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1878129 No.1878129 [Reply] [Original]

So I don't visit /lit/ much, but a friend got me really into the Song of Ice and Fire books. I've been powering through them to get done in time for the next book, and just finished them yesterday. However, no one else I know has read them, so I figured I'd post here and see if we can't have a thread about it.

After all this reading on how ADwD is going to be running concurrently with AFfC, I'm really interested in how the next book will play out.

>> No.1878135

Great idea OP
We should give more publicity to struggling unknown writers like George R R Martin and Tao Lin.

>> No.1878138


well I just want to discuss the books, really

>> No.1878150

we discuss the books at length on /tv/ a lot, /lit/ is a shithole of teenager philosophers and pedantic Great Gatsby douchies.

there's any number of things we could talk about in the series, so you'll have to be more specific

>> No.1878155


let's discuss the addition of the blowjob scene in the HBO series

/v/ is currently buttmad about it

>> No.1878158


I don't care about that, though. That's a stupid thing to discuss.

>> No.1878162
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>they will never bother to explain what the deal is with Asshai and the Shadow

>> No.1878163


which character death was the saddest?

>> No.1878182


>gives birth to a dark creature
>Davos recognizes the thing she gives birth to
>never says what it looked like
Cersei orders him dead ;_;

>> No.1878183


>> No.1878190
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>> No.1878287
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mine by far is the red wedding - shit goes down pretty much

>> No.1878301
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and yea, total troll - just blind last you heard of her......

I hear half the book will be concurrent with AFFC and the second part might span years.........

but lets talk about syrio, jaqen, and the faceless man - they are all the same guy!!!

>> No.1878311

While that is plausible, how would Syrio escape from the Kingsgaurd after killing 4 men without having to kill him as well? And then it be totally ignored in the books?
Also, I read the books, might have to re-read the last one, but when does Arya become blind?

>> No.1878323

bump for an answer to

>> No.1878328

at the end she kills that singer that sam is with and then tells the people are her monastery place and they give her some milk then she wakes up blind the next morning

>> No.1878329

the last line of her last chapter in AFFC goes something like: "When she woke up the next morning, she was blind."
The day after she killed Dareon for deserting the Night's Watch

>> No.1878330

If they have more sansa and cersei chapters I am going to be pissed. The the last few cersei chapters weren't terrible, just those two are annoying as fuck

>> No.1878332

oooooohhhh YEAH.
Cheers for that.
She'll be fine

>> No.1878334

It's possible that he escaped or knocked Meryn Trant out or something. Trant doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would tell anyone he let a crazy Braavosi with a wooden sword escape from him or get the best of him.
It's a pretty interesting idea, though. That Jaqen/Syrio has just been teaching Arya his trade since the very beginning of the series, guiding her everywhere she goes.

>> No.1878339

There will be Cersei chapters in the latter half of ADWD, I think Martin said, not sure about Sansa.
And come on, Cersei's chapters were really great. It's amazing to see how her unchecked paranoia and stupidity alienates all of her allies and family members and then literally destroys the kingdom when she allows the new militant order of the Seven bear arms and assume control of King's Landing at the very least.
And Sansa's chapters were interesting to see what Littlefinger was plotting.

>> No.1878341

I'm guessing that it's part of her training or something.

what I really want to know is brienne really dead? that shocked me just about as much as when ned stark was offed

>> No.1878349

I actually really love that idea, but I feel like it's just to neat and tidy personally.
Especially seeing as Trant (I forgot his name, cheers) wouldn't tell the Queen Regent that a dangerous man has escaped as is possibly aiding Arya Stark to escape/survive.
But hey, I have been wrong before.

On another note, were you upset that Robb died? I quite liked the whole war, King in the North idea and was a little pissed that we didn't even get a single book with events from his perspective shown.

>> No.1878351

It's possible, Lady Stoneheart doesn't seem likely to relent.
On the other hand, Brienne apparently shouted one word while being hanged in the hope that they'd stop. That whole thing makes it seem a little unlikely that she's dead just yet.

