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[ERROR] No.18784858 [Reply] [Original]

Charlie Kirk says "The Phenomenology of Spirit is impossible to read.".


>> No.18784867

A pawn in Hegel's table.

>> No.18784873

Two midwits get filtered by a genius?

Well, who could have seen that coming?

>> No.18784874

Fuck! Vaush mobbed the floor with him.

>Kirk: makes point
>Vaush: disagrees
>Kirk: w-w-well ok... i kinda agree

>> No.18784886

This. Watching these fools are a waste of time.

>> No.18784890

Sometimes I think the thought to myself, zoomers don't just have a predilection for eceleb "debates," they actually unironically think those "debates" are meaningful and important, and I get frightened

Like finding out that a whole subset of the population you thought was normal and average is habitually eating full pieces of cat shit because someone started a meme about it 20 years ago. That's beyond "haha what retards" and well into "w-what..? my fellow humans..? THIS retarded..?" territory, it frightens me that even I stand before such an abyss, that even I could have become a zoomer.

>> No.18784905

seems like neither of them have any idea what they are talking about

>> No.18784908

of course hegel's hyperborean thought is basically impossible for anyone with a judaized thought process to grasp, they also get filtered by the hermeticists and neoplatonists of course.

>> No.18784912

>Charlie Kirk
Isn't this guy who is butt buddies with don Jr. And universally disliked by everyone?

>> No.18784914

Now now I'm as antisemitic as the next guy but kabbalism has been one of the major neoplatonic traditions for 800 years and even influenced the renaissance hermetics and German idealists themselves. Credit where credit is due.

>> No.18784922

He’s right. Read Schopenhauer.

>> No.18784927

Charlie Kirk is a anti-vax dipshit why would I care what he thinks?

>> No.18784984

Who actually watches this stuff

>> No.18784994

Vaush posts here?

>> No.18785002

I found it entertaining when on double speed

More like a football match where the stakes are higher because the result makes more nazis or more socialists that one has to content with.

>> No.18785010

I am a proud Vaush hooligan looooo loooloooo looo looo vaush rad!

I've never been into sports so give me this

>> No.18785042

>hegel's hyperborean thought
Its a mishmash of Judaic and Greek thought, true hyperborean thought is found in Hindu philosophy

>> No.18785136
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one of you please correct me if I have this wrong, but I don't think either of them were right in what they said about Hegel or Marx's (what I am assuming) view of human history. Hegel's historicism can't be reduced to just "conflict," he thought that history is an unfolding dialectic driven by exceptional men that is teologically oriented towards freedom. Whereas Marx and conflict theorists see history not as this vague idea of antagonism, but rather of that very conflict being between classes and further driven (very specifically) by the material circumstances of whatever given society you're focusing on. Obviously it was a short clip, and they may well both know this.

>> No.18785352

Go back to Twitter.

>> No.18785361

He’s so ducking stupid.
He memorized one liners and statistics and recites them to college kids.
He has never had an original thought of his own.

>> No.18785422

>Now now I'm as antisemitic as the next guy

>> No.18785450

Dont listen to podcasters.

>> No.18785466

Only by liberal cucks

>> No.18785471

>He memorized one liners and statistics
as opposed to not knowing statistics?

>> No.18785500

Is Hegel difficult to read? I got his lectures on aesthetics years ago and it wasn't hard, it was good and pretty straightforward.

>> No.18785507

Online debaters are mostly just sophists. At least this clip seems more like a discussion than a debate, but you can tell that when they start actually debating on things it's going to go terribly

>> No.18785563

>I got his lectures on aesthetics years ago and it wasn't hard, it was good and pretty straightforward.

Yes, this is true of his aesthetics lectures, which are a world apart in clarity from his Phenomenology.

>> No.18786718


He doesn't post, he just IS fat.

>> No.18786741
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>Charlie Kirk

>> No.18786744

I'm not sure if you did it on purpose but your post could apply to either of them or probably 90% of political "commentators"

>> No.18786751
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>Posting on this thread
>Giving attention to MIGAtards
>OP probably being an edgy teenage newfag

>> No.18786753

I hate Vaush, but you're right. The gish-galloping during the covid discussion was some shameless shit.

>> No.18786759

>The Phenomenology of Spirit
So what the fuck's it about /lit/?

>> No.18786762

Statistics are useless without a working brain to grasp any semblance of context around them.

>> No.18786771

why do you guys follow braindead ecelebs who seem to be sociopaths and have no idea what they're talking about ever? it's not fun, it's not interesting, and their fans are even worse.

>> No.18786775
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Did Kirk or Fuentes win?

>> No.18786780
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>> No.18786852

its about the development of the self consciousness of a culture, its 'spirit', via the development of reason (idealism) within individuals and the culture they inhabit.

In its simplest and crudest terms, its kants idealism applied to an organic development of culture.

>> No.18786981

imagine the sheer amount of rape that would occur if he went up against FGR

>> No.18786985

fuck Tim Poll for platforming that fat commie slime

>> No.18787030

This meme always makes me laugh

>> No.18787120
File: 29 KB, 639x480, FB9550DC-1E36-43FB-93BE-5EEE67077A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of book created these abominations?

>> No.18787193

I will give you nothing but directions to reddit.

>> No.18787225


>> No.18787319
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they're both absolute faggots.
>"marx would get mad at you if you said he was hegelian influenced"
just fucking shoot me already