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18773889 No.18773889 [Reply] [Original]

any books about the future of the west?

>> No.18773919
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>> No.18773922
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>> No.18773929
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>> No.18773990

What is it always the good-for-nothing NEETS who don't contribute to society, with no job, no talent, sitting at home all day playing video games and occasionally crossdressing youngsters are worried about the West --which they don't even have a basic undersanding, or even an attempt to appreciate what makes West the West beyond the 1950s US magazine ads illustrations?

>> No.18773994


>> No.18774005

There are plenty of non-incels who have such views; what about Pat Buchanan

>> No.18774164
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you don't need books for that, just look out the fucking window

>> No.18774172

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.18774271

Where do I need to escape? The USA cancer is getting here too. Can I go to Russia? I don't care about quality of life I just want to escape USA influence.

>> No.18774276


>> No.18774316

I unironically considered it. I'll probably die earlier but at least I don't have to look at idiotic white people destroy everything I love and care for.

>> No.18774322

Shitty eastern european towns that never recovered after the fall of the USSR are a good bet.

>> No.18774340

My only hope is that the USA collapses before it spreads its cultural metastasis to Europe. Maybe if they put enough women and negros in charge of the nukes it will become a parking lot by human error. Hopefully a carnivorous alien race stops by and decides to wipe out your country like they always do in the movies.

>> No.18774367
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>before it spreads its cultural metastasis to Europe

>> No.18774374

Unfortunately, nowhere. The defining characteristic of the modern West is a total unwillingness to correct course or even consider correcting course, and even with global climate catastrophe on the horizon, it aims to take the whole world down with it. It terms pure statistical survival predicated on geography alone (outside of the West) the only refuges in the world are interior Russia/Asia, Tibet, and Africa.

>> No.18774379
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>> No.18774380

Europe culturally metastasized itself. Don’t kid yourself. America may be a crazed shopping mall on Black Friday but Europe is a museum.

>> No.18774384

A British bank?

>> No.18774406

It's a tragedy what they did to that building. At least I have the memories of going there as a kid before that abomination was added.

>> No.18774424

Fuck I think this is way worse than the covid meme. At least there's some plausible basis for panicking, few people are virologists and the threat of a virus is invisible and abstract. You can only go by statistics and other shit.
But the "refugee" shit, BLM, LGBT, I just don't fucking understand it, how does anyone look at what these people say and do and think "well this is better than what we had so far" I just can't fathom how fucking passive people are about this shit. You have entire cities in Europe that are filled with Africans who have not integrated for shit, shitting out kids, turning decent neighborhoods into shitholes, accompanied by people who are hired specifically to squeeze as much help they can from the institutions, while natives are treated as second class citizens, and somehow people think it's OK. They do the shit where they teach kids about being gay and this is OK. I just don't fucking understand it, people obviously dislike this but they think it's some kind of thing they have to accept even if it will disrupt the social order they build their own lives upon. Religion and other things were imposed to but it was done in order to further that framework, I have no idea why white people are accepting their own destruction with open arms like this. Is it just cowardice, is it just a way to avoid open conflict, idk. I can't say white people don't deserve to go extinct if they chose so, but I don't want to sink with the ship and I don't want to spend my life in anger as everything I care about is destroyed and trampled by 70 iq suhumans and mentally deranged degenerates buggering in the streets.

>> No.18774595

bank known for inciting wars, funding both sides. great guys

>> No.18774776

french revolution 2.0 when

>> No.18774783

>tfw no trans pan-African black supremacist gf
it hurts bros...

>> No.18774802

only white people are brainwashed to become trannies

>> No.18775060

Leo Strauss, On Tyranny.

>> No.18775076

nooo not my heckin builderinos

>> No.18775080
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>We find that adults who are African-American or Black (0.8%), Latino or Hispanic (0.8%), and of another race or ethnicity (0.6%) are more likely than White adults (0.5%) to identify as transgender.

>> No.18775084
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>> No.18775091

But it’s not American and being a managing director just means he was a highly paid salesman, or a beneficiary of nepotism with lots of connections.

>> No.18775096

>I don't want to sink with the ship and I don't want to spend my life in anger as everything I care about is destroyed and trampled by 70 iq suhumans and mentally deranged degenerates buggering in the streets.
so what will you do about it?

