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18774398 No.18774398 [Reply] [Original]

i have a daughter on the way. i need some parenting books fast. she's due in November and i haven't really prepared enough
also what are some nice books to read her?

>> No.18774403
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Lord of the Rings obviously

>> No.18774407


>> No.18774418

Enid Blyton

>> No.18774426

fuck you
fuck you
thank you. any recommendations as far as parenting books? i have no idea how to raise a child, much less a girl

>> No.18774435

kys fucking cuck breeder

>> No.18774440

She ain’t gonna be reading for 5 years at least bro.

All you need right now is the hungry hungry caterpillar and dr Seuss

>> No.18774441

Just be a good father bro. That's not something any book will give you tips about. Best of luck if you're not larping

>> No.18774457

>Just be a good father bro. That's not something any book will give you tips about
i had no father so I don't know what to model myself after. parenting books will be better than nothing
>Best of luck
thank you m I'm gonna need it. and the kid will need it too. I'm already sorry that she's stuck with me

>> No.18774601

Read The Road

>> No.18774615

>parenting books will be better than nothing
In all seriousness, probably not.
People who were raised on Dr. Spock are all fucked in the head. Choose wisely.

>> No.18774623

>what are some nice books to read her?

What did you like as a kid? I loved authors like Robert Munsch and P.D. Eastman.

>> No.18774629

The Crimes of Love

>> No.18774632

>What did you like as a kid?
no one read to me. i was raised on tv. school taught me to read

>> No.18774636

The Bible and Narnia

>> No.18774637
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>I'm already sorry she's stuck with me

Yeah, me fucking too you goddamned moron. Enjoy blowing some of the best years of your life picking up after a gurgling shit spraying monstrosity and then a full lifetime of teeth-grinding disappointment.

Unironically the best fatherhood manual to date.

>> No.18774647

Kek, the grapes are so sour you could clean toilets with them.

>> No.18774667

Parent here, also have a baby daughter.

Anon, NO ONE was ever prepared for parenthood. No one knew what they were doing before their kids were born, it's something you learn through parenthood. That being said, there are some very basic tips:

- Consult a Pediatrician. Do it right now, in fact. This is one of the biggest things to look out for, they'll pretty much tell you all need to handle your child's well-being, do not skip this. They'll teach you everything from proper nutrition to playtime schedules.

- Be as patient as possible. NEVER EVER snap, at least not in front of your kid.

-She's gonna cry. A lot. She's gonna wake up in the middle of the night and you don't know what she wants. Does she need a diaper change? Does she need to burp? Is she hungry? Is she bored? You don't know, at least not at first. Keep testing for all of these, and eventually you'll learn your child's behaviour and its idiosyncratic signals, including the type of cry she lets out and what it indicates. Every child is different, so you're going to have to learn this one from experience.

- If you love her, it's going to be OK. Whenever it gets tough, frustrating, and you feel like crying yourself, remember just how much she means to you. Remember how much you love her. So long as you keep this in your heart, you'll get through it.

>> No.18774670


>> No.18774676
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>you def want kids anon

and i thought my projection was palpable

>> No.18774684

thank you anonm i appreciate this very much. have a blessed day. peace

>> No.18774697

You too anon, thank you.

By the way, is the mother taking supplements? There are specific pregnancy supplements she should be taking to prevent the child from being born with certain disabilities/disorders.

>> No.18774708

Start with the Greeks

>> No.18774718

>fuck you
>fuck you
Fuck you, those are good books.

>> No.18774725

>By the way, is the mother taking supplements? There are specific pregnancy supplements she should be taking to prevent the child from being born with certain disabilities/disorders
she's not. she's just as clueless as me we're both just 19

>> No.18774732


>> No.18774736

And she's in the third trimester? Both of you go to a paediatrician immediately, and I mean TODAY. The

>> No.18774742

i hope i can convince her to go. she's really bitchy due to the pregnancy

>> No.18774745
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You should read comparative metamythology, Piaget's work on development psychology, Jungs work complexes, and Petersons 10 rules for life is an exceptionally helpful guide for people who get filtered by the big words of the former authors.

