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[ERROR] No.18783541 [Reply] [Original]

I can write really impressive, great short stories, but writing a novel seems absolutely fucking impossible. How the fuck do you do it? I can never seem to write something that flows well because there's no end in sight.

>> No.18783558

you don't need to be a novelist anon. short stories are based.

>> No.18783567

>take several short stories
>put them in one book
>call it a novel
>when pressed, just say it’s post modern
Bada bing; you’re welcome

>> No.18783569

Perhaps you should come up with an ending or midpoint first, and then work backwards? Plan it out (at least to some extent) before you begin to write, and then, once you're happy, just go for it.

Here's a question for you: do you have any advice on improving your writing style? (not plot, but rather the words and sentences you use to tell the story)

>> No.18783589

>Here's a question for you: do you have any advice on improving your writing style? (not plot, but rather the words and sentences you use to tell the story)

The best advice I ever received: type up pages from stylistically flawless novels like Stoner, The Great Gatsby, Housekeeping, and Disgrace. Learn from the masters by copying them. Pretend like you're writing their books.

>> No.18783777

yeah honestly why not do this, maybe have a similar theme or message in all the short stories so it kinda all connects.

or just say it all connects when it doesn't and when someone disagrees tell them they missed the point

>> No.18783906

thank you. I will try this.

>> No.18783915

OP why do you feel like you need to write a novel if clearly your medium is short stories?

>> No.18783927

>The Great Gatsby
>stylistically flawless
Oh god oh man oh god.
OP please only do this if you want your writing to be stilted, anachronistic, and purple as a Roman triumph.

>> No.18783989

>I can write great short stories
Prove it then, post one.

>> No.18784121

who would you recommend?

>> No.18784287

Can you send a short story please brother I have an assignment due tomorrow and I havna started

>> No.18784310
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>short stories….. LE BAD!!!!!
Just combine all of them into one collection.. and.. WAH LAH

>> No.18784320

That's why you make an outline and you know how the story of the novel goes and how it ends.

>> No.18785006

novels are cringe and the profession of professional bullshitters, Redpilled high IQ people only read scripts and short stories