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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18785889 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain the King in Yellow stuff? I liked this but am confused.

>> No.18785900

bumping for interest
Should I read these?

>> No.18785907

Gardnerposting is still going on? Didn't this guy and his discord friend burn out forcing this meme a month ago?

>> No.18785916
File: 35 KB, 314x500, 51BZSELEPQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show some respect. He is one of the more inspiring, kind, and real of all the authors that lurk here.

>> No.18785927

It’s trippy. Enjoyed it overall. I’m probably going to read the others. Maybe the king and yellow too unless I can get answers here.

>> No.18786001

So is this the next natural book for me to read in this?

>> No.18786006

where can I find them

>> No.18786009

Reminder that all Gardner posting is Gardner shilling his own self published books which aren't even funny or a '4chan novel', just a redditor's pdf's full of typos

>> No.18786019

>angry pseud who will never write.

>> No.18786021

Bump. I want answers. No meme answers.

>> No.18786029

>>18785889Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2021
Verified Purchase
I normally don't like to leave negative reviews but this was pretty bad. i won't comment on the story itself but the abundance of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors gives the impression that you're reading a hastily scribbled first draft. The formatting is equally sloppy. The writing itself is...not stellar. Put together these flaws leave you with very difficult reading experience, and not in a vood way. I purhased the series because I saw a thread on another site hyping it but now I'm beginning to suspect I've been had.

>> No.18786049

Hate-filled anti-author shill.

>> No.18786067

I just downloaded the ebook. Got it off amazon.

>> No.18786128

Read it then. But I haven’t read it either. I do know the general idea. Didn’t expect this to tie into The King in Yellow. Absolute mindfuck.

>> No.18786149

I like Horror's Call but I noticed this is a trope in it. Call of the Crocodile is really fucked up retelling of Dante's Divine Comedy just modern day. Arcade does the same thing but with Fast. I don't know why F Gardener does this so much but he obviously likes ties his books into classic literature. Using The King in Yellow is a really fucking bizarre choice though even for a series as strange as this.

>> No.18786154

*but with Faust

>> No.18786162

Apparently you didn't get the memo that literally everyone already knows this.

>> No.18786197

Genius is not usually recognized for many years.

>> No.18786234

advertising is against the rules

>> No.18786237

No one get's it OP. The vn-like route gimmick was terribly executed.

>> No.18786247

why do the animals always have six teeth and only six teeth?

>> No.18786251
File: 77 KB, 500x795, 6012b40b42246261c71768ff8ed9647787bce93f823a73db02080ce7865bdfcd_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 books? How does he do it /lit/?

>> No.18786311
File: 39 KB, 314x500, 51ATmRNnVtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I count 4.

>> No.18786454

this is a king in yellow thread from now on. can anyone explain what The Prophets Paradise is supposed to be?

>> No.18786468

Okay Gardner.