>> No.1878357

I agree with you about Syrio, I do think it's really unlikely that he survived, but a man can dream.
And I was extremely upset when Robb died, but I feel like it didn't make that much a difference when you consider the entirety of the war at that point. He had lost the North and the Lannisters had basically doubled or even tripled their strength once the Tyrells and such joined them. It was really a shame, though.

>> No.1878362

Also, I do understand Martin's decision to not give us Robb's perspective. I actually kind of preferred to just see him from Bran's and then Catelyn's perspective; he didn't really have all that interesting of a personality to sustain a decent POV.

>> No.1878366

Yeah, I guess the death was going to come at some point, but I somehow wanted him to battle it out and at least try and break Moat Cailin, because he had the Reed's at the Moat to help take the stronghold.

>> No.1878370

Something tells me that the crannogmen aren't too skilled at siegecraft.

>> No.1878376

Oh, and have you heard the theory that Sandor Clegane is still alive? It actually has some pretty convincing evidence behind it.

>> No.1878380

no, but they're skilled at archery/blowdarts or whatever they use with poisoned tips to kill and then melt away without ever being seen and they're referenced by one of the Greyjoys as being so frequent and deadly he had to wear thick armour constantly so he wouldn't get killed just by having a stroll form one side of the fort to the other.
So it would have been possible to keep the Iron Born under cover/suffering casualties while being attacked by Robb's forces.

Also, what do you think's happening to or is going to happen to Theon?
I liked that bastard

>> No.1878381

No I haven't actually, but I thought it was possible, up until the point where the old priest guy told Brienne he had seen him die and then had his horse to prove he had at least met the poor chap.
I liked him too, I thought he was a very nice man considering.
And I'm a bit annoyed that Gregor has been reborn in some way to serve as some sort of ultimate tool.

>> No.1878391

what's the evidence to support it?

>> No.1878401
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There's a chapter from ADWD on Amazon as a preview. It deals with Theon.

Theon's imprisoned in the Dreadfort. The guy known as Reek has had his bastardy absolved by Cersei when Roose betrays Robb along with Walder. He (Theon) is in the dungeons living off of rats when he's summoned to the main chamber by Ramsay (formerly known as Reek) and they tell him they they have a job for him

>> No.1878405

Well if you look closely, the monk tells Brienne that The Hound is dead, not Clegane specifically. The idea that the Hound is more than Clegane is echoed in Brienne's last chapter when Rorge is referred to as the Hound. Then, in the monastery, there's a very tall, silent, hooded monk who walks with a limp, like one of his legs was false. Sandor's largest wound was on his leg, so it's possible the monks had to cut it off to save him.

>> No.1878408

Brienne, Podd, Hunt, and Merribald reach the Quiet Isle and they see a giant man digging a grave. Merribald's dog Dog runs up to the gravedigger and plays with him a bit. They then notice a big black horse with a bad attitude (Stranger, Sandor's horse) in the stables. They then see the tall hooded guy limping away. Sandor was wounded in the leg.

Later when the Elder Brother is talking to Brienne after she tells him she's on a quest to kill Sandor and get Sansa back the brother tells her that Clegane died of his wounds and that he was traveling with Arya and not Sansa.

It's kind of implied that after Sandor's wounded and abandoned by Arya that he was saved by the Elder Brother and left his old life. When they leave his helm on his "grave" that was the death of The Hound and that he picked up a righteous life after.

>> No.1878420

The Elder Brother actually just says, "The man you hunt is dead." Which might imply that he has "changed" into a different person after being saved or something

>> No.1878446

Why would Syrio leave Trant alive? So that he could go off and kill more innocent people? Starks included?

>> No.1878449

To make his presence less known? He didn't want to take Trant's weapon off of him? He doesn't know how to use a Westerosi sword? I don't know. Maybe he just fucking ran for it. Or maybe he died.

>> No.1878465


The scene where Arya runs when Syrio and she are surrounded kind of ends abruptly, I think. Syrio's fate is left suspiciously open, considering his skill and the fact that GRRM loves describing deaths. I always had an inkling that he might have survived, but I never thought about him being Jagen/The Faceless Man (who I do believe are the same guy). I do think that it would be awesome, however.


