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File: 37 KB, 357x535, james-mason-siege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18781700 [Reply] [Original]

I this worth a buy the 4th edition?

>> No.18781721

Its never worth it to buy any edition of that spiteful seething cringe

>> No.18781735

how was the book? did you read the entire thing?
also just curious are you Jewish?

>> No.18781852

I'm a massive fag. Something to take into account.

>> No.18781890

It seems like reading this would not be worth the opportunity cost. America is a long way off from a period where any sort of domestic insurgency is viable and you would be better served reading books about how to peacefully cope with living under a totalitarian police state like Power of the Powerless, or books that deal more with addressing our current problems like Culture of Narcissism or Age of Entitlement. The people who are dumb enough to take Siege seriously formed Atomwaffen and we all know how that turned out. They killed a bunch of random nobody Jews and all ended up in jail. It's just a waste and leads nowhere.

>> No.18781950

> They killed a bunch of random nobody Jews and all ended up in jail. It's just a waste and leads nowhere.
So much for the ‘intelligent’ white race.

>> No.18781960

Why are you replying to me with this drivel?

>> No.18781995

What do you expect me to tell you? Kill yourself? Glow harder faggot

>> No.18782000

>They killed a bunch of random nobody Jews

every kike born is a agent of Satan

there are no good Jews

>> No.18782008

What drivel? I’m merely pointing out a contradiction. No member of an intelligent race would witlessly kill someone in cold blood because of…’reasons?’

>> No.18782013

So what di you suggest? We are living under enemy occupation, just protest and hope for the best? fucking gay and cucked

>> No.18782016
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>> No.18782019

fucking think you're clever, you filthy red coat

you fucking wot mate

>> No.18782099

>the tails of the distribution contradict the distribution itself
The only thing you're pointing out is that you're stupider than you think you are.

What do you accomplish killing the random Jewish guy next door who has no power, no public image, and no extraordinary wealth, then getting caught and going to jail for 20 years? Yeah bro really stuck it to ZOG. Scratch what I said before, I'd recommend you read For a Positive Critique by Dominique Venner. He was a member of OAS and he explains pretty lucidly why your type of thinking is useless. Feeling like you need to do something is not an excuse for doing stupid things just to say you did something.

>> No.18782172

If whites exploiting/purging blacks and other poc is good because they don't know any better as /pol/ would claim, then what exactly is so bad if Jews do the same to whites? After all, Jews do have a higher IQ on average.

>> No.18782192

/pol/ want to live somewhere without either jews or blacks, they just want no contact with then at all, not to exploit them

>> No.18782274

So you want an ethnically homogeneous society? Fine, let's assume that happens. Who will the next target be? The Irish, Italians, or Slavs? Who will be the next boogeyman?

>> No.18782312

Who are you responding to, this has nothing to do with anything I said in my post. /pol/ isn't one person and their beliefs and justifications run a pretty wide gamut. You're building some weird strawman and then asking me to justify their beliefs. If you want to look into the beliefs of more HBD-minded people I'd say look into Steve Sailer he has decades of work.

>> No.18782395

We're talking about the apparent stupidity and impulsiveness of white people compared to the esteem Jew. If someone like James Mason believes that blacks are inferior primarily because of their low average group IQ, and that they consequently deserve to be culled or at least exploited, then how can someone like him be upset when Jews allegedly do the same exact thing to whites? Please answer because whenever I bring this question up it feels like everyone intentionally avoids it.

>> No.18782424
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>> No.18782431

They dont dislike anyone even remotely as much as those two groups but yes they mostly do prefer their own specific ethnicity

>> No.18782435
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>> No.18782455

We're not talking about that, you are. If you'd like to understand the HBD view of Jews I would recommend Steve Sailer or Kevin Macdonald. The argument against Jewish influence is generally founded on a desire for white self-determination rather than some race to see how high we can make people who are taxed by our state score on a test.

>> No.18782471

Buy from where ?
What fourth edition ?

>> No.18782475

no, all of the arguments they made are made by dissident rightists today, you will learn nothing by the book.

>> No.18782495

At least Whites had the honor to claim outright they are their masters
Jews control and deceive simultaneously such that few people know of their master/slave relationship

>> No.18782502

I don't get what you stupid retards believe you are getting at by making this point. "oh he wants what's good for him!" why exactly is that a point against someone?

