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[ERROR] No.18777868 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a stigma surrounding the fantasy genre?

>> No.18777873

Dunno, people are weird about fairies and are ok with Jews in sticks.

>> No.18777884

It's YA.

>> No.18777891

Tom Bombadil a fag
George RR Martin a sweaty pervy lazy fat piece of shit

>> No.18777899

This. Most books and themes are aimed at teenagers

>> No.18777916
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Long story short? Hoes mad. This applies to /lit/ as well. The average poster is very feminine, and only reads works for the purpose of impressing others.

>> No.18777928

Sick artwork. who is the artist?

>> No.18777938

Stigma? Stigma dick in your mom haha

>> No.18777939

Somewhat this, the male reader archetype would ideally read to smash other anons with an axe. And get to Valhala.

>> No.18777946
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Frank Fazetta. Did a lot of art for Conan and other Sword and Sorcery stuff. Speaking of Conan, here’s Road of Kings, a Conan poem I enjoy

Gleaming shell of an outworn lie; fable of Right divine-
You gained your crowns by heritage, but Blood was the price of mine.
The throne that I won by blood and sweat, by Crom, I will not sell
For promise of valleys filled with gold, or threat of the Halls of Hell!

When I was a fighting-man, the kettle-drums they beat,
The people scattered gold-dust before my horse's feet;
But now I am a great king, the people hound my track
With poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back.

What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie?
I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky.
The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;
Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king!

>> No.18777965

Hoes mad basically, but also it has a history of being deeply midwit when stops trying to be just entertainment. Malazan Book of the Fallen has excellent and realistic (for the setting) worldbuilding but utterly midwit themes and moralizing. The Second Apocalypse is somewhat better even if it is taking subtle shots at Christianity for a lot of it, but the author at least seems to understand that his parody picture of Christianity is significantly different from the reality.

>> No.18777966
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>> No.18777975
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>> No.18777984
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>> No.18777989
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>> No.18778010

white male power fantasy
also nostalgia for the middle ages (the white patriarchy)
Fantasy is fine as long as most main characters are women and people of colour otherwise it is reactionary

>> No.18778018


>> No.18778030


>> No.18778049

As a trans person of color, I can tell you that it is not

>> No.18778058

based, speak your truth queen

>> No.18778297

>Rush in and die, dogs - I was a man before I was a king!
Fucking based. I miss when fantasy could unashamedly be hyper-masculine. A poem like that would now get denigrated as edgy.

>> No.18778348

My primary issue is the almost infant-like reliance on Tolkien's work. Fantasy always has to have elves, dwarves, etc. It really says something when a fantasy writer is considered innovative for making an elf fat or a dwarf slant-eyed.
Ironically, despite the reliance on Tolkien's foundation, most fantasy writers focus too much on the irrelevant aspects of worldbuilding. Like the magic system meme.

>> No.18778353

What if I want to write YA though?

>> No.18778356

girls love fantasy you fucking sperg. lmao at you thinking fantasy genre isnt nothing but women and incels gathering round the firepit to hear scawee stories with heroes and maidens

>> No.18778358

Pretty much this. I also think a big part is on the consumer base though. Everyone loved to see their heckin elves and other generic fantasy shit

>> No.18778366

Your typing style outs you as a dunce. I would work on that

>> No.18778979
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i stigma fantasy books on my shelf after enjoying them

>> No.18779089

Not all though, that's just elitism. There's quite a few novels within that fantasy "genre" (which are only labeled as such because they're not 100% grounded in the here-and-now) which are not accepted as such because of literary fags

>> No.18779155

Shakespeare wrote fantasy novels. Macbeth has witches. Hamlet has a ghost.

>> No.18779165

>fantasy novels

>> No.18779194

A big craze in the 70s and 80s produced a deluge of low-quality books (The Logorrhea of Shannara, the Wheel of Tedium, Piers Anthony's Big Book of Ephebophilia), whose impact still lingers. Plus the association with tabletop gamers, Ren Faire attendees, and other undesirables.

>> No.18779198

>wheel of tedium
still one of the biggest disappointments of my teen years. It had such promise and then instantly pissed it ALL away

>> No.18779199

>I-it's grandfathered in!
I hate literary queers so much

>> No.18779200
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It's pulp.

>> No.18779261

Bros, should I get into the death dealer books? I like the character from Frazetta's paintings but are the novels a good read?