I hope she isn't dead. She got a LOT of time in AFFC, and it just seems moot if she died like that, without actually accomplishing or changing anything. Also, that "screamed a word" line.


dude sansa had literally 2 or 3 chapters in AFFC, and Littlefinger is pretty interesting. He's a fun chaotic neutral. Also I read some article that Cersei would have 2 chapters in ADWD.

>> No.1878468
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>Or maybe he died.

There ya go.

Here's my theory: Martin was finishing AGoT and he completely forgot about Syrio being dead. Then afterward, all the fanboys flipped a shit about Syrio maybe being alive so he threw them a bone in ACoK ("the dancing instructor interfered but we won't say what happened to him" hur dur) because martin likes to fuck with your shit.

>> No.1878472

Syrio isn't Jaqen. The two existed simultaneously: Syrio was teaching Arya while Jaqen was in the black cells.

>> No.1878475

I don't recall it saying how long Jaqen was in the black cells.

>> No.1878476


Still, Jaqen and the Faceless Man being the same guy would be cool.

>> No.1878486

Jaqen is a faceless man.

After Jaqen, Rorge, and Arya break out the northmen in Harrenhal, he changes his face and gives Arya a token for training in the House of Black and White, where the Faceless Men train.

He comes back later in AFfC in the prologue and in the end. In the prologue an acolyte is poisoned by a man with Jaqens description and at the end when Samwell is at the House of Crows the guy that was killed in the prologue is "alive." It's Jaqen disguised as Pate.

>> No.1878488

It's stated somewhere. Don't recall where. Currently rereading series, though.
It would be cool, sure.

I think: Varys hired a Faceless Man to take Ned's place on the way to the Wall, because Ned was going to admit to treason and get sent there. So Varys had Jaqen put into the black cells to make the switch. (One of Varys' identities was Rugen the undergaoler in charge of the black cells). Varys would have just sneaked Ned away to someplace safe (he seemed VERY interested in seeing ned live) and Jaqen would have worn Ned's face until he got to a likely place and then escaped.

But then Joffrey fucked up the deal by having Ned lopped, and Jaqen was stuck going to the Wall, until he was saved by Arya.

>> No.1878491


>>1878488 here

I misread your post: I thought you said "jaqen and Syrio being the same guy would be cool".

I should have said: jaqen is a Faceless Man.

>> No.1878494
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Oh god it makes so much sense

>> No.1878497
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>yfw in book seven arya changing her face and being an assassin

>> No.1878503

Sheeeit, I think she's gonna change her first face by ADwD...so, in about 17 days. :P

>> No.1878516

if i remember correctly it was heavily implied that the shadow looked like stannis

>> No.1878519


If she does I would shit a brick, she's probably my favorite character with all this Faceless stuff going on. I wonder if ADWD will spend that much time on her, though, considering she got some time in AFFC.

Also quite interested in wtf is going on with Bran, that skinchanger shit is interesting.

>> No.1878525

It does look like Stannis. When you see it happen from Catelyn's chapter, she thinks "hey, Renly's shadow looks like his brother Stannis" or something.

>> No.1878529

He's stated that Arya is getting time in ADwD. Tyrion and Jon too.


>> No.1878537

Arya is one of my favorites too. She's always been a fun read. I'm wondering what her name will be once she becomes a Faceless...errr...Women...

>> No.1878543

Okay, theory time. I think that magic in SoIaF is not something that left with the dragons and is now coming back, I think that it is always there. The problem is that it works on the level of sincere faith that you have in it. In other words Bran could fly if he believed he could fly, but he doesn't so he can't. This is why stories of something become just as true as actual events and can effect the real world (Hanneral and the tower along the wall that Bran and co stay at). This also explains why people embody their house. The story alters the world as much as the world alters the story.
This also explains why dragons are so important, they bring actual evidence of the wonderous capabilities of the world they live in. They didn't die because magic went away. They died, then the belief left, then the magic went. The question then becomes how did the dragons die, and I would blame the maesters. It becomes apparent in the fourth book the the maesters know alot about how magic actually works and that they don't like it. In fact it seems as though they are actively working to suppress it. The easiest way to do this would be to tell people it doesn't exist but in the case of the dragons they would want to kill them (and probably did). This explains the weird actions of the maester sam meets at the end of the book, who runs off to find Dany before the other maesters do.
Also belief works on people too, I don't think Dany and Jon could fail because they have the faith of so many people backing them. You can also believe in youself, aka Littlefinger and I would of said Davos until he lost his fingerbones.

