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[ERROR] No.18788918 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good /lit/ Youtube channels?

>> No.18788927

I like BriannaBell a lot, reminds me of my sister.

>> No.18788932

The nomadic professor

>> No.18788937

Professor Sadler is pretty good. There's also another professor who's been on youtube since like 2006, he's fucking great, makes amazing videos but has little subscribers, I forgot his name.

>> No.18788939

The Historian's Craft has a really cool autistic historian who sounds like buffalo bill

>> No.18788941
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>good /lit/ Youtube channels
>posts Q

>> No.18788950

He just says entry-level stuff about history while walking around a boring location.

>> No.18788953

antastesialit is based af IF you know French. She does all kind of shit, definitely not limited to French stuff, but she does her videos in French. And she is a French teacher, so it is not like she is inventing bullshit or anything. I really like her.

>> No.18788992

Chris dw i

He’s kind of obscure but he’s been talking about Call of the Crocodile and other books I’ve seen discussed on this board.

>> No.18789138

Prof. Ted Sherman I believe. I watch his videos from time to time. Very eloquent and very good material

>> No.18789260

Damn he's aging poorly. He's going to look like Alain de Botton soon. Gross.

>> No.18789269

What could beore /lit/ than that?

>> No.18789295

Great stuff.

>> No.18789371



took me a couple of searches but i found the guy. mmhth

>> No.18789376

Putrid Pie

>> No.18789380
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>> No.18789403
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>> No.18789421

Yeah I'll sub to this faggot.

>> No.18789428


>> No.18789586

>reddit e celeb twitter loving ironybro faggots rip off of might is right
no thanks

>> No.18790414

Actually unknown /lit/tuber for once, decent editing anon

>> No.18790473

That one German Idealism / Whitehead chad, I think its 0thouartthat0 or something.

>> No.18790480

someone explain the call of the croc/ gothic violence meme
seen these posted a bunch
t. newfag

>> No.18790492


>> No.18790493

They are memes. What more is there to say? The authors shill them on this site of all places, that should tell you enough about the quality.

>> No.18790540

>She does all kind of shit
Like bbc?

>> No.18790560

Croc is a grimdark horror book with a bafflingly strange twist that became a meme.
Gothic is a book by a conservative right-winger that became a meme.

>> No.18790566


Yee, hoping to make weekly videos on the rest of the series desu since the last two books are on my shelf waiting for me to read em. I think I've got some fun stuff planned for down the line too. Either way, thanks lads.

>> No.18790581

You have a cute voice.

>> No.18790650

Punk Revolution Now

>> No.18790776

Are you going to do the new horrors call books too ? I have only read jigoku but will try to finish so I can watch your videos if you do

>> No.18791296
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im confident i edit videos like this but because im a mush mouth norfling mong i refuse to actually make vids like this

>> No.18791486

He changed his name to Footnotes2Plato in order to match his blog. Wonder if his book is any good...

>> No.18791788
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I miss this little fucker like you wouldn't believe

>> No.18791807

I made this, what do you guys think?

>> No.18791821
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Steve Donoghue

>> No.18791832

Definitely not the faggot you posted who literally jerked off a homeless guy and called it "educational content"

>> No.18791920

your voice is too feminine, inject testosterone or nobody will ever take you seriously, including myself

>> No.18792019

Who was that guy who lives in a forest?

>> No.18792269


>> No.18793455

If I do not that then I won't be a cute boy anymore ~: 3 :(

>> No.18793482


>> No.18793521

I'm * s u r p r i s e d * no one mentioned * h e r *. Maybe * t h e m * aren't * h e r e * anymore.

>> No.18794240

Thanks, man!

I'm honestly considering going through all of Gardner's books atm, as much as the guy gets memed on, the books are kinda fun to read

>> No.18794272

Damn faggot, maybe don't go back to 2010, stop it with the shitty commentary over cod gameplay. Ofcourse you'd be able to do weekly videos, you don't do shit, like all the other booktubers. be more imaginative. Besides that, I'll watch the Gardner videos as I respect Gardner like any good /lit/ user should.

>> No.18794282

Lol I decided I wasn't going to do anymore CoD gameplay once it finished uploading don't worry

>> No.18794296


He's a normie but kind of cute.

>> No.18794298

I think it’s okay if you let a little bit of board culture seep into your videos but it doesn’t align with how you sound and it feels like you’re trying to hard. I think you should just focus on making quality videos instead of a certain type of videos.

>> No.18794309

I think Hermitix and Benjamin McEvoy deserve bigger audiences.

>> No.18794334

Forest Anon

>> No.18794471
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thank you for the advice anon, really. I want to make more videos because the process was quite fun, but as you certainly noticed, I havn't figured out what niche/style clicks with me. If you could, what sort of video do you think my voice works with? This is something I've tried and failed to really pinpoint. The issue is I think I sound too serious, no matter what, but I don't want to make something very serious. I've made four videos total (2 deleted because I thought they were too edgy and would rather not have that public) each with a different sort of principle but none feel like they flow, if you know what I mean.

I don't mean to blogpost, but I wantgenuine criticism; my irl friends just say "haha, good and funny," and offer nothing beyond that, and I'd like to improve since I enjoy both this subject and the process of making a video.

