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18771588 No.18771588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im madly in love with a girl that is starting to show signs of disinterest and for some reason this fact practically has me bedridden.
is it too late bros? what books do i have to read to repair this situation?

>> No.18771604

what signs is she showing

>> No.18771612

I am sorry anon.

>> No.18771624

forget about the books anon. i just hope your bed is comfortable

>> No.18771625

Love something that isn't immediately evident (an abstraction, a supernatural entity, a god) because that will neither spurn nor give you attention (usually)

>> No.18771626

You have to fuck one of her friends as soon as possible to salvage this

>> No.18771631

Personally I would recommend prayer, but I always recommend prayer.

I was in this exact situation two years ago. You just have to let go internally anon. You dont have to tell her to fuck off or distance yourself from her, the whole
>if you love her let her go
thing is taken too far sometimes, but you do have to understand that to an extent, this is all in your head. If your own desire is making you miserable, cease to desire. Wish the good for her, but also wish it for yourself. Being bedridden over feelings for a girl is relatable, but it is not to be praised. Get up. Do some work with you hands, mind, or both. Remember that you are originally complete if sinful, and though it really feels like you are about to lose an organ, you arent. Accept that the situation is out of your control, and be at peace.

God bless you anon. If you want to talk more about it thats fine too.

>> No.18771639

don't put all your eggs in one basket bro. simple solution for simple problem

>> No.18771702

Seconding this. Ideally one she feels is more beautiful than her, you know exactly the one if you spent any time talking to her

>> No.18771744

Can't you just make a move?

Either that or wait for the guy to tell you to start with Greeks.

>> No.18771793

ignoring my texts, not wanting to hang out anymore, constantly and very randomly saying things i can only assume are meant to arouse jealousy in me
i just want her though brehs. all of her friends are nasty whores. she is the only one of her friend group that seems to have at least some semblance of purity.
god be my witness, i have tried. i just cant get myself to feel motivated to do anything.
Im too scared of rejection.

>> No.18771821

op is the kind of simp who reads sorrows of young werther and says "wow he's just like me!!" i only hope he kills himself as werther did

>> No.18771834

Literally the worst she can say is no and we live in an age where we hype things up so much that we become too afraid of these inflated fears man. I remember the first time I asked a girl out and how fucking hyped I was when she said yes. I didn't overthink it, I just thought "she's kinda cute" and went for it.

Do you guys live near a bowling alley? See if she wants to meet up to go bowling or something. Do something fun, maybe get a few drinks towards the end of the night.

Be like:

"Hey, I've got some time off next week if you want to do something, just the two of us?" and see where it goes from there.

You can do this, man. If you think she's losing interest then taking the initiative might spark that interest back up and if she says no then you can move on.

>> No.18771985

I just think rejection, on top of numerous other things troubling my life right now, i wouldnt be able to handle. I dread the "no" would be the tipping point and id rather not risk it.

>> No.18772010
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>you show interest in woman
>woman stops showing interest in you
>you stop showing interest in woman
>woman shows interest in you

>> No.18772020

You've got to put yourself first. Plenty of other women will come along. I know that when my depression flares up, I struggle with that sort of thing.

You're gonna make it.

>> No.18772027

It is one of the problems with women, or they think its a sort of game or something:3

You can see it in action with Butterfly, for some reason her actions are motivated by her not wanting to feel pleasurable about life HERSELF. Fascinating.

>> No.18772035

The sad reality is that rejection is painful, and doctors want to keep you on pills to keep it away. :3

The reality is that the world needs to change.

>> No.18772042

This is nothing but the vanity of youth. It doesn't matter in the end if she says no, if she says yes you have a lot to gain potentially. You aren't a main character in a novel, the clock is ticking, possibilities receding into the void. Act. ACT!

>> No.18772056



>> No.18772072

I don't know what kind of Semitic psychobabble this is but it doesn't change the fact that the end of the universe draws nearer by the second, we're all racing towards the void. Live, breathe, conquer, fail, rage against the futility of it all. ACT.

>> No.18772094


make a fucking move retard, you think she is going to just sit there waiting for you to make a move forever? are you retarded?

>> No.18772103

Honestly this: >>18771626
If you can't then work on that. I sympathise, nature is brutal.

>> No.18772112

I'm saying that the woman should reciprocate your advances if they are more righteous. :3

>> No.18772149

is she not?