>> No.18782515

We clearly have different definitions of what's good.

>> No.18782527

irrelevancy. thanks for the concession.

>> No.18782528

slave morality cope

>> No.18782534

Honor culture was a defining feature of the master morality...

>> No.18782537

>slave morality cope
only sometimes. if honor is defined as the set of actions that make me win, then it isn't. this is what napoleon did for the grande armee and what most armies do today

>> No.18782540

What is good for the white race?

>> No.18782547

in your example, it's getting rid of blacks and jews because one is too stupid to participate in society while the other is too manipulative to not harm it

>> No.18782555

That's what James Mason believes. Do you agree with him?

>> No.18782561

Self-determination, self-sufficiency, and a virtuous society.

>> No.18782562

another irrelevant deflection. your point earlier was retarded

>> No.18782575

>ITT: one midwit tries and fails repeatedly at baiting people with stale agitprop talking points

>> No.18782604

Okay so since you're projecting now I'm going to make the reasonable assumption that you agree with James Mason opinion - that purging Jews and blacks stand to benefit the white race. Let me ask you this: what constituents a white person?

>> No.18782639

It was implied in your initial post that you have read Siege, agreed with its message, but do not to agree with any kind of solution leading to insurgency or violence. That would mean that you think Jews and blacks are a problem for the white race. And if I understand how chuds like you think, I would like to hear you answer to the question I posed to you. Now please stop deflecting and answer the question.

>> No.18782648

It was already explained to you, they want separation not exploitation.

>> No.18782659

I'd say segregation is preferable to purging but ok
And you can tell who's white by using the same genetic technology israel uses when naturalizing their citizens

>> No.18782671

So what both of you want is an ethnically homogeneous population, correct?

>> No.18782688

I'm explaining to you their mindset not mine, they want a reasonably homogeneous society, you can't be precise about ethnicity in this manner.

>> No.18782703

>you can't be precise about ethnicity in this manner.
you can, it's called sequencing. it's not 1940 anymore. I stoped replying to that other guy because he is a typical leftist that nitpicks as infinitum and never admits that he is wholly fraudulent

>> No.18782704

>they want a reasonably homogeneous society
One that lives virtuously and free of degeneracy, right?

>> No.18782715

I mean there are edge cases but the point is to have a generally homogeneous population. Like Japan is not 100% japanese but it's considered homogeneous

>> No.18782716
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Stop the hate, segregate

>> No.18782721

That would be the ideal to aspire to, of course you dont get ideals in reality.

>> No.18782724

Get to your point already ffs

>> No.18782726

sure, but that doesn't mean they don't who who is japanese and who isn't. you can tell where someone is from down to the province

>> No.18782727

From the beginning I outright told OP that reading siege is a waste of time. If you want to debate politics there is a board for that you retard stop shitting up this one, your takes are so generic that nobody even wants to engage you. Get a more creative argument than "why don't you let this foreign outgroup run the country your ancestors founded they score 5 points higher than you on a test!". It's just such basic midwittery I've had this conversation a million times and I really don't care to have it again. If you're interested in actually getting answers then read the authors I've recommended otherwise go debate on /pol/.

>> No.18782768

Ok, fine. Barring looks, nobody actually hates blacks or Jews, what they hate is blacks acting like impulsive niggers and Jews acting like conniving kikes, which is to say acting in an un-virtuousness manner. Now if only right wingers can catch on to this and market themselves accordingly without spergering out, but sadly here we are in 2021 where identity politics is the name of the game and everyone wants to feel important without contributing much and taking everything for themselves.

>> No.18782789

>who has no power
Jewish Privilege

Also like I said we are under enemy occupation every enemy dead is a victory against zog,

kikes stick together like burs

also feds reading this I am in no way advocating for violence or murder

I am peaceful non violent memeber of society

>> No.18782791

>Now if only right wingers can catch on to this and market themselves accordingly without spergering out
For decades they espoused Civic Nationalism, what are you talking about?

>> No.18782801

Do you think that Martin Luther is a heretic?

>> No.18782808
File: 48 KB, 300x424, hasbara-handbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18782826

can some polfag/bunkerfag respond to me ?
I just like collecting extremist books.

