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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18785709 [Reply] [Original]

What genre is the story of your life?

>> No.18785714

used to be grimdark
now its apologetics kek

>> No.18785716

clusterfuck mess shitshow unabridged version

>> No.18785721


>> No.18785732

Shitty fanfiction sequel to a classic

>> No.18785748

Kuntslerroman, with traces of romance and Stalinist social realism

>> No.18785751
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>> No.18785753


>> No.18785760

Slice of life and comedy

>> No.18785761

harem of course

>> No.18785765
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>> No.18785766


>> No.18785785

the start of an isekai

>> No.18785928

no it's not

>> No.18785948

Novel in verse

>> No.18785956

contemporary retelling of greek mythology

>> No.18785988

Yeah, but anon. You knew it was your mother from the start

>> No.18786008

one of those boring novels where nothing happens whatsoever

>> No.18786023

I though my life was a tragedy but it's actually a comedy hehehhahAHAHAHAH

>> No.18786061


>> No.18786099 [SPOILER] 
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A really artsy porno

>> No.18786256

the beginning of a fat to slim self-help book. currently in obese doubt chapter

>> No.18786261


>> No.18786302

same as this anon

>> No.18786382
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>> No.18786431

This image is fucking hilarious. God I love clown-world maymays.

>> No.18786543


>> No.18786565

based and red pilled/pedophilic fantasy.

>> No.18786566

Tragedy & Farce, of course

>> No.18786567
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Psychological Horror,
Supernatural Drama,
Slice of Life,
Gas Station Simulator,
Dragon Combat Simulator.
Bitter Romantic Comedy,
Man Versus Nature,
Man Versus Self.

>> No.18786589

>I was physically abused as a child at home. I didn't do better at school even. Got bullied and got terrible grades. It was a cycle of suffering I had to endure all the way till I reached 18 and moved out to college. Then my life got better. Made friends. Graduated and got a job now and even married into a more loving family.

>But I never reminisce about my childhood. My own mother's growing age has now soften her heart that now she wants to make amends for all the abuse she threw at me but I never bothered as I could only remember the pain. My father however is never repentant of his ways. Never at home and still chasing after clients with all the hedonism that goes with claims for entertainment expenses. He used to justify this lifestyle with trying to put food on the table. I realised now he's addicted to it.

What genre am I?

>> No.18786601

Bittersweet Comedy,
Psychological Horror,
Heavy theme of Acceptance.

>> No.18786609

Anime high school romance.(I'm 18; don't ban me, mods)

>> No.18786697

Grim Family Drama maybe ala Faulkner(no incest tho, thank God this isn't Sound and the Fury), but with comedic passages and a hint of salvation, as I grow from the challenges I encounter as a human bean(thank god I quit porn and see the errors of escapism now) , and try to fix my sister's psyche, try to mitigate the damage feminism and modern consumerism is doing to her in this fatherless state and try to make her see her Dad again(absolutely futile so far), while writing a novel in my free time, which concerns itself with affirming free will and taking responsibility for your life as it's main themes and will sadly never be read because it's fantasy genre fiction and therefore destined to suck ass. But now and then I write a cool passage in there. It's getting less and less grim rn. The tone is getting very hopeful. So maybe I am moving from Inferno to Paradiso.

>> No.18786702


>> No.18786918

Surrealism has to be one of the tags, rest i won't even bother trying to name them, they are all dull and can be found in anyone's life.

>> No.18787051

I couldn’t tell you. I’m a side character.

>> No.18787064


>> No.18787066
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Is incel literature a valid genre?
What makes your life kino?

>> No.18787276
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>> No.18787285


>> No.18787291

coming of age novel with lots of ups and downs

>> No.18787303


>> No.18787308


>> No.18788370