>> No.18772457

well then what the fuck are you expecting retard? you cant make a girl interested in you if you literally never ask her out or hangout with her alone at all

>> No.18772512

learn to read

>> No.18772514

Sorry, anon. It isn't worth it in my opinion. Pick someone who loves you with intensity. They will become more than you see initially.

>> No.18772519

>what books do i have to read to repair this situation?
Imagine reading a book so a girl gives you attention? Is there a world where something like this would work? Why a book? Books are large, think fast, get out of here.

>> No.18772530

She's losing interest because you won't do anything retard. If she's trying to make you jealous that might be her last ditch effort to get you to say anything if she was ever interested. If she wasn't you have nothing to lose anyway. Stop being a pussy or you'll regret it forever. It's like the other anon said, the worst that could happen is her saying no and you feel bad for a few days (but a lot less worse than you feel right now)

>> No.18772538

Stop being such a fag holy shit

>> No.18772578
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I've never done anything like that though, where would i begin? how do i tell her? HOW

>> No.18772580

>i just cant get myself to feel motivated to do anything.
you think you can hold a girl if you don't feel motivated to do anything? if you were put in a novel you would ruin that novel irreparably because nothing would happen. it would be boring. you need to make moves, make things happen. do you not see how trite this is? how old are you? the other anon was right. literally just say the magic words
>yo i'm dying to (see this play, go to this concert, etc), wanna go? you're my first choice here, otherwise i've got to ask my plan Bs

>> No.18772596

Op I’m going through the same as you, I am honestly not sure what to do, in my case I dedicated myself to giving her attention and being there for her for the longest time and now that I have to face the fact that she doesn’t feel the same despite my efforts, I don’t feel motivation nor confidence to try anything else. Despite that i think the only thing you can do is learn from this, lying around isn’t going to solve anything and as hard as it might be to be rational about this, it’s the only way. Focus on yourself, start off slowly, most importantly find something to do, preferably something you can noticeably improve in, and someone to talk to, perhaps find someone else, just don’t rush things and try to learn from what happened. Godspeed friend

>> No.18772630

>I dedicated myself to giving her attention and being there for her for the longest time

and in all that time did you ever actually seal the deal? youre the last person who should be spouting advice to OP, and it shows. Op shouldn't be "looking inward and working on himself" he should be doing exactly what he was doing before, only actually making a move instead of just just going on and on endlessly until the poor girl gives up and moves on with her life

>> No.18772652
File: 7 KB, 264x215, 2021-08-03 04_00_11-Facebook — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here look i just asked a girl to a concert literally one minute ago in honor of you (pic related). see how easy it is? you don't need to say "my fair maiden, how would you like to go on a date?" just fucking say anything, just do something (shia labeouf style)!

this is a good short story by chekhov
don't think he even asks this lady even once to go on a date if i recall, but they end up convincingly madly in love regardless because he's a dynamic character

>> No.18772655

okay, then what? how do i confess without looking like a retard?
we're both in our late teens btw

>> No.18772672

Okay you've inspired me. Tomorrow i'll ask her out to see a movie or something, pray for me

>> No.18772678

>late teens
thank god. but confess what? you dont need to come out and confess anything, just build to it like a sane person. sure there will be a critical moment but you'll know when. when i was a teenager my methods were in retrospect rather creepy, what i would call "breaking the touch barrier", involved getting a girl comfortable with my touch, arm on a shoulder, getting very close while watching a video together, stuff like that, and building from there. it's rather creepy of me because i was totally conscious of it, and they didn't think i was. worked tho, but i dont care half as much now adays to put in that kind of work

>> No.18772716

nvm i guess i wasn't being creepy. there's like fucking sober buzzfeed articles and reddit threads about the concept (again, it works),
can't believe this behavior hasn't gotten cancelled

in that case, anon, THIS is your bible for getting somewhere with a girl. you have to be very slow and very gradual https://www.emlovz.com/how-to-break-the-touch-barrier-with-a-girl-you-like/

>> No.18772738


>> No.18772912
File: 9 KB, 250x232, FC9CB203-3D1B-4581-B909-3DB519C5DFBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to me, I thought she liked me but now she’s trying to slowly stop talking to me, I don’t know what I did but you can’t get too hung up on it, woe is life

>> No.18772918

No offense OP but you sound like a bitch.