>> No.18779315

I hate logical niggers so much

>> No.18780057

Fantasy is only good when it's used symbolically. LOTR was made by a feverishly Christian man. Dune carried Herbert's boner for psychedelic new-age shit. And so on. And the older works, the epics, etc. were far more charged with mysticism.
If you make fantasy to express "wonder" or to show the "adventure" it's going to be hollow pulp shit. 100% of fantasy produced today has no layer of symbolism whatsoever, the elves are literal elves, the dragon is a literal dragon, the magical ring is a magical ring.

>> No.18780066

Pretty much died with Tolkien because nobody could compete with his life as a Philological autist. Or have their work critiqued by their Oxford buddies in a time before universities were utter shit. Or also have the conscientiousness to spend like 15 years on one book, rewriting large sections just because.

Wouldn't have done even half the reading either that Tolkien used as the bedding for his work.

Even the people who got into his work at the time were generally retarded and couldn't see the forest for the trees, outside of a few. Bless them.

GRRM is disgusting and Jordan died. Both made their stories and worlds far too big.

I'm sure there's plenty of good stuff that doesn't reach the mainstream though. Sub genres of sub genres don't help either.

>> No.18780089

It all comes down to WHY you read in the first place. Being entertained for its own sake is fine and you don't have to pretend you're being DEEP about it or something.

>> No.18780102

Typically written for children and is often detached from real problems your typical man would actually face. People who read fantasy are either women (group A), children (group B), or weak men who like to live vicariously through characters that they can imagine themselves as being (group C) (note that I could have just said 'children' for all three groups, but they are different types of children).

Let's take LOTR as the peak of fantasy /lit/

>Main character, Frodo, is a pathetic beta who, only through extreme circumstance and luck, manages to be something other than a bug (Appeal to Group C)

>Eragon or however it's spelt, is a handsome, sensitive, caring character, who faces the moral quandary of "duhhh should I bang this hot chick or let her know she's making a mistake", and ultimately makes the "correct" choice (Appeal to Group A)

>Mythical fantasy world that is unlike our own, where magic and fantasy and wizards and stuff exist (Appeal to group B)

>Super cool badass war with lots of cool violence and fighting and death (Arguably the only redeeming quality in the book)

>> No.18780141

why do you type this lazy drivel? you should unironically have your hands and tongue chopped off for this shit of a post
retarded 12 year old mongoloid

>> No.18780182

Can you refute the post or are you going to make baseless attacks against me? Pick one, roast.

>> No.18780188

I refute it by saying you're a stupid fucking retard. You made no argument whatsoever and you worded your post like shit. Type something structured that doesn't read like you take a shit on the keyboard and I'll engage you. For the time being just kill yourself.

>> No.18780195

Have you ever read stack exchange "world building"? It's a place where 99% of the users are obsessed with the logical consistency of their fantasy worlds, somewhat ironically it came up in my feeds under "writing help" when there is actually 0% prose-writing involved; they all just go "how much strength should casting this spell realistically require" or "how would 8/9th of gravity affect a sea of acid".

My point is that fantasy is mostly written by nerds. Tolkien was a very specific sort of nerd (linguistics and mythology), but most of his readers are the STEM sort who rate Marvel universe above anything. They just simply can't write well, and even worse, they consider it something trivial compared to their elaborate schemes. I recently read some rant about how there's no money in world-building "anymore" since publishers are clueless etc, like wtf? Write well and you'll be desired.

>> No.18780217

Tolkien sucks though

>> No.18780241

Women read books with videogame tier world building and stereotypical characters. What you would call "fantasy" doesnt follow these conditions, hence it's more male oriented.
A good example for this is the witcher saga. The book is male oriented, the tv series is very female oriented.

>> No.18780254

This is how people do fantasy world-building now and I hate it. They really believe the point of world-building is to create a believable tax policy for the kingdom. It's the most dry and awful thing imaginable.
Why the fuck would you write fantasy if you're not driven by mysticism? Just write uchronian or historical fiction, no? They won't do that because they know they'd have nothing to write about once the hollow masturbatory world-building is done.
The issue with modern fantasy is that it's written by spiritually empty people.

>> No.18780264

terrible themes
terrible prose
soulless entertainment
no innovation

>> No.18780298

What have you actually read of his anon?

>> No.18780384


The worst opinion I've read in some time. Will never make it.

Frazetta is great, you should look up his artwork if you like sword and sorcery

I agree with the first two lines, idk about the third. The cast can be really diverse and multicultural and STILL be reactionary as fuck.

Yeah, it's terrible. I think this is also because of the desire to make good worlds for an RPG adventure, and this I can get behind.

>> No.18780453

I second this. He's the original fantasy neckbeard who spent most of his life worldbuilding rather than practicing the craft of writing. Literally your average /r/worldbuilding user who lucked out.