There's alot more stuff this explains but this is probably tl;dr as it is.

>> No.1878546


There are certain points throughout the book that say that Stannis doesn't have sex with even his own wife, but that he seems to spend a lot of alone time with Melisandre.

After Stannis' defeat at the Blackwater, he returns to Dragonstone and sees noone but Melisandre, and various characters say that he's weakened or something to that effect.

When Melisandre talks to Davos at the Dragonstone dungeons she says that he needs to "visit her in the night" or something to that effect because she needs his "life fire" and that she can no longer use Stannis'.

I think she's been using Stannis' "seed" or "life fire" w/e you want to call it to produce these murderous shadow people. After Renly was murdered Stannis said he dreamt he say Renly's murder and I think this suggests that he killed Renly/Storms End fag with his shadow babies from Melisandre.

>> No.1878562


And there's also the fact that Aemon says Stannis has the dragon blood or w.e it is in him, so that makes some sense.

>> No.1878681

bump for more discussion

>> No.1878694

Any love for Bran? I get the feeling that he's never going to come back from Beyond the Wall.

>> No.1878714

I like Bran and I love the Reeds and Hodor is cool as well. I think he will be back and that he will learn to control his ESP or whatever you want to call it.

Sixskin's going to be the prologue character and I'm hoping that somehow he learns how to control skin changing from him.

>> No.1878717

sup guys. I was having a discussion with a bro the other day about the possible conclusion of the series...here goes

The political strife and turmoil in westeros, along with the drama amongst the houses is but a trifle when compared to the real threat in the north. Daenarys comes back to westeros, she does lay claim that she is the rightful heir to the throne. After some fighting and claiming land, winter eventually comes and then the Others mount an attack on the wall. Jon snow as the current lord commander fights them off, but the Others overrun the wall. Daenary's, with her 3 dragons grown up go to the wall to fight off the others (since dragons are powerful with their flames). She rides one, Jon snow another, and possibly Tyrion rides another dragon.

tl:dr, we also believe Jon Snow is Rhaegar targaryan's true son, and his mom is Eddard stark's sister. Eddard saved Jon from being slaughtered during the sack of king's landing, so he adopted him to be his own son.
thanks brahs. Input?

>> No.1878733

That's too nice of an ending.

Also, I can't even imagine Jon, Tyrion, and Dany becoming dragon riders.... it's... just too corny.

The Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon theory is one of the most popular ones out there.

>> No.1878736

hmmmm. well, is was just one of our nerd discussion while we drove back home. Have there been any other possible endings to the series around?

>> No.1878740

I think you have it right if you replace Tyrion as a rider with, call me crazy, Quentyn Martell. He's a POV character in Dragons and in my opinion will be the catalyst for finally bringing Dany back to Westeros (I'm expecting a love triangle between them and another character). I don't think Jon will survive to the end of the series, Dany will eventually jointly rule Westeros with Tyrion while Sansa rules an independent Kingdom of the North, Vale, and Riverlands alongside Harrold.

>> No.1878744

Well I'm sure there are tons made by fans everywhere but nothing supported by GRRM.

As you probably know, he has a knack for flipping everything on its ear to prevent people from really predicting anything so I don't think anyone will really be able to predict how it ends.

On a personal level I think Melisandre and her worshiping will help the Others in the long run. There's a reason why the Maesters want to suppress magic.

>> No.1878750

I think if only Daenary's was a man (or if Drogo were still alive), she would have tens of thousands of Dothraki at her command. Not to mention the 'best' infantry in their world (the unsullied) at her disposal, she would be a force to reckon with. Dragons for air superiority, Dothraki as cavalry, and then unsullied for infantry would be a potent force.

>> No.1878753

And she also has sellswords in her army that'll turn on her at any moment provided they pay her enough.

One of her captains is a selllsword himself.