>> No.18782832

libgen you retard. alternatively ebay or craigslist

>> No.18782848

>Civic Nationalism
Fuck that
Genetics contribute to looks as much as to behavior
There's no reason genes should stop before the brain
In other words, being violent and being black are inseparable
If you get rid of all the bad people you'll get rid of 5% of Whites and 95% of Blacks

>> No.18782853

Not anymore they don't. Today we right wing grifters like Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, Charlie Kirk, Milo Yiannopoulos, Tucker Carlson, Stefan Molyneux, Nick Fuentes, etc. telling me that radical leftists are censoring right-wingers and a bunch of other stupid shit.

>> No.18782866

Completely incoherent list of people

>> No.18782921

They all have something to sell

>> No.18782941

Are you schizophrenic? What does that even mean? Which public figure isn't selling anything? Go be stupid on some other board.

>> No.18782946

>I just like collecting extremist books.
Says the guy who has WAY too much free time on his hands.
Maybe you could... i dunno practice actual skills instead of reading emotional, pointless fecal matter put on paper.
This list made me puke lol
Jordan Peterson can be kept out of the list, he's just a LARPing Canadian MKGAchud, with MKGA standing for Making Kermit Great Again.

>> No.18782947

Only Molyneux and Fuentes could be called nationalists out of those, the rest are center right or neocons. Grifters they are though.

>> No.18782951

They're sophists you illiterate fucking faggot. They're just trying to make a quick buck whether through their garbage books or ad revenue. They don't care about being virtuous.

>> No.18782954

every single person you mentioned here is a kike and 1 nigger

>> No.18782956

I can smell the onions from miles away, I bet you're a very good boy

>> No.18782957

Wouldn't glowies want you to buy the insane right-winger stuff? Hasn't the feds' wheelhouse since the 60s been encouragement and entrapment? I mean, all this stuff is pretty out in the open, COINTELPRO etc.

>> No.18782982

They want random autists to bug out, they dont want normies en masse being exposed to badthought

>> No.18782995

Random autist are the only people who read Siege, let alone take it seriously...

>> No.18782997

Wait nvm i forgot this was the Siege thread, Siege is genuinely for retards

>> No.18783001

>they dont want normies en masse being exposed to badthought
it's too late for that, they messed up with the internet, that's why they are so desperate about censorship and why they are so blatant politically these days. they know they have to wait a generation to get another fully brainwashed gen

>> No.18783005

Can you even tell me what virtue is?
You claim to prefer a virtuestate to an ethnostate, but virtue is harder to define than ethnicity
One can be proven with genetic science, but what can you say for the other?
Just admit you know nothing, retard

>> No.18783018

I don't really care about the sperg outs between Catholics and Protestants it seems like dnc

>> No.18783019

Do you believe in an ethnostate?

>> No.18783052

I can smell the cheeto dust from miles away, I bet you're very "based" and "redpilled".

>> No.18783065

Thanks for confirming, mom has tendies waiting for you upstairs

>> No.18783072

Post physique

>> No.18783081

no way, fag

>> No.18783096

I bet you have the body of the Pilsbury Doughboy. Fat people's opinions don't matter. Go for a run (if you can)

>> No.18783811


>> No.18784720

>first they came...and then they stopped coming because there were no more problems

>> No.18784728

You're implying a homogeneous society not being homogeneous. Make up your mind.

>> No.18784730
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...literally the only non-slave morality there is brah

>> No.18784789

>why don't you let this foreign outgroup run the country your ancestors founded
unless his ancestors are africans this is false, read 1619 project

>> No.18785007

Lmao reddittards get rekt

>> No.18785021
File: 33 KB, 172x232, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


James Mason is a moron and is more useful as a honeypot for the feds. Notice he's never ever been charged with anything, despite meeting up with Atomwaffen leaders and advising them.

He also lived long enough for his ideas to be tried by American Neo-Nazis, and failed miserably. Atomwaffen was instantly successfully infiltrated and taken down with their leaders facing life being raped by Tyrone. I can't wait for atomwaffen 2! Maybe they'll NOT get instantly infiltrated next time, idiots.

>that's because atomwaffen had leaders

All organizations have leaders. retards. Even de facto, as often happens in group dynamics. It's a stupid unrealistic idea.