>> No.18780496

Read Wolfe
Read Abercrombie

>> No.18780499

Based Fire and Ice poster

>> No.18780501

>I think this is also because of the desire to make good worlds for an RPG adventure
I don't believe RPGs or say video games necessarily imply this dry realistic consistency. It's easy to say D&D ruined fantasy but the mindset issue has more to do with the general moral and spiritual bankruptcy of our time. There needs to be a layer of divinity over fantasy, and even further, art in general. The only disciminating factor I can objectively see in true art versus mere entertainment is that true art is mystical.

>> No.18780640

Another one who knows absolutely fuck all. kys

>> No.18780648

Because most "new" writers either go into fantasy or YA (often both), meaning that most fantasy books are pretty shit.

>> No.18781301

Then it's a fine genre for that
Of course not ALL. But 99% is midwit and that's why it gets the stigma

>> No.18781311

I've only read the First Law Trilogy but it was 100% YA. You're right about Wolfe.

>> No.18781408

Tried lotr fellowship and return of the king. Bored me to tears. DNF

>> No.18781744

Funny enough, the elder scrolls, in particular morrowind, probably has better and more innovative fantasy than most of the schlock that gets published now

>> No.18782157

Cause the books are bad.

>> No.18782239

Partly justified partly unjustified, it’s considered childish and there’s the problem of it having the genre label, neither of these are actually bad things. The actual problem with contemporary fantasy is that it’s incestuous, bred from Tolkien and filtered by a dozen pop writers who produce book after book of schlock.

Even so, the origins of fantasy (the fairy way of writing being its older name) is full of merit, containing names like Spenser and Dryden but arguably going back to mythology and ancient poetry like that of Ovid. I will argue that the father of the genre (Dunsany) has one of the best English prose styles period, and his content is so full of decadence, innocence and ethereality, and who wouldn’t consider Lewis Carroll worthwhile? The popular man, Tolkien, is obviously a man of worth to study, see his translations and scholarly work for proof.

I believe fantasy has some of the highest potential for beauty and for Raw imaginative power, even if that’s obscured by much of the popular contemporary fantasy being YA and incestual.

>> No.18783553

Ok, keep enjoying your children's books.

>> No.18783673
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Fantasy can be great. It is dominated by YA at the moment however. My sister used to love reading it when she was a teenager.

if you want some based fantasy read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

>> No.18784093

what Dunsany books would you recommend?

>> No.18784574

Based Shakespeare-was-a-novelist poster.

>> No.18785410

Gods of pegana, gods and time, book of wonder, but really I love everything he wrote. These three are your best intro though.

>> No.18785536

Plan on reading the lord of the rings trilogy good.

Is it as good as the movies?

>> No.18785576

Imagine being a colored person lmao
I'd rather shootmyself desu

>> No.18785585

>t. Smoothebrain retard

>> No.18785610
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>Malazan Book of the Fallen enters the chat

>> No.18785622

Seriously not helping your case. The worldbuilding is fantastic granted, but the moralizing is absolute 3rd grade shit

>> No.18785654
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>>t.smoothbrain retard

>> No.18785708

Abercrombie is totally YA even if it's grimfart.

>> No.18786351

Give Children of Hurin a try if you ever feel like going again.

>> No.18786355

stigma balls

>> No.18786436

So what? There's no stigmata these days.

>> No.18786535

you write like a mongoloid. please read the book before you criticize it or better yet dont write at all

>> No.18786538

nice bait

>> No.18786544

and if you get too much into it you will see thats its just weird for the sake of being weird. the only good video game that could be a good fantasy book is legacy of kain and its story is convulted even further which tells a lot about games

>> No.18786959

thanks anon

>> No.18786970

i really hope you americans don't do this

>> No.18787135

If the genre stands a chance at a breakaway from all of these points - which I fully agree with, how is it going to look?

And before people will start talking complexity, keep in mind that 'regression to the mean' is a way of life in our current capitalist profit-based economy. Publishers fear experimentation, unless it is backed by the powers that be to propagate the 'dominant narrative', which inevitably leads content to be aimed at the lowest but most numerious target groups - who don't know the difference between good and bad works.

I'd say that fantasy is at its strongest when there are no quests to save the world, no magical systems and no RPG-DND elements. But at that point you're essentially removing 90% of current market.

>> No.18787524

He's the only good fantasy author

>> No.18787537

Good answer. Thanks

>> No.18787556

Gene Wolfe is so much better it hurts.
>inb4 muh science fantasy not real fantasy

>> No.18787560

>i really hope you americans don't do this
you know in england we call it "juicy bits"

>> No.18787573

Second this

>> No.18787578

I wouldn't say he sucks, more that for some he is a huge bore to read.