>> No.1878759

iirc, one of those captains is bewitched by her, or rather enamored? So I doubt that would happen. Possible though.

Also, about the show, now that it's a hit I would not be surprised if HBO drags on one book into two seasons for more profit.

>> No.1878766

One of them was bewitched by her during the parleys as well. He then dragged her off her horse and tried to kill her later on.

>> No.1878767

the dragonriders: tyrion, dany, bran.

>> No.1878772

what would be a shocker. If tyrion dies. sniff. I loved that little bastard, even the guy who portrays him in the series.

>> No.1878779

Nah, Tyrion's a safefag.

At risk: Bran, Dany, Stannis, Tommen, Myrcella, Jorah

these folks have a 34% chance of living to the end.

>> No.1878788

I don't see Bran, Stannis, or Jorah making it. The others have a chance.

>> No.1878792

Maggy the Frog's prophecy for Cersei = dead kids e'rywur

>> No.1878828

Qyrburn is creating Nemesis.

>> No.1878854

I don't quite buy Varys hiring a faceless man. They cost more than a fortune, and what would be the point of having one go toward the Wall as Ned, only to disappear soon after? If he can get away so easily, why not just have Ned escape and go back to Winterfell or whatever anyway? It's not like he would need Ned for anything in the meantime, he couldn't very well go around doing Ned Stark, Hand of the King stuff when he's supposed to be going to the Wall anyway.

A much better use of a faceless man would be giving Joffrey and/or Cersei some 'accidental' deaths. I'm sure Varys knew Joffrey was a volatile psycho and Tommen would be much more pliable to the cooler heads of the Small Council were he king, which would be better for the realm.

Though a faceless man just kinda being in the prisons on his own doesn't make much sense either. He's a damn faceless man. We've seen Jaquen is able to murder with impunity inside a castle with a lot of watchful people, so how did he get caught and sent to the black cells? Why would he dick around inside a prison when he's got some faceless man shit to do? It seems his only real purpose in his detour to the wall/Harrenhall is to be bros with Arya. Then again, he loses sight of Arya for a while, doens't he? So I'm not sure. But him being Syrio is a reasonable explanation, I think. Syrio escaped Meryn Trant, figured out after Ned died that Yoren was taking her to the Wall, found one of the guys who was also going, killed him and took his face. I think there's some stuff hinting that Biter and Rorge are scared shitless of Jaqen, so that could be why.

>> No.1879012
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>Daenary's, with her 3 dragons grown up go to the wall to fight off the others (since dragons are powerful with their flames). She rides one, Jon snow another, and possibly Tyrion rides another dragon.
picture related


more like Bran WILL BE the dragon

>> No.1879023

Why would Dany ride alongside the alleged sons of her fathers usurpers.

>> No.1879029


mutual hatred of cersei lannister?

>> No.1879031

She's not very forgiving. She sent the last two men who betrayed her on a suicide mission.

>> No.1879052

Here's what happens: it turns out that Syrio has been every single male character who is not a POV

>> No.1879243

they are all the same faceless man - think about it
syrio doesnt get killed, but thrown in the dungeon he changes into jaqen and is one of the three dudes arya saves - after he gives arya three deaths he kills the king of the iron islands (I see a faceless man with a crow on his shoulder) he also is the alchemist who kills pate for the key in that one prologue.........all the same dude

>> No.1879264

it is - when she first enters the monastary, she notices "a blind boy lighting candles"
remember shes also the most powerful warg out of all the starks - I cant wait to see where her EPIC journey takes her..........

>> No.1879267

and, the prologue of adwd talks about the wildling warg (the one with six skins, cant remember his name....) and how skincahnging works......

>> No.1879273

So if Jon Snow is Rhaegar's son, maybe that means Stannis means to sacrifice him instead of Mance's son...

>> No.1879282

I actually think itll be theon that gets sacrificed - but you could be right - grrm doesnt mind killing ppl off

>> No.1879284

because Ser Meryn is gonna admit getting his ass handed to him by some fag. He woke up from his beat down and was like--let's pretend I killed the dude.

>> No.1879287


>implying Jon Snow is not the Mary Sue and must live

>> No.1879288

Did Lady Merriweather betray Cersei?