>> No.18794793

If I made a dry humor book review channel where I get drunk and complain that nobody else can write as well as William Gaddis, would anybody actually watch it? I imagine I'd stay slightly more on-topic than Quentin because I would actually read the fucking books. Maybe I'd emulate sseth by never ever putting myself on camera
Every time I find anybody doing that kind of thing I just can't enjoy it because everyone else's opinions are retarded and they read worthless garbage

>> No.18794798

I will watch it.
Also put your face on camera bro

>> No.18794831

I'm worried that I'd use the type of language that would get my ass fired from my cushy government job if my face was visible.

>> No.18795023

this is about as nu-/lit/ as it gets. so much so that it might have been made by an a.i that managed to emulate the average 4channer who tries to come off as an educated reactionary and a /memelord/. sam hyde's children have been a disappointment so far.

>> No.18796282

Draw a shitty ms paint character and use it as your avatar

>> No.18797035

Quentin released a new video he was laughing there

>> No.18797142
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Can't believe he made it, six months of walking and he's finally there

>> No.18797425

Damn son

>> No.18797432

Just tried reading this, it's fucking awful. It so desperately wishes it was American Psycho.

>> No.18797454

I really want to do something similar. Walking long distances seems to be one of the small options left available to break the enclosed spaces we live our lives in.

>> No.18797513

Thanks for convincg me not to then anon

>> No.18797550

Will you be reviewing L'Academie?

>> No.18797742
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>tfw remember watching a video linked from here about some 'golden ratio' of human evolution being a balance between the fundamentally dysgenic element that is women relative to the eugenic element of men
>women want their children to survive but men only want the best to survive, too far either way and it all goes to shit
Anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about? It might have been on bitchute actually, either way I can't find it for the life of me since searching for Eugenics on Youtube gives you nothing but agitprop.

>> No.18798015

>never watched a booktuber in my life
>finally got desperate and came across some shitty girl who was trashy but really cute, but not enough content to interest me
>mfw i literally dreamed about her after watching like 2 or 3 videos
so this is what it is to be a simp

>> No.18798314

Booktubers (all women) should be judged by how cute they are, not by the quality of their opinions

>> No.18798331

the nigga messed up his title
it's supposed to be "You can (not) rebuild.


>> No.18798335

He posted a new video on his channel. Madman made it to the pyramids

>> No.18798340

>katie will never come back

>> No.18798350

Idk about booktubers but Kraut has made some really solid vids

>> No.18799272

Not reviewing exactly, but I wanted to do a satire where I insist that the subtext of the book is something philosophically insightful. However, I'll have to read it before I know what is most arguable.

>> No.18799293

Who is OP's picrel?

>> No.18799311

He looks ok to me.
How tall is he?

>> No.18799312

A colossal wreck, boundless and bare

>> No.18799323
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You know the one

>> No.18799358

Personally, when I watch YouTube videos like this I’m trying to learn something. I’m not just trying to laugh, but there is a degree to which I want to laugh and I also want to feel like I “get” that person. If it were me, I would try to make well-edited, mostly serious videos, with drippings of board culture personality here and there but the thing is, if you’re too tactful about it, it won’t be genuine or authentic. Above all, it has to be genuine and authentic. There’s a channel called Pause and Select that does critical theory of media analyses of anime of all things. I’m actually not into that topic but the style of the videos, in my opinion, is great. So if I had to make a new channel, that’s who I would emulate but instead of joking critical theory master’s students jokes, board culture jokes. Another I think is really great is Hermitix even though that’s just a podcast. You probably can’t edit as well as he can but that’s okay I think. You should just make more videos playing around with your style and chances are you’ll find your natural style on your own. I think you just have to decide if you want a niche or wide appeal and go after whichever it is in an authentic way. If they’re quality and I get something out of them I can’t get elsewhere on YouTube, I’ll watch.

>> No.18799398
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He’s a well read dude but he’s also a stupid boomer who thinks philosophy is useless. Also his political opinions are retarded

>> No.18799864
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Your point about authenticity is definitely well taken. My main issue is that such a thing conflicts with two other things, firstly I don't want to employ the sense of humor I really have because I'd rather not have anything remotely edgy attached to me in any way publicly. Secondly, it would be tough to be authentic and informative, since I am not a very serious person. Regardless, the reason I made a few videos in the first place was after reading a passage in Birth of Tragedy where nietzsche sort of digresses and makes what seems to be a comment on the study of philosophy and its accessibility. I found it interesting, and it is seemed like something most people could miss very easily, hence I thought making informative videos on those sorts of things would be beneficial to someone somewhere, the things that aren't the big ideas of these great thinkers but the small ones that can easily be missed. Then as I was making the videos my focus sort of evolved into try to make my IRL friends, who are my main audience, laugh. And while I definitely achieved that goal, it isn't, as you've pointed out, really conducive towards getting the interest of anyone here. Either way, I'll just keep having fun with it and see what is most natural for me. Thank you for all the advice anon :)

>> No.18800028

forest anon is the only one i watch because he's interesting, lives in the woods, has a good personality and he's not a smarmy prick like the others. plus he actually has a life and doesnt only talk about books.

>> No.18800701

did he actually walk it? what a fucking mad man if so

>> No.18800713

yeah it can get annoying when get touches on donald trump and boomer rages for 10 minutes but otherwise he's based

>> No.18801567

What the fuck happened to this board, this is so fucking cringe

>> No.18803082

I dont actually love homos anon :3