>> No.18775100

>Pat Buchanan
He has about the same grasp on reality as the incels desu

>> No.18775109

The adult general population is probably the issue though. The younger they are, the more transgenders there are and the white population as a percentage of whole represents a larger percentage as you go up in age. So bring 55% of a pie of young adults, a group where whites are actually closer to being the minority, is actually quite high. Our people are sick and there’s really no reason to pretend otherwise.

>> No.18775113

We should stop mass immigration however homosexuality is good and conducive to society. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.18775118

>when you live in a nightmare alternate reality fueled entirely by memes
In the real world crime keeps falling and we keeps getting richer. You live in the safest and most prosperous environment ever devised by man. If we went back to which ever golden age you are harping back to, presumably pre-WWII, you would kill yourself because of the poverty and crime

>> No.18775122

I honestly could care less about the ship at this point because as far as I can tell, there’s nothing resembling a heroic sort of life to be found the world over, and any attempts to overcome that have ended terribly. Why should I cling to driftwood only to be carried to a deserted island where I can rot in lethargy until the end of time?

>> No.18775151

>crime keeps falling
not where i live. prior to the balkan wars and its refugee waves, my country did not have gangster shootouts and mafia activity

>> No.18775209

what country

>> No.18775211

Because people are comfortable and distracted by an endless stream of electronic entertainment. It’s only when the masses can’t eat that they start caring. It doesn’t matter anyways whether the plebes care or not anyways, it only takes a small but organised and dedicated group to change society, so don’t give up hope yet.

>> No.18775269

>another "Books about...?" thread turns into a cesspool of off-topic shit flinging
What a surprise. It's almost like that's what OP wanted.

>> No.18775325

Might be Sweden
But I noticed the same thing happening in Berlin, Libanese clans easily doing their biz in the open daylight and the bureaucratic moloch can't really do anything against them except throw maybe one of them in a prison for 1-2 years or just give them a stern slap in the wrist

>> No.18775338

It’s also increased something like 300% in my area, in the United States. This is just statistical sleight of hand using macro-level trends that have little bearing on anyone’s personal day-to-day life.

>> No.18775369

>Our people are sick
I don't disagree. Still, the 55% would decrease proportionally in accordance with the lowered White youth population. Trans is BIPOC culture, sweetie.

>> No.18775462
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Take the /untergang/-pill

>> No.18776671

Every time this topic is brought up I always have the same question for people like you as this anon >>18775096. What steps have you taken to bring about the reality you want so much?
>I'm thinking of living in another country
Too cowardly, what else?
>I'm making emotive posts on /lit/ about this issue
We've seen this shit already. What else?
>I'll be more involved with the politics of my country?
The more you try to substantiate these beliefs in sincerity, with all that you are, the less and less you'll sound pitiable
>inb4 you aren't doing shit either anon!!!!
I wonder about that

>> No.18776846

>What steps have you taken to bring about the reality you want so much?
I have alienated myself from family and friends and honestly I'm starting to lose my grip as well.
I don't full believe that these issues are a hoax. Well I don't give a shit about USA's issues because I don't live there, but say with the Covid I can't deny that there is a pandemic, this SARS shit has been going for a while. But idk, I bring up statistics that say the virus isn't much worse than a flu for the vast majority of people and people say that "people are being burned in the streets, there are videos on facebook" I haven't seen any of this because I don't have facebook, but if the virus were so lethal then it would have happened everywhere right? They say well people died here too. But I've never seen mass graves. Yeah but these people were dying at home. So it's both manifest and public. And it's not like everyone dies, it's not like people weren't dying before this shit. Of course if you take every elderly person who died with flu during flu season and burn him in the street in a mass cremation it's going to look dramatic. IDK this is where people say I'm a conspiracy nuts. I also say that I want to wait out on the vaxx and they go insane because the vaxx is perfectly safe unlike the virus, then I say the virus is perfectly safe too but they're like well you have to do it anyway for the community. The same community that would cheer if I offed myself.

I don't know I'm just so fucking drained. I just want to lay down and close my eyes and rest. My brain is legit fucking hurting from dealing with bullshit and global issues and shit I don't care about 24/7 while everything I like about life gets more and more distant and unreachable.

