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18777315 No.18777315 [Reply] [Original]

What does he read?

>> No.18777317

The funnies in the paper

>> No.18777326

Kierkegaard when he was younger.
Now probably nothing.

>> No.18777359

hes read gravity's rainbow

>> No.18777366

Hes fucking decrepit dude lol

>> No.18777429
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>> No.18777495

Probably more books than any magat has even seen in his life.

>> No.18777500

This, but he just reads the first one all day.

>> No.18777503

Dementia patients can’t read

>> No.18777518
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>> No.18777538

Yeah, but enough about Donald Trump.
Politicians don't read.

>> No.18777566
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>Yeah, but enough about Donald Trump.
Kill yourself.

>> No.18777571

>Kill yourself.
You don't pass, take your meds trumptard schizo.

>> No.18777572

Can there be unironic beedone fans here lmao. Surely not

>> No.18777585
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>> No.18777594

>Saves tranny pics in his computer
Seems like the one "projecting" is someone else, good luck with the axe wound buddy.

>> No.18777608

Probably some catholic shit

>> No.18777620

Apparently he's one of those muh herritage mutts.

>Though Joe Biden hasn’t recommended his favorite books in the way Barack Obama often did, we’re still confident that he’s one of us—a reader. “What’s your favorite book?” is a common question on the campaign trail, and it’s one that Joe Biden has answered with an oft-cited favorite for politicians: James Joyce’s Ulysses.

>Biden has often referenced Seamus Heaney, the Irish poet who famously translated works such as Beowulf. Numerous speeches from Biden have quoted “The Cure at Troy,” a play which Heaney adapted from Sophocles’ Philoctetes.

>Biden also enjoys quoting another Irishman, William Butler Yeats. Once, while acknowledging his affinity for Irish poets, Biden stated that his “colleagues always kid me about quoting Irish poets all the time. They think I do it because I’m Irish. I do it because they’re the best poets.”

>> No.18777622
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>Seems like the one "projecting" is someone else, good luck with the axe wound buddy.

>> No.18777623

Google says his favorite book is ulysses

>> No.18777628

This is embarrassing. You should delete this.

>> No.18777637

>muh trannies muh trannies TRANNIE TRANNIE TRANNIE TRANNIE
Your brain is completely fucked up, moron. Go outside.

>> No.18777644

You realize nobody says things like this on this site

>> No.18777649
File: 71 KB, 571x618, F279E06E-388A-4E71-9015-54462E4BDA4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is embarrassing. You should delete this.
> Your brain is completely fucked up, moron. Go outside.

>> No.18777675

The eternal Hibernian strikes again.

>> No.18777726

Not an argument.

>> No.18777786

Nigger the one they're replying to brought up trannies in the first place.

>> No.18777811

Don't "nigger" me, nigger

>> No.18777824

I’ve met the guy on two occasions and I find this so hard to believe to the point that it seems to me that this seems blatantly made up.

>> No.18777825
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>Not an argument

>> No.18777836

The Cure at Troy by Seamus Heaney
Dubliners by James Joyce
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
The Holy Bible
Confessions of St. Augustine
The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor

>> No.18778016

As if that was not the point my dude.

>> No.18778024

Dave Barry books

>> No.18778033

The funny thing is, Biden isn't actually Irish

>> No.18778274

Coloring books.