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[ERROR] No.18780609 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good on Critical Race Theory that can explain pic related to me? Are these the people calling other people schizo here?

>> No.18780613
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*some good books on Critical Race Theory
Also fuck jannies

>> No.18780622

They're failed socialists, they want utopia and power and they'll use whatever means they can to achieve it through the state. Current version is using culture previous version was using economic.

>> No.18780628

schizo crap. not the heckin climate change!!

>> No.18780631

>climate change cultists

>> No.18780665

>nothing about capitalism, class, etc.

>> No.18780684

>implying leftards give a shit about class anymore

>> No.18780952

Absolutely filtered

>> No.18780957

You have never met a single left wing person in your whole life, probably never will

>> No.18780982

Every wagie cashier you interact with is a "leftist" by virtue of their inability to access capital in their quotidian lives, whether they know it or not, they exist as subalterns (nested subalterns following Bakić-Hayden's orientalisms).

>> No.18780998

Not his problem. When you browse online and see how many self-proclaimed "Leftists" there are that are all-in on race theory, what's he to think?

>> No.18781022

You faggots are literally everywhere, you arent some rare elite

>> No.18781079

Absolutely filtered, none of you have any idea of the meaning of the words you use.

>> No.18781086

I have met dozens of you retards crying about le private property, le exploitation of labor, blah blah you're not special and you just do whatever the liberals tell you to because you're afraid of being called racist

>> No.18781089

Educate us Big Dick Dominick - what have we misunderstood?

>> No.18781094

CRT is shitty moralism that goes fucking nowhere and achieves nothing. It necessitates a white hegemony in order to make sense and therefore cannot even solve the problem it names as original sin.

>> No.18781105

Never happened, see above
How old are you?

>> No.18781119

Its comical that you think Marx is esoteric knowledge or something

>> No.18781147

Likely younger than you, as evidenced by your use of petite IdPol - please, demonstrate your pedagogical proficiency and elucidate.

>> No.18781198
File: 24 KB, 333x500, 41L0044D50L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT is a small subfield of legal scholarship that examines the implicit racial biases in legal systems and public policy. It's been around since the 70s. I'm not sure why people are suddenly so up in arms about it. It doesn't have a single set of doctrines, but the more controversial ideas critical race theorists tend to accept are anti-essentialism about race and standpoint epistemology.

If you want a decent overview of it, look at Chapter 11 of Lois Tyson's Critical Theory Today, especially the subsection on CRT.

>> No.18781259

I want anyone who believes anything on pic related to burn. What a fucking pathetic victim complex. If anything I hope it’s actually true.

>> No.18781270

>it's not real even though I myself am an example of it being real
Lel you guys really cant help yourselves

>> No.18781282
File: 308 KB, 2000x1125, EhMLqf5XkAY4SuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like to leap to conclusions.

>> No.18781303

>as evidenced by your use of petite IdPol
Never happened
No time to waste if you're that unwilling, life is short.

>> No.18781318

Directional terms (left/leftist) are petite, bruv. Crack a book. TTFN

>> No.18781339
File: 1.95 MB, 196x300, Fyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18781346
File: 263 KB, 1015x641, commie_scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully not a live one

>> No.18781350

Yah we know that is why you will right up in front on day of the rope