>> No.18776878

>Trans is BIPOC culture, sweetie.
As if people who identify as trans wouldn't also posture about being nonwhite

>> No.18776883

Case in point, this is "transgender identifying" which means fuck all. Give me stats on people who are undergoing HRT.

>> No.18776893

How to make more sliiick impacted polygon buildings?

>> No.18776950

Read Ellul's Propaganda, and then stop consuming any kind of news media. You will feel much better.

>> No.18777219

Didn't I already refute your Ellul nonsense a week ago

>> No.18777239


Most of the way through it right now. I went cold turkey on the media before I started the book, but after I started reading, holy fuck, what a good decision.

>> No.18777242

>But idk, I bring up statistics that say the virus isn't much worse than a flu for the vast majority of people but extremely deadly for the groups at risk of being suffocated
Fixed for emphasis

>> No.18777249

Yes, you definitely refuted Ellul.

>> No.18777260

You're more prudent than me. I didn't disconnect until after reading the book, which was actually something of a shocking experience.

>> No.18777276

You're welcome

>> No.18777298

> what have you, individual Anon, done to complete up-end or reverse course for your entire culture, possibly the world
> noooo, you can’t do that though
> you can’t do that either because I said so
>’so never complain again, okay?

> I wonder about that
You should wonder about a lot more, retard.

>> No.18777394


The news cycles, even on AM radio, went through periods of 24/7 racism and Covid hysteria in the last 18 months. Then I started to notice people would both regurgitate exact word for word, phrases from the news, as if they were their own arguments, but also have memories for 2 weeks MAX despite some of the messaging being totally contradictory and having changed in that time.

Keep in mind, these were supposed to be the smart people of a society. So for a while I hate-listened, but eventually it wasn't worth the stress. Some people call Americans brainwashed, but nobody holds a candle to Canadians. Nobody.

All in all, so many things he says in that book makes sense.

>> No.18777415

yeah that was a mindfuck for me as well. I dont buy into conspiracies and im not /pol/ by 4chan standards but the way everybody did a 180 from "stay at home to stomp the virus" to "get out and protest against racism" was mind-boggling. It truly felt like a "we were always at war with eastasia" event, including a ridiculous study that showed that the BLM protests didnt cause any extra infections.

>> No.18777656
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>Our people are sick
The fuck do you mean "our people"? You stupid fucking mutt.

>> No.18777683

I like this architecture if I'm being honest, it looks cool!

>> No.18777887

Islam is the only thing that will save the West.
White Supremacists hate this, but it's true.

>> No.18778272

start with the greeks

>> No.18778284
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>> No.18778311


The Libeskind cancer cell works by grafting itself onto healthy cellular tissue. This has the effect of killing the healthy cell, but not before the Liebeskind cell has produced ready graft fragments, which then attach to other healthy cells. The process repeats, eventually giving rise to a necrotic lesion. This kills the organism.

>> No.18778346
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>I hate the modern west because of the gays, and trannies, and jews, and niggers
>I know lets join the Semitic religion that's mostly made up of sand people and allows child marriage and incest on a mass scale!
Al-Chudeen are so dumb

>> No.18778403

Pure cope. NEETS are the monks of the 21st century and beyond. Respect your grand wizards.

>> No.18778414


>lack of underlying reddish hue indicating low testosterone

Is this actually true or just some made up BS

>> No.18778445

I see the 56% meme went way over your head.

>> No.18778451

>burning fast food restaurant
>western civilization

>> No.18778452

It’s not. It’s just a reactionary cope, the second most obvious thing to “fascism will save the West” (it won’t).

>> No.18778489

If you think about it the Soviet Union collapsed because Gorbachev opened fucking pizza hut in Russia

>> No.18778507

>You don’t like what Pat Buchanan says or more likely, mainstream leftwing media fucktards (mainly psychotic Jews) tell you not to like what he says
Buchanan is probably the most informed, most accurate, political pundit in the country. If you want to stay safely midship on the USS Leftwing Suicide Cuck Schooner then absolutely DO NOT read Buchanan (he will cause you to start a mutiny [which would be the right thing to do if you had at least 120 IQ points and functioning testicles]).

>> No.18778508

If "Western Civilization" is now just fast food capitalism then it's probably a good thing that it's dying.