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File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18787761 [Reply] [Original]

It is most difficult to render ones self into a PICKLE, not only physiologically but spiritually, it is the great STRENGTH of the pickle race to have a crunchy IMPENETERABLE exterior, only few -enigmatic, industrious- men, those with the inexplicable ability to CONQUER can do it, the finesty examples of which are RICK SANCHEZ and BIG CHUNGUS

>> No.18787894

Shit, that reminds me of my pappy's spat with guy bannisters methadone henchmen straight out of New Orleans the oil rig off the gulf coast was the place to work boy I'll tell ya there we did having so much jazz it up zit Iran's yes so much spirit in the flesh wow ... pappy would be proud of jazzing it up with zatarains EVER heard of the shrimp industry???? well guy bannister, the same guy my Pappy was per such cuticles by was also lord of the sea food trade off of Monroe country, near Baton Rouge, near the methadone henchman's lair .... yes lair is also a king of cake, laired cake ... lairs. well I am a big fan of BILL PAXTON, shoot me, I know LOL poor taste is my middle name. ... well, so sad that he died it makes me so heavy ingot sad but I know he is in abutter place now (love and prayers) twister was a good moviewell going to Dennys I guess, my favorite waitress thunder thighs is there Many times thunder thighs and me silly old doting husband me LOL we go down to the star bucking down near the noble barnes shit I mistyped damned "autocorrect" LOL barnes and noble and get. a big nice coffee and we done discussed so much elites down in Branskon they Andy Williams don't understand the real SOUL of American people wow ...the flag..the people the important song with cannons wow just in completely awe...no words for the veterinarians of our bathed country wow SIGNED SCOTT

>> No.18787966


>> No.18787996

kek, when the first post is a better shitpost than OP's

>> No.18788034

can jannies please allow only good shitposts like this instead of the stupid bait.

>> No.18789333


>> No.18789444
File: 496 KB, 1440x2048, MV5BMGMxMmRkNzctMWQzYy00MTY3LWEzMDAtMzEzMDhkZWI4MjZlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so Lord Fiddlymoár, noble king of South shaarting goblins, bestowed upon his sons an heirloom to rue the world. The magical rock of Pringlesnug, and if you owned it, it did uhhh, you know.. it did stuff an... yeah.... You could put it in your pocket if you wanted, or maybe keep it in your hat.... and you could even look at it too if you wanted I guess. But in depths of the earth churned the bitter fires that would counter this splendid stone. By the corrupting machinations of Moärthunzel, the devious prince of the penis monkeys, a bottomless bag was made in which he would hide the stone, forever, for 2 years