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[ERROR] No.18790146 [Reply] [Original]

Tranny janny 404'd last thread but that won't stop me from revealing the truth.

qrd: Gather three blue objects around you at this moment. You should notice that all of the objects are not the exact same color of blue. Yet we still call them all blue. Where is the true form of the color blue? It does not exist. we categorize these colors to better suit our own needs, but they do not exist in themselves.

>> No.18790151

Take it to /x/

>> No.18790158

t. brainlet who can't into forms

>> No.18790159

I did what you said - but one of these three things is red, the other yellow, the other blue

>> No.18790166

In what stupid book did you read that shit?

>> No.18790194

Why can't there be an infinite number of forms that correspond to all the parts of the spectrum of types of blue, even though the words we use for different shades are an arbitrary line drawn on that spectrum? Modern mathematics of infinity combined with forms makes sense.

>> No.18790233

Well yes, there are infinite shades of blue, but then there wouldn't be a "form of blue", it would be a "form of blue hue:166, saturation: 231, luminosity:40, and so on and on." The whole point of ockhams razor is just to go ahead and say that all 3 of the items are their own color and can be described as themselves instead of some arbitrary "form of blue".

>> No.18790239

So, we gather things that are similar in some regard. Their relation of similarity is that they are all blue. But what is blue? Since blue is not an abstract or a thing that exists per se thus the nominalist tells us that blue is just the characteristic that holds all blue objects as similar in some way. But the similarity only exists in so far all those objects are blue and blue only exists as the relation that holds these objects as similar. Thus we get a circular definition of blue.