.18798903
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Really an incredible book, the quality is supreme.

>> No.18798913


>> No.18798918
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>> No.18798922
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Last one I have of the book rn, I'm in love with it.

Posted quite a few photos of her in /hr/, old Hollywood thread or something if you're interested in more.

>> No.18799140

Thank you my friend

>> No.18799148

also, tfw no swedish gf

>> No.18799152

I'm The Dude

>> No.18799646
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>> No.18799659

It's a stack thread, mate, not a barricade thread.

>> No.18799674

Finally a book /lit/ can read in under six months

>> No.18800074


>> No.18800158
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Of course.

That's the goal, until then......
>pic related


>> No.18800235
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>> No.18801510

I got rid of about 75% of my books and switched to Gutenberg and archive.org.

>> No.18801617

Reading from a screen is pretty annoying

>> No.18801709

Got mine in the mail a couple days ago

>> No.18802790
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Currently reading Children of Ruin.

Mostly finished the Letters.

>> No.18802811