>> No.1879295

she was tyrell the whole time

>> No.1879298

>implying when it comes to GRRM, even our best guesses will be totally wrong.....
the're just hypothesis, I just cant wait for adwd to come out

>> No.1879305

from grrm blog

"old POV character who has been missing for a couple of books, but now returns to us... rather the worse for wear."

who dis?

>> No.1879306

its Theon - here


>> No.1879308

“Him? Can it be? Stark’s ward. Smiling, always smiling.”

>> No.1879331

Riders will be: Tyrion, Quentyn and Barristan.

Victarion will have one, but he'll end up dead and Quentyn will take his dragon.

>> No.1879334

And I think the Dornish will kill Myrcella once Daenery's settles in Dorne in Dance. Why need an alliance with the Lannisters when the Dragon has returned? They'll kill her and Cersei will go even more batshit insane.

>> No.1879335

wat why would she be more powerful then Bran the Broken.

all she's ever had in the warging department are a couple of dreams.

Sixskins dies in the prologue like most prologue and epilogue characters

>> No.1879336

of different animals - in braavos she takes over a cat, I believe -
aso, nymeria is the"queen" of a marauding band of ever growing wolfpack that is NOT scared of humans, much to some of the other pov characters dismay...... Bran acutally knows hes a warg, I dont think arya understands it yet.......also jaqens dog rips the throat out of one of the guys he kills - I always saw this as the faceless men know how to warg

>> No.1879339


You're just naming characters you're sort of okay with dying. It's wishful thinking.

In reality, GRRM will kill Tyrion, Arya and Sandor, because those deaths are really going to maximize the butthurt. Dany will marry a viking and Jon will degenerate into a dull bureaucrat.

>> No.1879343

I think warging is a skill granted by Old Gods only. which means the faceless men don't qualify.

Also you probably need to have blood of the first men to qualify.

>> No.1879346

I also read that there was a pison metioned in AFFC that works on dogs, too - so maybe thats why the dog ripped his throat off - again, just guessing

I think Brienne says "sword" - and her and Jaime have another epic swordfight - how it turns out, no one but GRRM knows..................

>> No.1879358

What's your opinion on all the characters turning into zombies?

>> No.1879360

shore is summer in here

tl:dr - I don't feed trolls

>> No.1879398


It turns out that Brienne wins? Jaime has no sword hand.

>> No.1879405

she faces him once - but its right after he spends a LOOONG time in a prison cell - he's weak, and cahined at the wrists - he gains some respect for her, though

when shes captured by lady stoneheart, shes given the choice - find Jaime and kill him, or hang......she doesn't say anything until the noose tightens, and she sees pod hanging.......but we don't know what she said.............

>> No.1879407

the first fight was right before he lost his hand - I think Jaime is a trickster, just like tyrion.....we were set up to face him, but hes slowly been turning into a good person - I have a feeling he dies, either willingly by Brienne, or a horrible setup.........

>> No.1879733
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He probably will die, if only because we've grown attached to him over the last two books. We learned that he's actually a pretty good person over all, and actually saved thousands of lives by killing Aerys. Which only means the GRRM will kill him off in the most brutal way and Jaime will have an infamous legacy.

>> No.1879784

you think its by Briennes hand? or someone else?

>> No.1879914


I don't think Brienne will. I'm pretty sure she has some sort of feelings akin to love for him.


I've never understood the Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon theories. What about that one squire that tells Arya about Jon's mother (Wylla, I think it was?)? So Ned found some woman who was having a baby and switched Jon with the kid, and no one noticed? And nobody ever noticed Lyanna being pregnant? I dunno, it sounds too far-fetched to me.

>> No.1879930

What Targaryens do we know where actually living Post-Rebellion? We know there was:

Aemon(dead now)

And I heard an insane theory on Tyrion being a Targaryen bastard experiment.

>> No.1879942



Also, Tyrion, a Targaryan? That makes even less sense than Jon, I think we're just grasping at straws here.

>> No.1879947

Plus I think it was people reading WAY too much into Tyrion's obsession with Dragons and fire. At best he'd become her hand in Dance. And I doubt there is a slim chance that Jon is a Targ, but he'll probably be The Prince That Was Promised and become Stanni's sacrafice.