>> No.18772969

Great advice, anon.

>> No.18772975

Get a tan, hit the gym with steroids and she will begin to show interest again

>> No.18772994

Ignore the other fag. You're based as fuck

>> No.18772998

>overdramatic whining about random women

read In Search of Lost Time

>> No.18773043

Can you think of the foulest, most runny, gassy, stinky shit you've ever taken? You know she's taken shits like that and worse right? Shits that would make you actually hurl if you were standing next to her. You know what else she does? Sticks her finger up her butt and sniffs it after the diarrhea
You're going to have like 4-5 different girls like this in your teens and 20s and you need to learn now that they mostly aren't special. Think hard about whether you really like her or if you're being a whiny bitch and staying in bed because you want some pussy attached to a cute face

>> No.18773044

Don't listen to this nigga PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE

>> No.18773066

What a fucking fag, just tell her how you feel. How fucking hard is this shit?

>> No.18773082

All you EVER need to do in this situation is ignore them back. Do not say a fucking word to her, don't double text or any of that FAGGOT shit. If she cares, you'll freak her out and be able to control the situation again. If she doesn't care, then you saved yourself some time and you can find a new bitch

>> No.18773098

You have two options

1)Go for one of her friends, ideally someone close to her attractiveness that will be receptive, but even less attractive is okay if you can imagine her thinking and comparing herself to the friend

2) disappear from her life completely and stop talking to her 100% with no explanation. As much as reasonably possible, the abrupter the better, and she'll likely come around asking what happened

>> No.18773119

>she'll likely come around asking what happened
How do you handle this situation then?

>> No.18773122

that's just as fucking beta as doing nothing, because it IS doing nothing. you're just reframing it as "woah look at how above the situation i am, ignoring this girl" have you ever had sex in your life? girls dont just magically take control after being ignored once. fucking cringe
>go for one of her friends
useless advice, i don't get why anons think it's impossible to fuck a girl without making her SEETHE beforehand.
>disappear from her life completely
this is literally just "wait around and hope she responds back" but you're larping as a chad in the meantime

>> No.18773144

this lol

>> No.18773273

>i just cant get myself to feel motivated to do anything.
That would make any girl disinterested. She probably thinks that you're not really interested if you're not doing anything even when she's trying to make you jealous.

>> No.18773326

Not that anon but don't over think it OP. Just take it easy and you'll be alright. I believe in you

>> No.18773341

Ok, I said something earlier but I have thought about it some more. When is the last time you spent time with her

>> No.18773348

You have the wrong mindset.

Taking the action before you feel it inside you, and it will often become real to you. If you disappear from her life 100%, stop hanging around like a needy loser, you may find that you really don't crave her and find her so special like you thought you did. Then, most of the time, the girl comes around again because she's not used to guys just dipping and going on like they don't care (unless it's Chad). They don't like it, it makes them feel self-conscious, like "aren't I special enough to pine over and lose sleep over? Why isn't he hanging around like he usually is?"

watch Swingers with Vince Vaughn

>> No.18773370

Read Shakespeare to understand women.

What's happening is likely either
Cleopatra to an underling (re: spying on Antony):
>See where he is, who’s with him, what he does. If you find him sad, Say I am dancing; if in mirth, report that I am sudden sick.

or #2.
Sue Bridehead in Hardy's Jude the Obscure
>At first I did not love you, Jude; that I own. When I first knew you I merely wanted you to love me. I did not exactly flirt with you; but that inborn craving which undermines some women’s morals almost more than unbridled passion—the craving to attract and captivate, regardless of the injury it may do the man—was in me; and when I found I had caught you, I was frightened... it began in the selfish and cruel wish to make your heart ache for me without letting mine ache for you.

>> No.18773376

>>At first I did not love you, Jude; that I own. When I first knew you I merely wanted you to love me. I did not exactly flirt with you; but that inborn craving which undermines some women’s morals almost more than unbridled passion—the craving to attract and captivate, regardless of the injury it may do the man—was in me; and when I found I had caught you, I was frightened... it began in the selfish and cruel wish to make your heart ache for me without letting mine ache for you.

That is one of the most horrible and cruel things I have ever read.

>> No.18773402

Corey wayne - how to be a 3% man. Just stop it anon. Stop it and give into the self help books. Your methods are shit, you don't know what you're doing. Accept it and improve. Goodluck.