Always remember that your job as a father of a daughter is to behave in such a way as to calibrate her standard for men. Woman is the passive element in marriage and it is not her responsibility to fend for herself in isolation; we've seen how horrifically that can effect men.

If she is able to judge men effectively and decisively with an ideal in mind then she can move into the world free of the hindrances common to most roasties.

>> No.18774750

Faggot coward bitch

>> No.18774753

I already have three, I'm good.

And yeah, the peculiar rage of a childless genetic dead end is palpable.
Anon, do something with your life; even if you're not evolutionary fit, you could still do something useful with your life.

>> No.18774754

and you're really fucking retarded for not manning up and getting it done faggot. Honestly you should really consider sudoku, what an utter tragedy of American proportions.

>> No.18774758

>Always remember that your job as a father of a daughter is to behave in such a way as to calibrate her standard for men. Woman is the passive element in marriage and it is not her responsibility to fend for herself in isolation; we've seen how horrifically that can effect men.
Whew boy, we're back here, are we? I was with you up until that last clause.

>> No.18774775

i mean he recommended Peterson what do you expect

>> No.18774779

Are you married? Don’t let your kid be born a bastard.

>> No.18774788

who cares

>> No.18774792

God & Jesus

>> No.18774795

tradcaths deserve death

>> No.18774805
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You'll have to elaborate specifically on what part of my exceptionally simple wisdom vexed you.

>> No.18774814
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>has three kids at 19
>do something with your life

Whew lad, thanks for affirming my bias that you're an utter mongoloid. I'm currently practicing law and have a private garden at the expense of a condominium landlord. I'm 25.

You have three genetically inferior copies.

We're not the same <3

>> No.18774818

Simplicity isn't virtuous. Neither is a Leave it to Beaver trip back to the fifties idyllic sexism.

>> No.18774820
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>breeders are fucking imbeciles
Imagine the shock

>> No.18774821

OP there's no need to go to the doctor when you're not sick. Don't listen to these doctor-worshipping normies. They will spend their money going to the doctor just to get told "you have a cold" and really won't feel like schmucks, it's quite incredible. As for your baby, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Most humans are pretty fucking retarded and the babies still usually live. Nobody really knows anything about parenting, the books and courses are just a scam. You can basically just do whatever and the baby will turn out how it will.

>> No.18774824

>>has three kids at 19
unless that guy happens to be 19 you're mixing up two anons

>> No.18774838

Are you a woman, a tranny, or a child?

You have no reason to be so foolish.

>> No.18774851

> thinks everyone ITT is the same person
> "practicing law"
Sheeeit, he have a legit NPC in the room, ladies and gents.

>> No.18774907
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>confuses two posts
>obv thats everyone ITT

Whew retard

>legit NPC

When the feds are widening out your holes for "telecommunications harassments" because you posted a frog, I'll def sign up to prosecute.

>> No.18774916

That's true, and my statement still applies to both of them.

>> No.18774938
File: 65 KB, 600x525, 51B5D6EA-0436-4198-93FC-A47C4B9C0F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weslandia blew my mind as a kid. I am certain it profoundly influenced my creativity. It introduced the concept of exercising imagination and was so joyful to read over and over again. I started messing around with writing my own language and designing my own games and living my own world, but doing so consciously, as a creator.

I would wait a few years for this, but I will be reading it with each of my children.

>> No.18774943

> i need some parenting books fast.
No, you don't. This shit comes naturally. Books won't help.

