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18776025 No.18776025 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone give the run down on this book?

>> No.18776047
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The point is that you need to die with a lot of debt on your name otherwise the Dutch win

>> No.18776059

Money bad

>> No.18776079

loans are literally free money, just dont pay them back
>muh bad (social) credit

>> No.18776085
File: 119 KB, 781x1220, A5CBE5C8-7E01-4AFE-BBAF-8C6F76F31C75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a damn debt jubilee, —but really to dismantle capitalism. We can do better.

>> No.18776095
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>> No.18776111

A surprisingly difficult but interesting book. Stopped reading the end notes about 1/3rd of the way through because they were too divergent for me to keep grasp on the point of the chapters.

>> No.18776143
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>> No.18776833

Money is just made up and we should try think of something new instead

>> No.18776867

Am I just an ADD-addled brainlet, or does this book get really damn boring after the first couple of chapters?

>> No.18776912

Check some of his YouTube videos. He’s very engaging and fun. The size is daunting, but I believe it’ll be worth it.
You could also start with some of his shorter work to sample.

>> No.18776976

Start with this

>> No.18776994

don't read it. David Graeber is celebritized to the point that what he has released is nothing more than a confluence of masturbatory material for the scum central bankers. Read Griffins' Jekyll Island instead.

>> No.18777002


>> No.18777013
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Jew gets out in front of the criticisms of his people as usurers with the standard "oy vey we were so oppressed we had no choice but to make money off gentiles with compound interest"

>> No.18777017
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jubilees are for the Chosen, goy.

>> No.18777034
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>dies ten days after posting this tweet
nothing to see here goyim

>> No.18777047

rest in piss

>> No.18777224

He didn't want to. He just claimed he did and that message was popular enough to get him elected despite 24/7 media demonization.

>> No.18777254

>He's a fascist


>> No.18777357

You didn’t know?

>> No.18777655

>barter doesn't exist except for when currency fails
>classical economics was based on this thought experiment (to interpret it charitably), not on anthropological facts
>morality is confusing and often misleading
>Debt is an institution of financial slavery (usury)

clearly didn't read it
t. has read a bunch of fascist literature but still doesn't understand the amorphous depravity of fascist politics and it's role in in capitalist decadence

>> No.18777795

History is a cycle between billon economies and debt economies, it’s been a while, but I believe he associated the latter with slavery, and anticipates a resurgence in slavery-like institutions. I read this a while back, maybe someone who read it more recently could provide the specifics.

>> No.18778104

Now read the Austrian refutations and graeber have a meltdown when he talks to real economists

>> No.18778118

I hope she (butterfly) sees this bro

>> No.18778205

what refutations?
And yeah, graeber couldn't handle himself face to face. i saw his failure in converstaion with Peter.
this I did the book justice?

>> No.18778208


>> No.18778276

Peter who?
He’s an anthropologist though. So some economistic ran spells around him

>> No.18778421

that makes sense. But economists are not typically people i'd listen to for philosophical insight.

>> No.18778444

Oh, I watched that. I didn’t see any failure. Personal priorities I guess. Guess I’ll have to give it another listen

>> No.18778761