Newsflash: James Mason is a honeypot. Surely glowies would want moronic Neo-Nazis to buy his shitty book?

>> No.18785137

>t.hasn't read it
Siege says act alone a lot, if your successful, retards will follow.

>> No.18785161

its a rambly insurgent text that goes on and on forever , no.
Its just a tool of destabilization and death.

>> No.18785190
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Yeah I didn't, I read a cliffnotes because I have better things to read. Broadly, however, His ideas were implemented by Neo Nazis in the US. I'm glad you agree Mason is a Fed honeypot, though.

>acting alone

As if any of the Spergs, And let's be honest here, the people who read and believe this shit all ride the short bus, are capable enough to act alone, effectively. The examples already are encouraging, I'm sure leaving threatening notes to a journo and then getting scooped up by the cops, murdering a random gay jew you went to school (and apprently had the Hots for) and shooting a court cop will bring down the american empire. At least the muslims have a far better track record of lone wolf attacks.

Find happiness and meaning outside politics, you'll be much happier than waiting for a temporal scenario which'll never happen.

>> No.18785201

The last big Muslim attack was literally a gay bar lol.

>> No.18785216


And he got more kills, and spread more terror than any number of Neo Nazi spergs. When Neo Nazis send their people, they're not sending the best. They're spergs and they can't do shit right.

Also recent evidence suggests he didn't even target it because it was gay, he literally just googled a club and the one he shot up came up.

>> No.18785229

> I'd recommend you read For a Positive Critique by Dominique Venner
Not the guy you replied to but ty for the recommendation. Seems interesting

>> No.18785275

You forgetting Anders breivik

>> No.18785295


A european, whose act accomplished nothing. By large, it's spergs.

>> No.18785301

And the Nz guy, forget his name, he made a meme video

>> No.18785303

That applies to all mass shooter types, you just sound butthurt tbqh

>> No.18785320
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>> No.18786052

One of the worst books I've ever read, whining, rambling, self contradictory pity party, from start to finish it sucks (and I enjoyed Culture of Critique and even got a good laugh out of Turner Diaries)

>> No.18786069
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I gave this book, the 3rd edition to a female friend because I showed her part of the James mason radio interview and that made her like him. She read the entire thing in a month, she stopped for a day or two because it gets pretty hateful in some parts.

And guess what. I haven't even read it lmao I just got it for the keks but she liked it and she's either 1/8th or 1/16th aboriginal australian and the rest dutch describes herself as a communist. It can't be that bad.

>> No.18786374

it's not. it's pretty much the same as /pol/, except it's in a book so people take it seriously

>> No.18786415


>> No.18787079
File: 2.79 MB, 1976x3200, siege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Is this worth a buy the 4th edition?
I need an answer to a more basic question
> Is this actually worth a read?

Help me, frens. What Pareto quotient applies in this case? I have a feeling the picrel gives you like 99% of Siege coverage for 1% of effort. Is it correct? If so then I'm not reading that shit.

>> No.18787167

If you want it, just grab it on archive dot org.

>> No.18787172

I only read the first 2 sections and I feel like I got the gist of it.

>> No.18787173

>4th edition
>has fundamentally failed to materially advance its cause
No, doesn’t seem worth it to me senpai.

>> No.18787612


"Everyone who disagrees with me is a glowie"

Take your meds, poljak.


Of course, At least the incel mad he can't get laid is honest and doesn't pretend he's changing the world. He's just mad he can't get pussy.

>> No.18787653


>> No.18787780


>> No.18787805

Wasn't he a big supporter of Israel? Then he shot a bunch of Norwegian kids. Strange ideology.

>> No.18787828

He shot some leftist camp. I am in no way a fan of Breivik or any of these mass shooters, I was just replying to what the other guy said. My armchair diagnosis of these types is some kind of extremely malignant narcissism, and this is the only way they can avenge their wounded egos. It's also possible that many of them are ops.

That being said a lot of white nationalists like Israel, they just want a white Israel

>> No.18787879

whoever says "take your meds" or "schizo" first loses midwit. When you can formulate a coherent rebuttal you can come back into the conversation

>> No.18787936

Accusing everyone who disagree with you of being glowies says the same, Poljak.

Take your meds.

>> No.18788471

do you have more of that?

>> No.18789578

This post glows