>> No.18774952

If you want to truly help yourself you need to do this:

Do these in the following order: Nofap + Cold Shower + MGTOW + eat fish oil omega3 + eat raw meat + eat looking to the wall + biohack + sleep on the floor + Jordan Peterson + mewing + CBD + PUA + jelq + sleep 5 hours a day + iced coffee without sugar + equestrian + ben shapiro destroys leftists compilation + raw garlic + Joe Rogan podcast + redpill + Brain Force + Fasting + iasd meditation + songs for concentration, focus and intelligence + internet IQ test + facebook Viking lineage groups + 5G blocker + 432 hz binaural beats + thuleanperspective + strawberry essence from Monica's gang on the hookah + Deepak Chopra VHS + throw vape in the face of everyone who tries to get into the college block + piss smoothies + 5 seconds of calisthenics in the atacama desert + darkcel + Super Male Vitality + dark glasses in profile picture + read quotes from nietzsche in brainyquote

>> No.18774985
File: 80 KB, 496x750, little platoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a parenting book per se but a great articulation of the parenting culture landscape, will help you identify and avoid bullshit.
Trust your instincts dude. People have been raising kids up since the dawn of time, they've all done a relatively good job.

>> No.18775042

just read her any childrens book as she grows older she will develop interests and then you can ask what would she like to be read

>> No.18775047

>we've all sinned
>the wages of sin is death
yeah that checks out,
>but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

>> No.18775051

just give her up for adoption. reading through this thread it's painfully obvious that you will destroy the poor child's life if you try to do this yourself. you're clearly a retarded zoomer that never learned anything about anything in his life. give her up for adoption and don't curse her with sn existence as your daughter. if you care about her, allow her to live life with a nice gen x couple as parents. they knew how to get shit done and are great parents. the self awareness of millennials without their whiny attitude and the determination of boomers without the retardation. trust me, you'll suck at parenting and so will the mother. please for the love of God, don't harm this child by trying to raise her. this is someone's life you're getting ready to fuck up. raising a child is not something you just give a shot and it's definitely not something you start preparing for 3 months in advance. these aren't your fucking high school finals. save your child from yourself

>> No.18775059

>internet IQ test
thanks for the kek

>> No.18775062

start with the greeks

>> No.18775071

I started reading books at 2, you’re just a dumbfuck

>> No.18775083

That's just what your midwit parents told you to feel smart.

>> No.18775147

>This shit comes naturally.

>> No.18775149

Who's going to tell him?

>> No.18775169

As soon as she drops out of the womb you need to start blackpilling her, so she's ready to deal with this shitty fucked up reality.
If I were a parent, I'd make up bedtime stories that reflect reality, you know like the classic fairy tales where unfair shit happens to good people, the bad guys win sometimes, and so on.
>It's a girl
Should I tell her that men are just going to see her as a sex object for the rest of her life and is in danger of getting raped/killed just for being a woman, or should I tell her that men think with their dicks and she can pretty much get away with whatever she wants if she's smart enough?

>> No.18775189

>Should I tell her that men are just going to see her as a sex object for the rest of her life and is in danger of getting raped/killed just for being a woman, or should I tell her that men think with their dicks and she can pretty much get away with whatever she wants if she's smart enough?
this doesn't have to be a choice since both are true

>> No.18775230

I suppose that depending on what part you make emphasis on, she could end up turning into a radfem or a total slut. All I'd want for her is to not end up being another brainless tiktok NPC that is treated like shit by men or whose only saving grace is having a vagina.

>> No.18775241

I'm not a father, but I'm a bad raised zoomer so I can tell you some stuff that imo you shouldn't do. Don't get them a tablet/cellphone, it fucks kids up. Try to delay internet access as long as possible, it destroys their brain development and their attention span. There's a lot of information about this online if you'd like to know more. Having a phone makes the kids less annoying to you, but at the expense of their future. Not worth it.
This is pretty long term, but when she is around 14-18 she will probably get political on something. Ignore it. Don't get mad at her, don't argue, just say "yeah, it's complicated" and move on. They do it for attention, it's just how teens are. Don't take it personal. I've got into very stupid fights with my parents for this stuff, it's really not worth it. Teens are idiots.
Anyway, good luck anon. You seem like a good guy, she'll be fine.