>> No.1879950


Tyrion has an obsession with reading in general, it just so happens most of the knowledge about dragons comes from books he's read.

Also, seeing as how Melisandre is a POV in ADWD, I can see Stannis himself being sacrificed.

>> No.1879957

Still, I think its Theon

>> No.1879958

Maybe that's how the wall comes down with Stannis's death?

And I hope Dance ends with a 5 year time leap epilouge just so we know that Danny makes it to Westeros.

>> No.1879961

And what are the signs that a character is The Prince That Was Promised?

>> No.1879964

Why the fuck would there be a time leap at the end when there's still 2 books left?

>> No.1879978

what do you think about my theory here?>>1878301
and here?

>> No.1879983

I kinda heard the same thing.....

>> No.1880044


In the first book Ned talks with Robert in the Stark crypts and he tells him about a promise he made to her. He says that Lyanna asked him to promise to "bury her in the family tombs" while on her death bed but to many people this seems not to make much sense. Why would she freak out on her death bed over where her remains will be entombed?

Eddard would tell Jon that the same blood that is in him is in Jon and that while he may not have his name he is still his blood.

At various points throughout the Eddard PoVs bits of Lyannas promise pop in randomly... "Promise me Ned, promise me..."

While Robert and Eddard are talking in the crypts and again when they go out hunting while on their way to Kings Landing Robert tells Eddard of how Rhaegar "raped" Lyanna over and over.

In one of the other books you read about the tournament at Harrenhal wherein Rhaegar crowned Lyanna over Cersei as Queen of Beauty. This suggests he had a crush on her.

What most people, myself included, draw from all this is that Lyanna ran away WITH Rhaegar. This sparked the war between house Baratheon and the Iron Throne. And after all this Lyanna was left with a child after Rhaegar died, and after learning of what happened to Rhaegars nice/nephew she knew that if Robert were to discover that Jon was a Targaeryan he'd have him killed. So she asked Ned to promise to raise Jon as his own.

As for that anhero chick at Storms End.. Brandon stark was supposed to marry Catelyn but the Mad King killed him so it was up to Eddard to marry Catelyn instead. Throughout the books Catelyn talks about how she never knew Eddard and how distant he was initially. I think he was supposed to marry that Storm's End broad and after Brandon died he left her for his "duty" with Catelyn.

>> No.1880074

how about this one - the girl tyrion married (Tysha) turned into the whore in Braavos that you have to marry - tyrion even asked tywin where she was before killing him......
"Where whore's go?"

>> No.1880646

the Danny invasion will be a huge failure. The prophecy about her being betrayed three times actually refers to future events linked with the three riders she will choose. Each of them will betray her and use the dragon to further the goals of his own side.

>> No.1880839

>implying Dany won't be riding one

>> No.1880904

Wylla was a wet nurse from Starfall, which is the castle of House Dayne that Eddard's former sweetheart Ashara Dayne, her brother Arthur Dayne and your squire and their nephew Edric Dayne belong to. Daynes are Targ loyalists. Arthur Dayne was at the Tower of Joy where Rhaegar and Lyanna spent most of the Rebellion (about a year, which is how no one knows about her pregnancy), so if Lyanna got pregnant by Rhaegar, he would have been the one to bring Wylla there and she could easily have stayed there for all of Lyanna's pregnancy. A wetnurse doesn't have to have a child around the time she feeds another child to be able to do so, so Wylla's pregnancy and child switch are not necessary for the theory. When Lyanna's pregnancy is at an end, the following happen:
1. The sack of King's Landing by Eddard's and Lannisters' armies, Rhaegar's wife and children are killed
2. Rhaegar leaves the Tower of Joy for the Trident, leaving Lyanna with the three Kingsguard knights and Wylla and is killed there by Robert
3. Ned and his men arrive to the Tower of Joy and kill the Kingsguard and Lyanna gives birth
4. Lyanna makes Ned promise something and dies, Jon is nursed by Wylla who's there for that exact purpose