>> No.18775251

if you emphasize the second part, i think she won't turn into a slut or a radical feminist. she's going to become a ruthless VC that sluts and radfems see as a prime example of a strong woman. win wim win

>> No.18775283

Kill yourself. The best place for a kid is with their parents.

>> No.18775300

yes. biological parents who'll fuck up a child's life are infinitely better than adoptive parents who will ensure the child flourishes. you ought to be the one murdering himself

>> No.18775334

Make sure she learns a physical sport at a young age. Read short classic stories to her once she grows older. Be patient
>Don't get them a tablet/cellphone, it fucks kids up. Try to delay internet access as long as possible, it destroys their brain development and their attention span
This. Set up parental locks on any computer she uses.

>> No.18775384


This. The truth is inescapable.

>> No.18775420
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Be the person you would've wanted as a father, since you didn't have one.

Be patient, don't chimp out at/or in front your child and always make sure that your child knows that she can always rely on you. Make sure she is raised with an actual culture and religion.

Good Luck

>> No.18775451

>and religion
kids can smell weakness they will not respect a cuck parent who inorganically shills something they don't really believe in to be "trad"

>> No.18775489

Sorry, I don't know any parenting books... inclined to think it's quite a predatory industry. Buy some classics (Ovid and the Bible for example) and doing the work yourself to simplify individual narratives down into basic bedtime stories - I'm sure all these things have illustrated versions too.

>> No.18775490

I agree

But if the kid doesn't have something like culture or religion then only muttistan ideology will fill the void. The alternative is much worse than "trad"

>> No.18775491

Religion is only going to make her a gullible, easily exploited sheep or a schizo.
I think it's better to let them decide for themselves if they want to believe in a god or not by providing them information and guidance.

>> No.18775512

>ruthless VC
Venture Capitalist?

>> No.18775520

I don't know about parenting books, but I can tell you patience is the key to happiness. Try to get through the difficult parts one moment at a time, and never let your frustration get the best of you in front of your kid. You need to be the stable foundation of the house.

As far as books to read to her, when they're really young it's mostly gonna be picture books. Anything that shows the alphabet or number systems, or animals. Dr. Seuss is fun for the wordplay. Find a book of classic fairytales with good art to introduce them to some of the older stories.

When my oldest daughter was old enough to start speaking regularly (probably about 2) I started reading her longer fiction at night. The Hobbit, Chronicles of Narnia, Stuart Little, Wind in the Willows, Peter Pan... that sort of stuff. She got really into books as a result and now at 6 she is basically reading on her own. I think another important thing is that her mother and I read a lot around the house so she was always exposed to it.

Good luck, anon.

>> No.18775531

My daughter was born November 2 years ago. My wife did a lot of reading on this. Basically your job is to get her back to sleep when she is wailing at 3am. The rest is your wife's job.

As for books, just let your wife do that, presuming she isn't some modern female. Get your daughter Belloc's Cautionary Tales for when she is older and she will turn out all right.

>> No.18775592


>> No.18775619

>I think it's better to let them decide for themselves if they want to believe in a god or not by providing them information and guidance. If you don't teach your child then contemporary fag imperialism is gonna instill fag values in her.

Now fuck off back to plebbit faggot

>> No.18775654

>That awful greentext
>That reddit spacing
You teach your child not to fall for tribalist memes.

>> No.18775671

>Basically your job is to get her back to sleep when she is wailing at 3am. The rest is your wife's job.
Very irresponsible

>> No.18776276

I've got a job to do and so does my wife. We're not modernists.

>> No.18776380
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>You teach your child not to fall for tribalist memes.

>> No.18776657

Your wife is having a child. Big difference from you being a biological father.

>> No.18776764

Look up the Polgar sisters they seem to have turned out pretty well, their father got to raise them to be geniuses , and they don't seem to have the common autism pitfalls that you get with child prodigies. Their father said he read like 400 books before she was born or something like that