>> No.1880909

5. Ned makes a trip to Starfall, gives Ashara Dayne her brother's sword and the news of his death and leaves for the North with Jon that he claims as his bastard, Wylla stays at Starfall
6. The rumors spread that Wylla is the mother of Ned's bastard either intentionally by those in-the-know or by themselves, Wylla backs the story because she's a loyal nurse of a Targaryen-loyal house and it doesn't really hurt her reputation.
7. The rumors spread that Ashara is the mother of Ned's bastard most likely intentionally by those in-the-know in case Jon turns out to have silvery hair and purple eyes like Daynes and Targaryens. I personally think that Ashara was involved in spreading those rumors, because I can't see Ned willingly putting a stain on her reputation. That's why he stops those rumours from spreading at Winterfell.
8. Ashara "kills herself by jumping from a tower" and her body is never found. None of the readers believe this.

That's the gist of the deal with Daynes, Starks and Wylla. Eddard was never supposed to marry anyone from Storm's End like >>1880044 says and was never engaged to Ashara, else he would marry her and Cat would marry a lord/heir of some other Great House.

>> No.1881692
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>> No.1881703

I'm screencapping this and posting them in every GRRM thread ever. Because faggots apparently have no idea how to reason for themselves, we must teach them.

>> No.1881712

>this is all fan theory

I don't think that means what you think it means

>> No.1881717

>fan theory
>all based upon facts written into the book
You might rethink how intelligent you think you are.

>> No.1881718

Syrio Forel = Jaqen H'ghar = The Stranger = R'hllor

>> No.1881731

I always knew Syrio was special . . .

>> No.1881781


R'hllor is just one aspect of the Many-Faced God

>> No.1881834

One thing I have NEVER understood and I haven't seen it mentioned is that Rhaegar supposedly raped Ned's sister hundreds of times and ultimately killed her but everything we have heard or seen of him he seems like a mild mannered and reasonable guy.

>> No.1881841

Hightower is the coolest of the banner houses.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.1881852

heathen bullshit

>> No.1881854


It seems unlikely that Rhaegar actually raped Lyanna. We're told that Rhaegar abducted her, but given what we know about Rhaegar's character it seems more likely that she went willingly and Robert refused to believe that the woman he loved would leave him for a Targaryen. So then we can assume that he didn't kill her; instead, she probably died giving birth to Rhaegar's son.

>> No.1881855

That's because R + L = J

And Robert was probably a jelous prick who couldn't hadle his girl being with a better guy so he made the rape story up and things snowballed from there.

>> No.1881866

He didn't. They eloped but were too dumb and careless to say something to their families, so Brandon and Rickard Stark believed Lyanna was kidnapped and raped. Robert maintains this story too, but he knows deep inside that it isn't true, that's why he says to Ned that Rhaegar won and Lyanna is with him in afterlife.

>> No.1881867

We don't have to assume, we know he didn't kill her (where did that even come from..?). Refer to >>1880904, Rhaegar had been dead for some time when Ned arrived to the ToJ and found Lyanna bleeding in her bed. He died at the Trident, the ToJ is in Dorne.

>> No.1881962

Lyanna asked Ned to promise her that he would return to Catelyn and be a good husband, instead of running away with Ashara Dayne, and their son Jon as he wanted. Lyanna asked him this because she had seen the pain that can be caused in a situation like that (her and Brogar). When Ashara found out that Ned was returning to his wife, with their son, she killed herself.

Or maybe Rhaegar and Lyanna had a child (who isn't Jon) who Ned gave to Ashara to protect, and she ran away to live in the East or some shit.

>> No.1881971

btw, Germans are getting the book early (as in, somwhere between tomorrow and Friday:

Amazon.de users who have preordered A Dance With Dragons have received an email that the shipdate has been moved from July 12th, to between June 28th and July 1st. According to the Amazon.de website, they say that they can deliver the US hardcover (Bantam) starting tomorrow. The UK edition, which sells for the same price, is still listed as being shipped from July 12th onwards.


>> No.1881977

Furthermore, I just tried ordering it using Overnight Express delivery, and it is now "preparing for dispatchment".

>> No.1881979

>yfw it's preparing for two weeks and you receive it at the same time we do

>> No.1881982

Worth taking the chance.